
Love me Emperor

" I wasn't suppose to love you but i can't help falling in hard for you" He said gazing into her eyes..."Sorry that i love you, more than i should"...... A girl married to a royal prince whom she's never met before. Her husband though handsome is not like other men, men whom a girl would want to marry.. Will love blossom between them?Or is it going to be a torture for the girl.? N.b:-The cover picture used is taken from Pinterest and is not my original picture thuse i do not own the copyright to this...The copyright goes to the rightful owner.

Chichi_Yun · Urbain
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32 Chs

AT the Library

Valin Grinds his teeth ..He shuts his laptop and walks out from the room...

I didn't care much because i was busy doing my work..

(That same evening..

It was already past dinner time...Linda came in and told me the dinner was ready but because my deadline was near i had to finish up my job so i couldn't go to the dining room .Linda brings in my dinner instead.

"Don't forget to have your dinner" she says and leaves the room

"Okay" i replied and continued working..

I was tired and ran out of ideas..I keep sighing heavily..Just then Valin comes back, He sees me being so restless..

"Why do you look like a ghost" he smirks..

I glared at him with sharp eyes..

"pppffttttt"... he laughs...."You look so ugly".....

I was already tense about my work and he was really getting on my nerves..I took my laptop and decided to finish my job in the library..I reached the hallway and it was very silent...I slowly walked inside the library and found myself a good spot to sit down ..

I put down my laptop and took a deep breath....I tried to concentrate closing my eyes and calming my mind..As i was doing that i heard footsteps coming towards me...I opened my eyes and was terrified,..Just before i turned around i felt a hand on my shoulder..

"aahhh" i shrieked..

"aahhh..Im' sorry..I didn't mean to scare you.."....It was Jason...

I looked at him surprised..."Jason?"

"What are you doing here at this hour?" he questions...

"ahh...I...was trying to finish my work..." i replied..

"here??Why not do it in the room?" he asks..

"ummm..I didn't wanna disturb Valin's sleep.That's why" i lied..

"aahhh i see..... " he says..

"what are you doing here?" i asked him in return..

"well i came to put back few books i took for reading and was planning to take other books instead..." he replies with a smile..

" i see"....i uttered...

We both went silent for few seconds and then he continues..."can i sit here for a while?" he asks pointing to the opposite chair that was there/...

"oh yes ...Why not" i replied trying not to sound too awkward..But inside i was already very nervous..

He sits down and takes out of of the book and starts reading it..I sat quietly trying to work ..But i was way to distracted..I had come here so that i can work peacefully without any disturbances but just look how it turned out..Running way from younger brother led me to his elder brother...I kept wishing he would go away soon, but guess what..He didn't!!!! I was screaming inside..Few minutes past and i still couldn't start anything..I kept staring into my screen..I got tired and sighs..Jason hears it and looks at me..

"Is everything okay?" he asks,,..

"aahh..yeah..I'm fine..It's just that i am out of ideas".. i replied...

'Hmmmm i see.. What about you take a rest?" he suggests..

"uuhhh...maybe i should" i reply shyly...

He smiles and me and puts down the book he was reading..Then he puts his hands on the table and looks at me..'I saw you were reading the Novel about Randolph earlier?" he questions...

"huh? ..Oh yeah...." i replied..."Have you read that book too?" i asked him curiously..

"yes....." he replies...and then he says..."you know what happens to Randolph?" he questions sseriously..

"Ummm... He dies mysteriously right?" i replied him with an unsure tone....

He smiles and then says...."He kills himself" ....

My eyes were wide opened....."What?? But....." i utters in surprised..

"I know ..you're about to say that it's not written in the book right.." he says..

"yes" i replied..

"It's not written because the author actually published another book about Randolph in the other book" he says...

"There's another book? I didn't see any 2nd edition" i said confused...

" Because those books were only published in few copies... And only few people knows what really happens..." he re[plies with a deep voice..

I was very curious.."I wanna know what happens" i asked him curiously...

He stares at me in silence and then take a deep breath..."aahhhhhh.....I don't know about it in detail either...That's all i know" he replies shrugging his shoulders...

I was disheartened...I really wanted to know what happened...

He then stood up and takes the book from the table..

"it's very late now...Why not go back to your room and sleep" he says..

"i have a deadline so i have to finish my work" i replied looking up at him..

"I see..well.. don't push yourself okay..I'm going back to my room now..." he says..

"Okay ..Have a goodnight.." i replied..

He then walks away from the library..I stayed back being so curious about Randolph..I really wanted to know what happened...It made my heart very heavy...

"aagghhhh..I should stop thinking about it .." saying this i got back to my work..

(An hour later)

Meanwhile in the room Valin takes a shower and gets ready to sleep when he notices that my dinner was still in the table and i haven't had it yet.. He takes a deep sigh..."How can this woman be so clumsy and careless" he muttered..."And where the hell did she went off to at this time of the night!!" he complains in an irritated voice

He comes out of the room and walks around looking for me,,He looks in the living room and din't see me there, in the Tv room, in the balcony, i wasn't there..He was getting more annoyed.."Whatever!! Why do i even care,,She has feet so she can come back by herself.." saying this he was returning back to the room when he notices that the door to the library was opened..

He enters inside and looks around...At first he couldn't see were i was but while walking around he sees me...With my laptop open but i was already asleep soundly...