
Love like an open wound

Raised by werewolves, Oliver has only ever known pack law. When it just so happens that his pack pissed off the prince of the vampires, he is taken as colateral to keep the pack in line. You would think a werewolf would have no struggle in a castle full of bloodsuckers, but Oliver is only human… The prince of Vampires father is ruthless, and cruel, being in his 300’s Prince August is expected to marry a vampire of royal blood to take over as king until his own heir is old enough to take the throne. There’s just one issue, Prince August is gay, and not at all attracted to women. When a young man with hair the color of a sunset is brought to him, he can not help but to be taken with the first eyed boy. Will Oliver fall for him or will the Prince marry a suitor of his fathers choosing?

_Forget_Me_Not_ · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Pine, Citrus, and Fear

Augusts POV:

I don't feel it's necessary to dress up for dinner anymore. We do this every week. My father summons my brother, my cousins, and myself for a 'family' dinner. All the while he tells us what he wants us to get completed by next weeks dinner. I would much rather just go to the kitchen on my floor, and take what I want, and go eat in my room while I do my work.

I walked out of the elevator and down the corridor to the dining hall. I always enjoy pissing my father off by being fashionably late. Seeing as my seven year old brother refused to eat without me I should probably hurry though. He dislikes my father almost as much as I do. He thinks it is wrong for my father to force a harlot on me. I thought it was funny that a seven year old feels the same way. My cousin Xavier on the other hand does not feel the same. He wants me with a woman just to see me unhappy. Although I don't understand why he would want my find a wife he wants the throne so damn bad, and if I get a wife I'll get it sooner.

Although Xavier's sister Connie could probably use another woman around. I wonder how she will take it when I eventually introduce her to Oliver. She will probably flip that my pet is a man. I walked into the dining hall, and my family was seated in their usual seats. Sawyer got a large smile when I walked in. "Brother I am hungry can I eat now?" He asked me in a whiny tone.

"Sure you can, but make sure you finish your blood too this time, we wouldn't want a repeat of last week." Vampires can only go up to about seventy two hours without blood before we become ravenous, and begin to attack everything in sight. He decided to see what really happens. Child vampires are the worst with impulse control because they can't handle the pain and just give in quickly. We ended up with two dead servants. He couldn't even control himself long enough for me to send for some replaceable blood slaves.

"Brother, you smell like pine, and citrus. Why is that?" He looks just like our mother, he doesn't  have heterochromia like I do, but he has her sandy blonde hair, and her wine red eyes instead of our fathers normal blood colored ones. I had one of each, and our fathers onyx black hair. I guess his resemblance to our diseased mother is probably why I have a large soft spot for him. I usually cant stand children.

"I don't know what you mean." I stated back to him. I forgot to change clothes. I had been around Oliver all day so these ones smelled like him. I was unprepared, and all around not ready for them to meet Oliver. God knows what my father will do when he figures out that is isn't from a pet shop, and was in fact a rogue. "Yeah, I noticed it when you came in as well August. What is that alluring scent you're wearing?" Connie asked.

I took my seat at the table, and was surprised to see Compton standing behind Xavier. "I know what it is. Wouldn't you like to know Sawyer?" Sawyer was sucked into Xavier's vindictiveness. "Oh, yes please. Do tell Xavier!" Sawyer answered excitedly. "Well I heard from Compton over here that he has a new pet, and he let that pet de-fang him." Everyone at the table cringed from the de-fang comment, even me. It was a discomfort usually only bestowed upon highest offenses. My father directed an infuriated look in my direction. "Do go get her then August, I would love to meet her, and it is usually only polite to bring our pets to dinner." Connie added. She glanced at her pet Marcus, and Xavier glanced at his pet Audrey. I continued to give Connie a look that was begging her to keep her mouth shut. When she realized there was a purpose behind why I didn't bring him she clammed up, and mouthed an 'I'm sorry' from across the table.

"Yes, son go get her, I would like to see her myself." Well they're already in for a surprise. The her they're referring to doesn't exist, and is in fact a him. " I don't think that it's necessary father I only acquired a pet yesterday. Maybe next week when we have dinner I-." My father shushed me.


"I didn't ask. I want to know who else is in my castle, and see if she is well mannered." oh if looks could kill he would be done for. I got up, and Sawyer hopped off his chair as well. "Where do you think you're going child?" My father demanded. "I just wanted to pet Shadow if that is alright." He hesitantly nodded in agreement. Sawyer grabbed my hand, and we walked to the elevator. He was no stranger to my room. He used to get horrible night terrors when he was young so he would spend most nights in my bed with me. Occasionally he still does, but not nearly as often. Something about being on the top floor, and having a tall view of the forest behind the castle I am sure was refreshing considering his room was on the twentieth floor, and his rooms window onlooked the city down below.

The elevator dinged, and still clutching my hand Sawyer pulled me along leading me to my own room.  I put my thumbprint to the door, and heard the lock click. I walked in, but before I turned on the light I heard the incredible melodious sound of Scarborough fair coming from in my room. I turned to Sawyer who obviously heard it as well. I put my finger to my lips, and instructed he stay in the entryway, while I went to find Oliver. I then realized it wasn't coming from a stereo as there was no background music. I walked further into the dark of my room only to see Oliver leaning on the railing on the balcony with the moon accentuating his features. It was him. That enchanting sound was him.

He must have heard me because he turned around really fast. "August! I didn't expect you to be back so soon. I...Um." I stood there a bit awe stricken before speaking. "I didn't know you could sing kitten. Maybe since you don't care for your nickname I'll call you songbird instead." I said, and I could swear I saw a blush creep on his cheeks. "You weren't supposed to know, and no the nicknames all suck." He said bluntly. "Kitten it is then." He just scowled.

"You sound real pretty mister." Sawyer was now standing half behind my leg clutching my slacks. He had always been very shy around new people. To my surprise he walked out from behind me, and stepped really close to Oliver. His head only came up to Oliver's stomach, but he barely came up to about my hip. "He stood on his tip-toes and sniffed Oliver. "It's you. You're the one that smells like pine, and citrus." Oliver clearly didn't know what to make of this ordeal, he just eyed Sawyer confused. "Sawyer this is my pet, his name is Oliver." Sawyer looked at me with a crooked expression.

"I thought boys were supposed to have girl pets?" I nodded I mean he wasn't wrong, but there's nothing that says we have to have pets of opposite gender. It was just usually preferred to. I was glad I didn't have to deal with female mood swings in Oliver. Although he sure gets flustered like a woman. "Um. August? who is this?" Oliver asked with Sawyer still extremely close to him. "Oliver this is my seven year old brother Sawyer."

"Aha.. What are you doing back so early, and with your brother no less?" I almost forgot I had to take Oliver downstairs with us. "My father has requested that I bring you to have dinner with my family, and their pets, much to my dismay." Oliver visibly shuddered, having spent the whole day with me he knew I didn't care for my father much. "Is it optional?" He asked clearly looking for a way out. "Sadly. it's not."

"It is okay. If you're scared I will hold your hand. I don't mind. Plus you smell nice." Sawyer added. Oliver relaxed a little from Sawyer's words. He gave Sawyer a smile, and nodded. "I would appreciate that Sawyer." He said. Before leaving my room Sawyer picked up Shadow, and walked over to Oliver with him in his arms. Oliver jumped away, and Shadow hissed jumping out of Sawyers arms. Sawyer laughed obviously catching on to Oliver's distaste for cats.

I guided both my brother, and Oliver out of my bedroom to the elevator. Sawyer kept good on his promise and was holding Oliver's hand. Oliver was visibly tense, and nervous. He was flush, and he had sweat running down his forehead. As the elevator opened to the first floor Sawyer removed his hand from Oliver's and ran into the dining hall jumping back into his chair. I glanced to Oliver to make sure he wasn't going to be sick. I would have to ask him if he had anxiety later because this seemed like it. I walked into the room after I asked Oliver to wait until I came, and grabbed him to enter.

Connie's eyes lit up when she saw me walk in, but soon dropped when she realized that I didn't have anyone with me. "There's something you should know about my pet." My father stuck his hand up before saying. "Let me ask her questions for myself." I understood why he took such an interest in me having a pet. I've had only three ever which was unusual, but I always seemed to get bored with them fast. I just hoped that, that wouldn't happen with Oliver. I was kind of longing for companionship that wasn't seven years of age, a woman, or a cat.

I walked into the hallway and gripped Oliver's hand signaling it was time for him to enter. We walked back in and Sawyer had his glass of blood to his mouth. Father, this I my pet Oliver. Connie let out a small look of shock, and Xavier smirked like he already knew. My father looked at him showing, as per usual no emotion. "Hello." Oliver said reluctantly.

"Oh My God! August he is adorable!" Connie shouted before using her speed to get to us. "I am Connie, August's cousin. Nice to meet you. Wow your hair is so red!" She was doting on him like he was some show-pony. 'Th-thank you." Oliver said not making eye contact. At this point that is a good thing. I hadn't taught him how to act around my father yet, and my mind way spinning way too fast to tell him in the elevator.

After getting everyone back in their seats, and getting a seat for Oliver my fathers attention turned to him. "Oliver, do you have any special talents?" Before Oliver could answer Sawyer screamed. "He is a great singer, father. I heard it when I went in August's room!" This piqued my father's interest. "And where did you come from Oliver?"


He wasn't supposed to know where he came from. In my head I hoped Oliver knew that too. I was silently hoping he would lie. "A pet shop. Although I am not sure which one." I heard him say. It was prefect. A little too perfect. I didn't even hear a fluctuation in his heart rate, seeing as it's been through the roof since we arrived in here. The only thing I noticed was that he played with his piercing. That was a distinct tell, but I am sure my father wasn't paying attention to body language, just his heart rate. "I see. Well I won't make you sing at the dinner table, but I was wondering if you would sing at my birthday ball in three months time. Don't bother declining it was less of a request, and more of an order." Damn him. Oliver went wide eyed.

"Are you sure you would want me to, I am no professional, and I haven't been to lessons or anything." he looked at his lap. I could tell he was extremely uncomfortable. From what I witnessed at breakfast, and lunch he was smitten with food, yet he hadn't touched the lamb chops in front of him. The pets didn't get to choose what they were served like we were,  but they always ended up with immaculate dishes. "Nonsense I will have August arrange you to have weekly lessons until the event, you won't be singing more than a set of three so don't fret." Of course I would have to do more work now. Great, thanks father. Before father could dismiss dinner I excused myself, and Oliver not wanting him to get reprimanded with more questions after dinner from Connie, Xavier, or my father. God only knows that Connie was a ruthless interrogator.

We arrived back at my room, and entered quietly. "Oliver I apologize for my father ordering you to do something so soon, and for all the questioning. Although I do have one of my own. Do you have anxiety?" he looked at me a bit stricken. "Um. Yes? I mean I haven't been diagnosed with it, but being in new situations has always made me anxious. I wasn't able to attend pack meetings until I was thirteen because every time I would attempt it I would see the huge room of people I would have to stand with, and I would throw up." That answered my question.

"Will you be able to sing in front of all those people?" He looked a bit nervous, and it is still a month away. "I think that will be fine, it is the part where I will have to mingle with them afterwards that I am worried about." He stated plainly. "Well there will be plenty of alcohol, and if need be I will get Sawyer to protect you." He laughed sarcastically at my comment. "Well, get some sleep it has been a long day, and I am sure you will get asked a lot of questions by Connie, and Sawyer tomorrow." He obliged, and returned to the sofa by the fireplace. I didn't really care about doing work anymore so I just climbed into bed, and attempted to fall asleep.

~    ~     ~ 

It was not three hours later, and I woke up to the sound of whimpering. I looked outside, and it was torrentially raining. A crack of thunder sounded, and a blinding white lightning strike from outside was seen. Following that was another soft cry. I got out of bed to look for where it was coming from. I crept around the room, and didn't see Oliver on the sofa. I looked around through the dark bathroom to try, and find him. Another set of lightning and thunder sounded, and I spotted him laying curled in his blankets in the cage on the left side of the room under the bed. Tears streamed down his face. I opened the door, and stepped in. "Oliver?" He looked up surprised to see me. Another thunder, and lightning strike pair was heard and he pushed himself further under the bed.

"Oliver what is the matter? Come out from under there." He did as he was told however hesitantly. Another lightning strike. He hurled himself into my arms sobbing so hard his body was shaking. "Oliver are you afraid or thunderstorms?" He looked me in the eyes fear radiating on his body, and tears streaming down his face. he nodded slightly. "It-... It reminds me of the night my father was killed protecting me." He looked at me terror in his eyes. the thunder sounded again, and he just cried harder.

"Why don't you try to get some sleep?" All he did was shake his head violently. "C'mon, let's get you into bed." I picked him up bridal style, blankets still wrapped safely around him. I set him on my bed, and covered him up with my comforter. I crawled around him until I was laying next to him, and he was practically in my arms. The thunder was getting further away, and he stopped hyperventilating. Although he was still crying I can imagine the blankets muffled the sound.

As the storm got further away he relaxed immensely. He was no longer wrapped in a wad of blankets, and was just clinging onto me under the comforter for dear life. As he drifted off I heard him mutter. "Thank you August...." He sighed contently still with his arms around me, and he drifted off to sleep. His body heat was...comforting. Not long after he drifted, so did I.