
Love Lives in His Eyes [BL]

Being a popular actor, and a gay one at that, is not easy. Dominik Śliwinski, whose beauty drives men and women to passion, has found this out quit harshly. The only thing Dominik dreams of is finding happiness in love. Unfortunately, his current partner has a view of love that doesn't reach Dominik's heart. Fortunately, a certain photographer appears on the horizon, who begins to exist in Dominik's life as a friend, roommate and maybe someone else.... A sweet, touching story about how love comes unexpectedly and knocks on your door. If you don't open the door, it enters through the window :) Book contains scenes 18+ All events, characters and organizations are fictional. The resemblance to any real person, organization, or event is purely coincidental. Cover made using AI and my own work.

AmberFullMoon · LGBT+
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220 Chs

A Cabin by the River

"You care a lot about me," Dominik added glowing with happiness. "I don't want your efforts to be wasted."

He saw a shy but proud smile on Nowicki's lips and knew that it pleased him. Dominik's heart leapt with joy. He wanted to touch Andrzej, feel his skin, feel his scent and - for that he hoped most - drag him to bed.

"Are we there yet?" Dominik asked a little impatiently.

"No, what?"

"Nothing. I just can not wait."

"You haven't been away too much lately, have you?"

"In fact, I haven't been on vacation since…" Śliwiński mused. He really had been thinking hard about the last time he had such a trip. "I don't remember." I guess it was a while."

"But you know that we are going there not only on vacation?" Dominik did not understand, so Nowicki added: "I took the camera."

"I know" smiled Śliwiński.