
Love me Emperor

" I wasn't suppose to love you but i can't help falling in hard for you" He said gazing into her eyes..."Sorry that i love you, more than i should"...... A girl married to a royal prince whom she's never met before. Her husband though handsome is not like other men, men whom a girl would want to marry.. Will love blossom between them?Or is it going to be a torture for the girl.? N.b:-The cover picture used is taken from Pinterest and is not my original picture thuse i do not own the copyright to this...The copyright goes to the rightful owner.

Chichi_Yun · Urbain
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32 Chs

A luxury room

Few hours later we entered the Royal territory.The air was totally different than the city.It looks more elegant and high class.We went through various high buildings and then we reached the Palace.The land where the Palace was enormous. Surrounded by lots of trees and greeneries. In the middle the palace stood like a pure white marble statue. By looking at the Royal palace i can say that this palace was made quite few generations back!...Just which generation is Valin from?I was getting more nervous and confused as to why an emperor from such a Royalty ask my hand in marriage for his son, who was more dashing and handsome and smart.He could have gotten any princess from other territories. I sank deep in the car seat..I didn't dare look outside anymore.I feel like i was going to be held captive here for the rest of my life.

Valin sees me fidgeting and asks.."what's wrong?"..

"uh?....ah....Nothing...I think i'm getting carsick.." i lied..

'Hey don't you dare throw up here!!" he shouted..

"aahhh...noo..I'm not going throw up.."i said blushing.

"Tch!! You better not or else i will throe you out of the car" he says rudely..

There goes he and his foul mood....

We arrived at the palace door and there were tons of servants waiting for us withe their heads down low, welcoming their young master..

"welcome home master" they all said..

We walk pass them and entered the palace...Woahhh!!!!!!The inside looked like a big dome . There was stairs going up to the second floor..Everything inside feels like it was made of gold.Everything was sparkling. I walked in awe.... Valin still walking ahead of me looks back and sees me getting lost looking around..

"walk fast you slow poke" he says rudely..

I looked at him annoyed..He does know how to ruin my mood every time..

I followed him and we came to a bedroom that was in the top floor..The space inside was bigger than our previous room!!...10 times bigger!! No wonder he was calling it a shabby place.

He quickly undresses and goes to shower. I walked around the room and noticed there was a balcony..I stepped outside and saw the most beautiful i've ever seen..I could see the whole city, like a colorful canvas.

"wow!!" i gasped in surprise....Such a luxury room..For few minutes i totally forgot where i was standing and who i was..I was enjoying the view so much..

Valin suddenly comes out of the bathroom and looks around for me..Then he sees me adoring the view..

"What are you doing..Don't tell me you're gonna jump from there." he says while drying his hair with a towel..

"I pouted and looked at him..

"well not that i care..Go ahead' saying this he turns away and goes out of the room.

"Just what is his problem" why is he so rude!!!" I still couldn't get what he is thinking..

All i want is a normal relationship where we will behave like a normal married couple....

I was breathing heavily with anger.Just then there was a knock on the door.

"May i come in?" the voice said..

"ah..Yes" i replied

Then a butler comes in with few maids , bringing in all the luggage..

"Your luggage are here" he says.

"ahh..Thank you" i said.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Chichi_Yuncreators' thoughts