
Love Killer: A Passion That Kills

Hellen is an enigmatic woman, admired for her intelligence, cunning and irresistible charm. But behind this seductive appearance, she hides a dark secret that few know about. Meanwhile, a dedicated investigator is undercover at her university, trying to uncover Hellen's secrets and her connection to the criminal underworld. As the investigator gets closer to Hellen, he begins to feel more and more attracted to her. However, he knows that she is a dangerous and ruthless person, capable of eliminating her enemies without mercy. He finds himself in an internal conflict between following the law and surrendering to his feelings for Hellen, which could put his life at risk. In this electrifying plot full of twists, readers will be taken on an exciting journey full of mysteries. They will wonder if the investigator will be able to resist the temptation to give in to his feelings for Hellen, or if he will end up falling into his deadly trap.

Yasmin_Mesquita · Urbain
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10 Chs

Investigating the Helen case

Case number 125th


Name: Helen Madison

Age: 25

Profession: Medical Student

Crimes: suspected murder of involvement with the local mafia.

Description: Hellen Madison was found in an Italian restaurant with five men who claim to be her bodyguards. The place was bloody and the restaurant's chef accused Hellen of having destroyed everything because of a debt that her father, local mafia boss Eduardo Madison Bianchi, had with the establishment. However, Hellen denies the allegations and claims that she was just having dinner there. There is no concrete evidence to incriminate her, but there are suspicions that she is involved with the local mafia and its crimes.

Paul shows Luis as he quickly arrives at his office.

Paul: So, Helen, you were seen in an Italian restaurant with five armed men. What were you doing there?

Helen: They were my bodyguards, Paul. I am the daughter of Eduardo Madison, the boss of the local mafia. I need protection.

Paul: Protection? This is not what it seems. The restaurant chef said you came there to destroy everything because the chef has debts with your father.

Helen: That's ridiculous, Paul. I have nothing to do with my father's activities. I'm a medical student, I'm not a criminal.

Paul: So why did you have armed bodyguards?

Helen: Because I was scared, Paul. My father has many enemies. I can't leave the house without protection.

Paul: And what do you have to say about the fact that the restaurant's chef has evidence that points to you as being responsible for the attack?

Helen: He's lying, Paul. I would never do that. I love my father, but I don't agree with what he does. I am an honest and hardworking person, I have nothing to do with the mafia.

Paul: Well, let's see what we can find out from the evidence. For now, you can't leave the city.

Helen: What? But I have classes to attend, I have an internship at the hospital!

Paul: Sorry, Helen. It's for safety. We need to make sure you don't run away or become the target of an attack.

But what about the chef? Luis asks

I'm going to interrogate him right now, I want your presence, son.

I went to the table and observed the entire scene through the false mirror.

Paul entered the interrogation room and found the chef sitting in a chair, looking nervous and sweaty. He started asking questions, but the chef seemed confused and agitated.

"So, do you know Hellen Madison?" asked Paul.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," the chef replied, his voice shaking.

"Don't you know? She was seen in your restaurant with her bodyguards, and the place was completely destroyed."

"I didn't do it! I swear I didn't do it! It was her, it was Hellen Madison! She owes me money, and when I tried to collect it, she went crazy and started destroying everything!"

"That's not what the witnesses and security footage say. You were out of control, using drugs while working. Is that true?"

The chef seemed even more nervous now, shaking his legs and scratching his arms.

"I... I can't talk about this. I have a problem, okay? I need help."

"You can help yourself now by telling the truth about what happened to Hellen Madison. Why would she be associated with the mob? What do you know about it?"

The chef looked at Paul, his eyes now looking empty and scared.

"I don't know anything about it. I've never heard of Hellen Madison before. I just... I just wanted to help, you know? And the drugs... they helped me deal with the stress of work. I know that It was wrong, but I didn't want to hurt anyone."

Paul sighed, realizing the chef wouldn't be much help. He stood up from his chair and signaled for the interview to end.

"Thank you for your cooperation," said Paul. "Now, if you really want to help, you need to clean up your life and leave these drugs behind."

The chef nodded, looking relieved to be out of the interrogation room. Paul returned to the office and shared the conversation with Luis, both knowing they still had a lot of work to do to solve the Hellen Madison case.

Luis and Paul discuss the need to visit the crime scene to further investigate the scene. They may agree that it is important to see if there is any evidence that will help them crack the case.

Luis says, "We need to go to the restaurant and see the crime scene for sure. Maybe we can find some clue that will help us understand what really happened there."

Paul agrees: "I agree. We need to be thorough and examine every detail. If there's anything suspicious there, we have to find it."

The two agree to visit the restaurant that afternoon and begin preparing the necessary equipment for the investigation.

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The restaurant was completely destroyed, with overturned tables, broken plates and glasses, and leftover food scattered across the floor. There were bloodstains on some walls and the floor, giving the impression that there had been a violent fight there. The lights were off, making the environment even more sinister and gloomy.

Luis and Paul searched the place carefully, trying to find clues that could help them solve the case. They found a drawer behind the counter that was ajar, with some papers and envelopes inside. Paul picked up one of them and saw that it was a late bill from the restaurant, with the "unpaid" stamp prominently displayed in red.

Luis, in turn, noticed that there was a security camera in the corner of the ceiling, pointed at the restaurant's entrance. He walked over to check if the camera was working and, to his surprise, saw that it was still on. Quickly, he wrote down the camera's serial number and made a mental note to request the recordings from the owner.

While investigating the restaurant's pantry, Luis noticed a strange package that appeared to contain a suspicious substance. Upon examining it, he concluded that it was drugs, which could explain the presence of the men who accompanied Hellen at the time of the murder.

Luis was intrigued by the fact that the package was there, and not where the chef kept the ingredients, which could indicate that he was involved in drug trafficking. This discovery could change the entire dynamics of the case and point to a new suspect, in addition to Hellen.

Meanwhile, Paul continued searching the drawer and found a wooden box with a padlock. He took a hammer and broke the padlock, opening the box. Inside, he found a large package of money, which was probably the result of the restaurant chef's drug trafficking.

With the clues in hand, Luis and Paul left the restaurant and went to the office to analyze the information they found.

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When James approached Luis and Paul, his tone was challenging and

"What are you doing together?" James asked, his voice a little louder than usual. "I don't like this."

Luis looked at him with a serious look and replied, "We're working on a case together, James. There's nothing wrong with that."

But James didn't look convinced. He continued to look at the two suspiciously, while Luis and Paul exchanged worried looks. Finally, Paul decided it was time to try and calm things down.

"James, there's no need to be jealous," Paul said with a smile. "It's not like we're hiding anything from you."

But even this attempt to smooth things over didn't seem to work. James just forced a smile and said, "Of course, of course. I understand."

Luis and Paul exchanged a worried look. They knew that James was not someone easy to deal with, especially when it came to jealousy and envy. But for now, they had a case to solve and couldn't let themselves be distracted by personal matters.

As he looked out the window of the building, Paul began to mutter softly to himself. "I shouldn't have involved Luis in this case. He doesn't deserve this. I shouldn't have called him to help me. What if something happens to him? I don't know what to do." Paul was visibly worried and sorry for having involved his friend in such a dangerous case. He felt responsible for anything that might happen to Luis and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Luis noticed Paul's concern and asked, "Are you okay, Paul? You look like you're worried about something."

Paul sighed deeply and replied, "I'm fine, just a little worried about the case. I didn't want to involve you in this, Luis. I'm sorry I asked you to help me."

Luis looked at Paul and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Paul. I'm here to help and we'll solve this case together."

Luis' words seemed to calm Paul a little, and he gave a weak smile. "Thank you, Luis"

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Once again I do my usual routine, after being dismissed by Paul, I followed James as his wife had asked him, but today he took a different route.

Luis is surprised to see James meeting the restaurant's chef and offering him money. He stays aloof to avoid attracting attention, but begins to suspect that James may be trying to hinder the investigation.

Luis follows James from a distance as he leaves his meeting with the chef and heads to a bar. Luis decides to discreetly enter the bar to try to find out more information. He sits at a nearby table and begins to observe James and his movements.

Suddenly, James notices Luis' presence and becomes nervous. He tries to hide it, but ends up leaving the bar hastily. Luis realizes something is wrong and decides to follow him again.

This time, James takes him to an abandoned house on the outskirts of town. Luis hides behind a car and watches James enter the house with a suitcase. He becomes curious and decides to get closer to investigate.

Luis enters the house and finds James in a room with an unknown man. James is handing a briefcase to the man, who appears to be very pleased. Luis notices that inside the suitcase there is a large amount of money and some documents.

After witnessing this scene, Luis decided to keep it a secret. He didn't want to risk alerting James to his suspicions, so he pretended to trust him like before.

Luis knew he would gather more information and evidence before confronting James or taking the matter to the police. He began following James more closely, watching his movements and calmly interacting with other people. Luis also decided to do more research into James' life and his relationship with Paul.