
Love me Emperor

" I wasn't suppose to love you but i can't help falling in hard for you" He said gazing into her eyes..."Sorry that i love you, more than i should"...... A girl married to a royal prince whom she's never met before. Her husband though handsome is not like other men, men whom a girl would want to marry.. Will love blossom between them?Or is it going to be a torture for the girl.? N.b:-The cover picture used is taken from Pinterest and is not my original picture thuse i do not own the copyright to this...The copyright goes to the rightful owner.

Chichi_Yun · Urbain
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32 Chs

"As if i care!"

I quickly turned around and slipped away to the other side of the library where i couldn't see him anymore.Linda kept following me giggling.I got annoyed with her..

"Just what is wrong with you?!" i asked..

"...I..I'm sorry..It's just that you become different whenever you are near Master Jason.."she replies

"No i'mt not" i denied..

"well...you know yourself better" she replies giggling again..

Well honestly i do feel different when i see him.My heart pounds more harder and i am always kinda nervous near him.I shouldn't be feeling this..This is not normal at all.I am married to his younger brother so i have to be careful to not let my feelings grow in...

"You're thinking too much" i said to Linda and sat down in a sofa that was kept in that room.This library is sure a luxury.I was loving every part of it..

So i started reading the book that i took out....This book was a story about a guy named Randolph and how he became a leader. Here how the story goes.

A man named Randolph infiltrates one kingdom, pretending to be a carpenter to work inside the palace.He was assigned to work in the sheds where dozens of king's horses are kept..He worked for 8 years and tried his best to gain king's favor..In the process the princess who loves horse riding came across Randolph in the shed and became friends.. Everyday she would sneak out of palace to meet him and sometimes would go for a horse ride in the forest..She started falling for Randolph deeply and she trusted him so much that he would sneak him inside the palace through the secret passage that no one knows except his father and few of his chief armies. while Randolph is inside doing his plan,his people started coming in the village pretending to be beggars, merchants and business men.. One night Randolph decides to execute his plan and he leads his people through the secret passage and then kills the king in his bed room along with the rest of the soldiers who were inside the palace..He then goes to the roof and shoots a flare to let the rest of his people who was outside the village know that the king is dead and they can take over the village...He then turns back to return when he sees the Princess standing behind him,with tears and unable to talk.She was in a state of shock..When Randolph tries to get close to her she runs to the other side and throws herself over from the roof , falling feets down and died on the spot....

After that infiltration Randolph rules that place for 3 years but dies due to unknown circumstances...

After reading this story I was really immersed and was deeply saddened by it that i started crying...I was sobbing when Linda freaks out..

"what happen!!??" she asks..

"sob...sob..Nothing..I hate this person...Why did he do this to her.." i replied..

"huh? What are you talking about" Linda questions..

"This story here.... I hate this man here...Good that he died " i said..

"aahhhh..You're talking about the story? You worried me...It's just a story..Why are you over reacting?" she chuckles...

I know it's just a fictional story but something really bugged me.Why was i so touched by it.I myself am a writer but never have i been bothered by any kind of story.I had a hunch that this book was connected to me, like a prenomination..

I couldn't stop my tears.Just then Jason comes.."Is everything okay" he asks concerned.

I turned the other way and quickly wiped away my tears and looked at him with a smile.."Oh yes everything is fine." i replied..

He then sees the book at me and smiles..."Okay..Well i have to go now.You can stay here and read as much book as you want " he says..

'Ahh..Okay..Thank you" i replied..

He smiles and leaves the library...I took a deep sigh.My mood was still not good...

Then i got up and started reading other books to distract my mind.

Few hours later a maid comes in..."Madam, the lunch is served and Master Valin is waiting for you in the dining hall" she says..

"oh..It's already lunch? Okay we're coming" i said and put all the books back on the shelf..

I reached the dining hall with Linda and saw that Valin was already there waiting..I sat down next to him again.He was busy in his phone and didn't even look at me..Few minutes later Jason comes in and Valin puts away his phone..

"i am sorry..Did i make you guys wait for long?" he asks ..

"No brother...We just came in" he says..

He sure does respect his brother very much.. changes whenever Jason is near..

The maids started serving the lunch.There was a bunch of items.Just like a 5 start hotel everything was decorated so beautifully..I was in awe seeing all these.As expected i wasn't able to have it properly..

When we were all eating Jason asks Valin...'How's everything going?"

Valin replies,"Yes..everything is okay"..

"it's good to know that you are working hard but you have to make time for Farie as well..She's your wife.." Jason says seriously..

I flinched a bit when i heard that..I don't want that!!

Valin simple replies, " yes brother i will do so"..

What????!!!!!.... It's good that he obeys his brother but being humble to this point is something very stupid... We just continued eating our food quietly..Everything was very awkward..

After lunch was done we were back in our room..I had to finish up few of my works so i sat down with my laptop and started working...Valin comes in and looks at me but doesn't say a word...I didn't say anything either...He just goes over to the balcony and sat with his laptop too..

I was working when he say in a rude voice.."Just because i said yes to brother don't expect me to do that."

"what?" i asked..

"It's just as you heard" he replies ..

"aahhh..That..Well i have already forgotten about it actually..I don't really like to remember unimportant things" i said with an uninterested voice..

He glares at me but i pretended to be busy in my laptop..

"Tell me you're just mad because i am not giving any interest in you" he utters ..

"As if i care" i replied while still working..