
Love is Righteous!

This fanfiction is about how righteous (wrong) Lan Xichen was at the time of Guanyin temple, and how right the Lan Clan was for Weiying, basically dark side of Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren is shown. And after knowing about these things we will see what's the Wangji reaction will be. What if he imagines that cos his brother said :Every Night... Every Night, You Had To...' That's the reason why Weiying is doing every night with him? Will, Wangji able continue to love Weiying and forgive himself, and stand against his dear brother (Lan Xichen) to stop the injustice... Update: every alternative day.

anonymouscat123 · TV
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6 Chs

Part 3.

'Have you forgotten how he received those whip scars? Have you not seen the brand mark on his chest?' Xichen said.

'Brother stop...' my voice stuck in my throat, I can't hear my own words anymore. 'Please brother doesn't tell him...' I begged in an inaudible voice.

'Whip scars?! I really don't know, does it have something related to me?' Weiying asked in a shocked voice.

'If it were not related to you, could it be that he has done those to himself without a reason?' Xichen asked in a monochromatic tone.

'I... I...' Weiying was unable to speak a word, same as I.

'You... have memory lost?' Lan Xichen asked.

'My memory?... I don't remember my memory having...' Weiying said.

'No, you don't even have to remember, I know how hard that time was for you babe, please don't think about it...' I said to comfort my Weiying, but my voice won't go in his ears.

'Do you remember now?' Brother asked, I just begged him to leave him alone in my heart.

'The time at nightless city?... I-I've always thought I somehow walked back on my own. Could it be...' No don't, please Weiying don't remember those dark memories, I lost you that day cos you that, please don't think about that... Tear begins to fall from my eyes.

'Young master Wei! On the night at nightless city, How many people were you fighting against?' 'THREE THOUSAND!' My brother shouted. 'No matter what a prodigy you were, to be able to retreat in one piece in those circumstances? NO WAY IT'S POSSIBLE!'

'Lan Zhan... What did Lan Zhan do?' Weiying asked.

'That night you sacrificed the stygian tiger seal. After you were satisfied with the killing, it's already the end of the fight.'

'He was in no better shape than you, I was almost unable to move as well. All I could do was watch Wangji flew away on his sword with you.'

'After that, we secretly searched for two days before we found your trace within the Yiling region. When we arrived, you sat blankly on a rock within the cave.'

'Wangji was holding your hand, sending you spiritual energy, while he kept on whispering to you... "GET LOST"...'  'Uncle asked him to explain, but he said there was nothing to be explained.' 'Ever since he was a child, he had never talked back to uncle and me even once. But for you...'