
Ignored in class

Now she is in engineering college . As she is like a man so she choose civil steam. In her 1 st year class , she is just a normal ugly person with no friends . But suddenly in in 1 st year's last exam she topped in her class. She is known as study worm. She never took part in any other activities in 1st year. In 2 nd year she enter in her civil department . When she entered, everybody know her for as topper & her high attitude. She never communicate with boys. She has no boy as a friend . Due to stress & daily up down she lost some weight . But still she is ugly. So she has no confidence in herself . She got easily bullied by teachers & her classmates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In 1 st year she was in contact with a guy. That boy was so sincere in class. He is cute as little baby . But he is shy as Risha . He wants to know her so he sent a frnd request on social media . Risha also accepted a request . Randomly they start a conversation on chat. She likes him. As he speaks about interesting stories. They always have a late night conversations. She think that she got a best friend . But she was wrong .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- whenever they meet in college he never give her look. He even treats her like stranger. He never approach her but if she approached him , he goes to opposite direction . One day she heard that , he is the flirty guy. He is flirting with every girl in the class. At that moment she decided to not trust any guy. She reduce her online time. She stoped talking with that asshole. From that incidence she changed her opinion about guys. She thought that every guy is like that & she hate boys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now in new department senior guys are looking for fresher girls. Every friend of her is dreaming about cool seniors. But Risha never wants to interact with them. In their class new members are added. The group of big guys. They are year down members. They all are from rich families . Their leader is son of important politician. There are 10 members in group. They always stay in group . They never quarrel with each other. They are deeply bonded rather than blood brothers. Nobody able to treat them badly . Even teachers are also under their command. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luis is the leader of their group. They are all fairlytail princes . All people adore them.They are big in age than Risha by 4 Years. They all are have girls around them. They always bully weak people . They all are tall & handsome in their own ways. Every girl dream about them. Miss fresher of their class is also one of the girlfriend of that group's guy. In Rishas class there are so many beautiful girls . She is only one who is always ignored . Nobody is interest in her. But she dont know what is going to happen in her life. One guy is going to change her life.