
Love me (Todobakudeku)

Guys I dunno what I'm doing with this book. I will start rewriting and then stop. I hope you enjoy it even though the quality is pretty bad.

Blondkitten25 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs


'Monday,' Izuku thought to himself as soft spring colors caught his eye from the forbidden view of the window. Subtle pink petals flew through the air, reminding Izuku of fond childhood memories he held dear. Izuku had drowned out Aizawa a long time ago, knowing he didn't need to withhold the information. The whispers of the soft wind rubbing against the building were much more enjoyable.

As the lunch bell rang, Izuku slowly stood from his chair, stretching his previously hunched back. He needed a nap and was planning on visiting the roof. Ochoco was suddenly in front of his desk, tangling her fingers in the front of her skirt. Izuku pulled himself out of his thoughts to listen to the small girl speak.

"Hey, Deku-Kun, are you going to lunch?" She asks.

Izuku resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he thought. I can't deal with her clingy ness today. Izuku formulated his eyes back to the girl in view, a soft smile sporting his lips.

"Sorry, Ochoco but, I'm gonna study," he said, enthusiastically hoping the brunette would quickly leave.

"Oh, okay. See you later, Deku-kun," she smiled and turned to leave the classroom.

Izuku stood still, waiting for the rest of the class to filter out before leaving. He traced his fingers over the freshly painted walls while walking to the rooftops stairway.

The greenette slowly made his way up the stairs, using his strength to open the heavy doors. The brisk wonder scent of spring filled Izuku's nose as his feet met the balcony. Izuku's detailed headache melted away as he found a spot to sit. He tossed his bag to the side and opened his phone, quickly untangling his headphones as well.

Izuku pushed his headphones in and shuffled his playlist, not in the mood to search for anything specific. The intro of "Changes" slowly filled his head, causing the male to calm once more. Izuku rested his head against his bag, his eyes slowly becoming heavier until he fell asleep.

"Oi Deku, move! You're in my spot!" Katsuki grumbled, softly nudging Izuku with his foot.

"Fine, kacchan," Izuku announced, glaring up.

Izuku brought his hands up to his cheeks, softly rubbing them as if that would help him wake up. The wetness of his face caused alarm to peek in his eyes for a moment before the realization hit him. 'I was crying. Probably another nightmare? I don't remember.' Katsuki's crimson eyes softened as Izuku struggled to remember something. Izuku glanced up Katsuki's usual hate-filled glare wasn't as strong. He seemed concerned...

"Kacchan, are you okay?" Izuku asked, his slightly puffy eyes scrunching.

"What, yeah, fine. Are you?" Katsuki asked, sitting down next to his old friend.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, um… you were crying," Katsuki says, wiping a tear from Izuku's pale, fragile cheek.

Izuku felt the warm palm of his old friend pressing against his cheek, automatically leaning into the touch. It had been oh so long since the two touched like this. Izuku's eyes softly glistened as he took in Katsuki's figure. 'The lighting would be perfect for a picture.

"Kacchan, I'm fine," Izuku looked right into his crimson eyes. 'He's worried, fuck.'

"Deku...," Katsuki's voice losest pitch and hugged Izuku.

Izuku tensed in Katsuki's arms, feeling ashamed of the anxious feeling building in his stomach. Izuku tried to relax, playing happy memories of the two in his mind, hoping that would somehow calm him down. It worked, and Izuku eased, hugging the blonde back, as well as softly crying into his shoulder. Katsuki slowly rubbed Izuku's back, whispering sweet nothings to the greenette. Izuku slowly fell asleep, gripping his friend's arms sleeping.

"Damn it, Deku," Katsuki whispered under his breath.

Katsuki reached for Izuku's hand that was gripping his arm. Katsuki intertwined their fingers, moving his thumb over the small patch of skin he could access. Izuku's soft snores and sleepy movements were cute. 'What? Nevermind, it's cute."

Katsuki picked up Izuku's phone, texting the first contact he saw to pick up the greenette.


Todoroki's phone buzzed, causing the duel haired male to straighten. He picked up his phone, almost immediately standing up. Some people stopped to stare as Todoroki raced out of the cafe to get his "friend."

"Hey, Icy-hot," Katsuki said, brushing past Todoroki walking down the hall.

Todoroki continued to walk down the corridor, wandering to the roof. Izuku was sleeping peacefully, his head resting against his lumpy backpack. Todoroki picked the sleeping male, carefully carrying Izuku to his room.


Izuku shuffled underneath his tucked in sheets. Todoroki sat up from the floor, watching the greenette stir. Izuku's eyes fluttered open, meeting the brown and gray one. Izuku sat up, softly rubbing his head.

"Wait, todo-kun, where am I?" he asks, watching the duel haired male cock his head.

"In your room," Todoroki answered.

"Oh, um… why are you here?"

"I brought you here."

Izuku's eyes went slightly wide as he remembered where he was before. Izuku smiled softly, trying to hide the memory that just flashed over his face.

"Todoroki, join me in bed. No need for you to sit on the floor," Izuku stated.

Izuku pulled the blanket off himself, making more room for the duel haired male to sit. Todoroki slid onto the bed, feeling a small mass place itself on his shoulder. Izuku's fluffy hair brushed Todoroki's neck, causing the icy-hot male to blush.

"Midoriya, what's…"


Izuku turned his head softly rubbing, his nose against Todoroki's neck. Todoroki softly gasped and gripped the bedsheets, allowing Izuku to continue his neckfest. Izuku felt the taller male tense and stoped.

"Todo-kun, are you okay?" Izuku asked, his lips pressing ever so gently against the pale skin of his friend.

"Uh-huh," Todoroki huffed softly.

Izuku stopped and moved away from his flustered friend. Todoroki's body relaxed and, he turned to his friend, his eyebrows furrowing in worry, hoping Izuku didn't understand what this meant.

"Midoriya, please don't tell anyone about this," Todoroki asked, after collecting himself.

"Pinky promise," Izuku says, as he winked and stuck out his pinky.

"Huh, pinky promise," Todoroki intertwined his pinky with Izuku's.


Katsuki styled his hair in the mirror, his mind wandering. Izuku filled his thoughts. Somehow the greenette weaseled his way into Katsuki's mind in a positive light.

'Huh. I have to tell that damn nerd my feelings, don't I?'

"Today's the day," Katsuki mumbles to himself as he made his way to the school.


Katsuki placed his note delicately on the greenette's desk, praying no one saw him. He noticed another note but ignored it. Katsuki sat at his desk, playing on his phone casually.

Izuku entered the room, making his way to his seat, unannounced to the crimson eyes glued to his as he walked. Katsuki rolled his eyes at the greenette, knowing full well he just wanted to cuddle.

Izuku noticed the two folded notes placed on his desk. Izuku picked up the flimsy paper of the first note, carefully folding it under his fingers. He scanned the intro, recognizing Todoroki's delicate and feminine handwriting.


Oh, such a beautiful name. I wish we could share. Oh, how I've fallen with you. I yearned to tell you for so long but, alas.

I wish I could vocalize my sincere love for you. So I shall do so from now on. Izuku Midoriya, I love you.


Todoroki. "

Izuku's face heated as he squeezed the note. His eyes shot up to the duel haired male across the room, who was facing the board. Izuku quickly folded the not, slipping it back into the envelope, hoping he could make it to his friend before class started.

"Alright, class," Aziwa-Sensi says, entering the room. Izuku sat back down in his chair, wondering when the best time to talk would be.


Izuku unraveled the second envelope, untangling the note, the pink paper surprising the young male. Izuku took a record of Katsuki's handwriting as he scanned it.

"Deku-kun your muttering," Ochoco tells him, blankly, her tone sharp.

"Oh, sorry!"

Izuku finished the note with a sigh. His emerald eyes searched to find a clock; The clock read 12:23. Izuku hummed and tapped his pencil against the desk until the bell rang.

"Class dismissed," the teacher called.

Izuku solemnly strolled down the hall, his hands tracing patterns over the bricks as he walked. Few students walked this hallway so, Izuku wasn't worried about being seen.

Izuku walked the stairs and opened the door. Katsuki sat in the same spot as before, his head-turning to meet the greenette with the opening door.

"Kacchan," Izuku called, running towards the sitting male.

Katsuki's cheeks dusted pink, causing the greenette to worry. Izuku reached out, his cold fingertips brushing Katsuki's skin. Katsuki leaned in, his face completely red.

"I-Izuku, I like you!" Katsuki said, hoping Izuku's hand wouldn't leave his face.

Izuku's face lost color and, his hand fell from Katsuki's face. Izuku slowly stood up and started backing toward the door.

"Kacchan... I have to go!" Izuku stated before running off.

'Dammit, Izuku. Why did you do that!'

Izuku turned the corner of one of the halls casually, bumping into someone. The duel haired male grabbed Izuku's arm, holding the jittery male still. Izuku looked up, his eyes going wide.

"Sorry, Todo-kun," he squeaked, pulling out of Todoroki's grip, continuing to run.


Izuku slowly pulled open the door of the dorms, making his way to the elevator. He pressed the button watching the doors unlocked. Izuku stepped in and felt the elevator start. The doors opened once more and, Izuku made his way to his room.

Izuku walked into his room, tossing his bag in the corner. His shoes made their way off his feet as he made his way to the bed. Izuku threw himself into his comforter, snuggling into it. The tears already started flowing, quickly covering his arms and sheets.

"Come in," Izuku says, quietly responding to the knock.

The door opened, revealing the worrying blonde. Katsuki slowly made his way toward the trembling greenette, trying not to spook him.

"Nerd, are you okay?" He asks.

Izuku hurried away from the tall blonde, entering his room. Flashbacks of his father rushed through his mind. Izuku dug his nails into his knee's trying to calm himself.

"Katsuki, stay there! Please, please!" Izuku begged, his arms wrapping around his legs as he held himself.

Katsuki stood still, watching the greenette tick and pull his hair. Izuku calmed, his emerald eyes softly glowing as he looked up at the blonde.

"Kacchan, just sit down slowly."

Katsuki slowly made his way to the edge of Izuku's bed, opening his arms. Izuku hesitantly made his way into Katsuki's arms. Katsuki held Izuku's head to his chest softly, cooing to the upset male.

"Are you alright?" Katsuki asked, tunning his fingers through Izuku's hair.




"D-Izuku, you should sleep. I'll lay with you if it makes you more comfortable."

"Mhm. That would be nice."

Izuku slowly lifted his head, a weak smile sporting his lips. Izuku slipped from Katsuki's grip, sliding under the covers. Katsuki followed, wrapping his arms around Izuku, nuzzling his way into Izuku's neck. Izuku happily hummed as he twisted and twirled Katsuki's hair, enjoying the quiet, soft moment between them.

The two just cuddled, enjoying each other's company. The two fell asleep, wrapped up in one another.


Izuku woke to someone knocking on the door. He weaseled his way out of Katsuki's arms to make his way to the door.

"Hi, Todo-kun," Izuku greeted with a soft smile.

"Midoriya, may I come in please?"


Shoto entered Izuku's room, noting the sleepy Katsuki growling softly. Izuku closed the door and returned to the bed, letting Katsuki hold his waist.

"So, what did you want, Todo-kun?" Izuku asked, as he slowly traced his fingernails over the bumps in Katsuki's scalp, loving the soft purrs coming from the sleepy male.

"Midoriya, I like you. More than a friend like you."