
Loneliness kills

It was another day of being lonely as usual.

I stood up,freshened up and went to have my breakfast.

On getting downstairs I heard a voice dat was similar to me

I kept praying it was lycan.When I got downstairs and saw my mr mask I was so happy dat I rushed to hug him.He looked handsomely dressed.

OMG I missed dis man,truly loneliness kills.

He hugged me back in return then in few minutes time,we finished breakfast.

Then I started

Mr mask where have u been,I missed u a lot.I have been imprisoned here for four days.

Please will u let me go back to work,plssss.

I couldn't resist her cute face.ok sky but u will work for me.If u can't then u sit at home.

I can't risk ur life again and please before u leave d house always inform me.

That was when I remembered how he saved and helped me to d hospital. He might be somehow wicked but he is caring.

Thanks Mr mask if it hadn't been u,I would av been raped.

I didn't want to work at his office. It would be so awkward. I thought of it but I knew if I didn't accept his office, I would continue staying at home.

So I accepted and went to get dressed.

After dressing up,I went downstairs to meet lycan.