
Middle School life

Now she is going to attend 5th standard. Her father admitted her in girls high school.That school is also famous & big than previous one.......On 1 st day of school she got scared cz she saw so many beautiful girls around her. Tina & shayna are friends with her now but they are in different class. Now she has no friend in her class & according_to her nature she is not going to lead up for making friends. She always excogitate that she is ugly looking. She is not feminine . Her body is chubby & Her complection is wheat coloured . She is not so dark & not so fair complection . She is having big dark mole on her chin below her mouth in right side. She is having 3 moles vertically placed on her left jaw line . One mole on her nose. Two big mole on her throat they look like twins. Below that 4 small moles scattered on her neck. She is full of moles. Her eyes are small & place little inside below her forehead. Her Teeth denturs are on front. Basically she is not attractive at all. That is what bothers her... She is scared to death in that school . Everyone ignored her. As time passed she became more dull & ignored student in her class. Nobody wants to talk to her. Her parents have lot of hopes in her. But once again she got in her previous state. All teacher insulted her. The only ability she has is her voice & her speech delivering. That is only hope for her. ..........Time flee..................... Now she is in 8th standard when her mom got ill. She is always ill now. Doctors failed to predict exact reason of Risha's moms illness. Risha is spoiled child. She never helped her mom with housework. Her mom also never forced her to do it. But now time has changed. Her mom frequently ill. Her dad is kind hearted, he always worried about his wife & children. Her brother is in 4 th standard so her father sent him to her aunt. He is unable to take care of his both children. Risha observing her mom. She is getting verse day by day. Happiness is far away from that family. Finally their family doctor predict Arthritis is cause of her mom's illness. But its late now cz her mom's condition is verse. Her body has no fat. She remain in her scaletan only. Her joints in pain at a such extent that she cant wear cloths on her body. All day she is shivering in pain. Due to fall predictions of previous doctors & heavy does of painkiller she got verse. Risha's father is in bad condition. He got up early morning & do some exercise cz he know for his family he have to remain fit. Then he cook for them. Risha can not do any help in cooking cz she dont know how to cook. She only washes dish & clothes. This is their morning timetable. Her mom is alone in house during day time cz dad in office & Risha in school. She can not concentrate on her study due to her mom. She saw how her dad cried alone in every night without knowing her mom & her. She saw how useless she is.She saw how her dad cook food & feed her mom. She saw verse condition of her mom. Finally dad know that Risha's mom can not hold on life. So he took her mom to their village . May change in air can help......................................Her grandmother taking care of her mom. Now Risha & her father left in city. She is teenager & its time for her periods. In school she has info programme on periods but in person she can not understand. In her childhood internet was not as grown as now. Her mom was ill & not near her so never give any guidance to her. But other girls in her class already have their periods arrived. She is curious at the same time in fear.

Hello everyone ......please forgive me for my bad english. Truly speaking I am not good in english so please understand me & My mistakes . If you like the story then please tell me. It getting interesting after few chapters. So please read it. This is 1 st time am tring something new. So if you feel my story have some weight then please support me

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