
Chapter 43

Alex made them sandwiches. He took it to the bedroom, deposited the dishes on the nightstand, returned to the living room and grabbed a chair, placing it beside Camilla's bed.

He helped her into the bed while he sat in the chair so he could support her with the food.

"Thanks." Camilla spoke as he handed her a plate of two sandwiches. "There's a lot here." She spoke and handed him a sandwich.

"Eat you. Eat until you don't want to anymore. I made myself a sandwich." He said and showed his, which was on another plate.

"A sandwich, Alex? spare me. This is nothing to you." She disdained.

"Then I do more. First, I want you to eat." He was serious. Camilla understood that he wasn't there to joke around or to accept her refusing to eat. So she took the first bite of one of the sandwiches.