
Meeting New Friends

Sometimes Andrzej Nowicki wondered why this was so, why he couldn't forge more intimate bonds with others, and he concluded that it was because they were all so independent that they didn't really need anyone's support. Paulina helped him when he had learning difficulties at school and later, after his father's death. She always supported him when he had any problem or worry. He was with her throughout the entire period of pregnancy and single motherhood, when the child's father refused to accept responsibility. For a moment he even considered the option of marrying her so that Martynka would have a real family, but he and Paulina both decided that it would be nonsense. Although they liked each other very much and relied on each other, there was no chemistry between them and the young mother refused to do so. She believed that they both still had a chance for love and should wait for her. Instead of becoming the girl's adoptive father, Andrzej became her godfather.

Dominik probably treated the matter of friendship even more seriously, or he was so thirsty for it that he offered it to a random person. Who knows? But Andrzej was not a completely random person for him. Not anymore. Not only did he know his scandalous secret and remained silent, but he also saved him from serious unpleasantness and helped to deal with the trauma. Their acquaintance, though so fresh, had been seriously tested and might in fact deserve to be called friendship. Andrzej had absolutely nothing against this turn of events.

"Right," he admitted. "Friends have the right to have lunch together."

Dominik smiled radiantly, leaving in Nowicki's heart the impression that he was afraid of his answer.

"Hope the cuisine in this restaurant is really good," said the actor. "I was so excited about going out that I hadn't eaten since breakfast."

"Me too" laughed Andrzej. "Paulina will be happy that she will be able to feed the two starving men.

"Tell me about her," Dominik asked.

"Too late. We are there."


In Warsaw, as in most cities, there has always been a problem with finding a parking space. The entire street space was cluttered with cars. Andrzej did not pay attention to it and drove into the gate, where there were only a few cars.

"Being a school friend of the owners' daughter has its privileges" he winked at Dominik as he turned off the engine."

They got out of the car and Śliwiński looked around at the old tenement houses surrounding him, not looking the best ones. From the street, the buildings looked nice, but from the yard they bore a distinct mark of time.

"Don't say you have never been to Praga."

"Well, actually ..." Dominik blushed to the tips of his ears.

"You have nothing to fear. This neighborhood has a bad reputation, but we are nice to our people. Besides, we even have posters promoting your latest film."

This comment, spoken in a light tone, gave Śliwiński enthusiasm. The young actor nodded and said.

��Let's go then. I'm really hungry."

How many customers would not be in the restaurant, there was always a place for Andrzej. This time, however, Nowicki was not alone, so he called earlier and reserved a table. Although the traffic in the restaurant was usually moderate, he didn't want to risk waiting in line - not when he wanted to show this place to someone. Warned that Nowicki will bring the guest, Paulina came out to greet them personally. When she came close enough to recognize Andrzej's companion, she squealed in delight.

"Behave," growled Andrzej, poking her shoulder.

"Sorry ... sorry," she said. The look of surprise and delight never faded from her face. "Dominik Śliwiński in my restaurant ..."

"Nice to meet you," the actor bowed politely.

"You!" this time it was Paulina who poked Andrzej. "How could you not tell me who you invited ?!"

"Because you would be unnecessarily excited about this event all day, acting emotionally unstable.��

"But, but ... I'd like to prepare something special ..."

"Daily food served here is special. Now take us to the table, because we are unnecessarily outstanding."

"Oh yes, of course. I'm sorry, sir. This way please."

"Sorry about her," Andrzej said softly, when he was sure his friend had moved away enough not to hear them. "I didn't think Paulina was your fan. Though it shouldn't surprise me."

"It's fine. It was even quite nice. Just like this place."

"Do you like it?"

"So far, yes."

Andrzej felt satisfied. He was not quite sure what made him want to invite a star like Śliwiński to a small family restaurant. It was an impulse, a moment weighed down with jitters and doubts as to whether he had done the right thing. However, he wanted to break the actor out of his shell of loneliness and fear of people, so the first place to do what he could think of was where he always felt comfortable.

"Here's your table, gentlemen," said Paulina, trying to control the excitement in her voice. "Please, call me when you are ready to order ..."

"I already know what I want" Andrzej grinned. "Daily special, please. Dominik?"

"Are these the stuffed cabbage rolls you talked about and praise very highly?"

"Oh yes."

"So I will also take them" Śliwiński addressed Paulina directly. "I have to find out if they really are so unearthly."

She blushed at these words and was about to leave when Nowicki called after her.

"Paulina, join us when you find a moment."

"What? I?"

Although Andrzej did not share this idea with Dominik earlier, he joined the invitation.

"We will be very pleased. Andrzej mentioned that you have known each other for a long time. I'd like to meet his friends."

She looked at them in surprise.

"Thank you. I'll sit down for a few minutes after you have your main course."

When she left, Nowicki looked apologetically at his companion.

Śliwiński shook his head.

��I know why you do this and I think it is very nice. Sometimes I thought about it too, but I guess… I don't have the courage to go out among people."

"If you're so shy, why did you become an actor?"

"I suppose that's why," he confessed. "When I play, I can be anyone, because I'm not myself" he looked down embarrassed. "I know, that sounds stupid."

"Not at all. In the movie, you can allow yourself almost anything, because you are not Dominik Śliwiński, a real person made of flesh and blood, but some totally imaginary character without real life and loved ones that you are worried about. You are such a Twardowski prosecutor for a few days of shooting, and you will remain Śliwiński for the rest of your life.

Dominik blushed and smiled.

"Exactly. Your friend Paulina makes a nice impression. She is also very pretty."

"And smart. Especially when it comes to exact sciences. She was brilliant at math and physics. Thanks to her, I passed my high school diploma. Can you believe me when I say that I wanted to marry her?"

Śliwiński opened his mouth in surprise and looked towards the room, where Andrzej's friend was talking to the waitress. He watched her for a moment, then replied trying to sound completely natural.

"I don't know why you didn't?"

"She did not want to marry for reason, without love. Although she has a hard time raising her daughter alone, she was right. Martynka is my goddaughter, so I get a card for Father's Day and, if necessary, I will go to the parents meeting at her school. At least that's how I will help Paulina, who has a lot of duties in the restaurant. This place has always had a nice family atmosphere, but since she took over, it has started to pay off."

Dominik looked at Paulina again and then his eyes swept the whole place, over its warm decor and customers who felt quite at ease here.

"You said it was a family restaurant."

"It was founded by her father, but he has been suffering from heart disease for several years, so Paulina took over his duties. She even set up a website for this place. It was a bull's eye. Now even foreign tourists come here to try typical Polish cuisine. Like this aromatic dill soup."

The smell of fresh dill and warm cream spread right at their table when Paulina personally brought their order.

"Enjoy your meal," she smiled radiantly, though there was a hint of anxiety in her eyes. Walking away a little longer, she fixed her eyes on the famous guest.