
Love me Emperor

" I wasn't suppose to love you but i can't help falling in hard for you" He said gazing into her eyes..."Sorry that i love you, more than i should"...... A girl married to a royal prince whom she's never met before. Her husband though handsome is not like other men, men whom a girl would want to marry.. Will love blossom between them?Or is it going to be a torture for the girl.? N.b:-The cover picture used is taken from Pinterest and is not my original picture thuse i do not own the copyright to this...The copyright goes to the rightful owner.

Chichi_Yun · Urbain
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32 Chs


I stood still at the kitchen .I didn't really wanted to move to the Royal palace. And i will have to go far away from my other which was breaking my heart. I never thought about this day would come.Now i was getting how serious the situation was.There will be no one i know there and i have to be all alone. I wanted to cry but tears were not coming out.It's like a heavy stone is being stuck in my heart, a very heavy one which i cannot share with anyone,not even mother.If i tell her about this she will be worried and there's no one to take care of her.I will have to smile for her.

I quickly went o the room and went up to Valin.

"uummm..Can i go meet mother?'' i asked politely.

He looks at me and asks.."Why?"

I gathered my courage and replied, "I just wanna see her before i go"

He pauses for a moment and says, "Okay. I'll ask the driver to send you there"

My face brightened up and i said, "thank you"

Few minutes later i was in the car on the way to my mother's house.Along the way i was reminded of this familiar place that i grew up with.The breeze here, the streets the faces. I was really going to miss all of there..

I arrived at mother's house and knocked on the door.She opens the door and was delighted to see me.

"My baby!! Is that you?" she cried..

"Yes mom, This is me" i said while throwing myself in her arms.I hugged like iv'e never hugged her before..

"I missed you. " i said..

"Awww..I miss you too...But why are you here?' she ask..

"I came to meet you" i replied..

"....Okay..Come in" she said while taking my hand and leading me inside.

I looked around the house.I was really going to miss this place.I was trying my best to hold in my tears.

We both sat down in the sofa.Mom was still holding my hand and then she had a serious look in her face.."Is everything okay my dear?" she asks in a concerned voice.

"Yeah..Everything is okay mom.I am very happy with Valin" i said..

" are you sure?Is he nice to you? You can be honest with me my baby" she says.

I don't want to tell her about what is going on between Valin and me because it might worry her.."Yeah..He is super nice" i said while smiling at her..

"that's a relief..If you're happy then i am happy too" she says while stroking my cheeks..

That nearly broke me.Tear actually filled my eyes.

"What happen?Why are you about to cry?" she asks..

"Nothing mom..I just miss you so much.It's hard to be away from you" i said while trying to control my emotions.

"aww my dear..Come here" she then gave me a warm hug."i miss you every single day too.This house is empty without you but you're married now so we have to get used to this life." her voice was shaking while saying this. I could feel that she was trying not to break down too.

I sniffed my tears in and said.."Mom.We have to move to the Royal palace tonight" ..

Mother stops talking for a while and takes a deep sigh.."I know my dear.You're married to a prince. The next emperor.So he has to live there"

"But why did we move to this new place if the palace was there? " i asked curiously.

"well..The emperor decided to let you two get closer to each other by placing you both in a separate place, away from the hustle of the royalties." she says.

Now i get it what Valin was saying earlier.But why are we moving in back so early to the Palace?The time given for us isn't even enough!!!

"But mom...I was just married few weeks back and this is not enough to know each other!" i said.

"I know my dear.Even i am confused as to why the Emperor changed his mind so fast.He wanted to give a 1 year time for you both to get close.." she replies all confused..I was confused too.

"But whatever it is.You have to go to the Palace anyway so my dear, please take care of yourself.You're lucky to get Valin as a husband." she says.

Little did she know what a rude person Valin is.But i chose to keep quite."Yes mother..I will ..You have to take care of yourself too okay"

"I will" she replies....

We sat talking to each other for over an hour.Then it was time for me to move.

"mom i have to go now' i said

"hhmmmm...Okay Farie..Please take care of yourself and Valin too okay.It will be hard at first but remember patience is the key.Just be patient and trust your husband in whatever he do." she said..

I nodded and hugged her one last time..I said my goodbyes to her and left the house..

I was back home and saw that everything was packed.Valin was in the living room on the phone..

"Yes..I will do that.You just take care and call me if something comes up"he says...

I walked past the living room and went to the bedroom.I didn't wanna do anything.Every single thing, starting from the marriage and now to moving in to the palace was happening just way too fast. Valin comes behind me..

"Why are you standing here like an idiot" he says rudely.

I closed my eyes and sigh.**Yes this is how my life is now** i thought to myself....

"nothing.." i said.

"we're moving..Just get ready" he said.

Without replying anything i went to the bathroom.Honestly i didn't think it will be this bad.But it was way too bad.It's hard to have a normal conversation with him.

Few minutes later we were in the car,on our way to the Royal palace.Saying goodbye to the city that i grew up.