
Love in the Last City: A Succubus's Love Story

In the last city of Voxsturm, a city surrounded by terrible magical storms, humans find common cause with all the other demi-human species to survive. One dreary evening, a lost succubus is rescued from starvation by a simple human who was wandering nearby. While their time together was short, Lorelei has ever dreamed of meeting him again. Her love having grown into an obsession, and now that she attends the same university, she stalks him daily, constantly trying to summon the courage to stand at his side once again. Can this shy and timid succubus finally overcome her fear and be with the one she loves? * This is a re-telling of "Tornado Alley Summoner" which is also available, but no longer canon. This is a slow building romance with a shy and timid succubus. The world is a bit of dark fantasy, but don't let that discourage you. In this world there are also lots of different monster humanoid species, all of which are just trying to survive without killing one another in petty feuds. Some of the species in this book include - cubi, wolfkin, foxkin, vampires, elves, lamia, and more. * Cover art by Hifarry * While there will be some adult content, I don't intent for this book to become erotica. * Also, while the first chapter of the book will feature Lori and Theo when they first meet, when they were young kids, the rest of the story features them when their much older (over 18 years of age). *Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your feedback.

ScribeSaga2 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Lorelei

So many thoughts and cravings swarmed her mind. Each individual strand was a sweet melody, a distinct taste like a vintage wine, tempting her to partake in their splendid pleasures. To do so would certainly give her a rush, empowering her magic, while spurring the males to either relax or lose control, depending on how she enjoyed them. Lorelei battled against the relentless storm of those wicked thoughts, desperately seeking to fend off their insidious inclinations. 

After spending more time with Rhelania, Lorelei had learned how to slowly draw on some of those urges without drawing too much attention. It was like taking short sips from a vast ocean, or tiny breathes from a rampaging wind. It wouldn't be enough to be considered healthy, but it was better than how she was living before, and it helped to ease her reluctance on Allucia. 

Each time she let herself indulge just a little, opening her mind to the deluge of temptations, it made her feel wrong, dirty even. Lorelei resigned herself to only doing it once a day, typically in the morning. It always shook her to her core, sending her loins ablaze, but she was quick to withdraw her mind before it was too late. 

She wouldn't dare partake again that day or consider taking the next step. According to Rhelania, physical contact was always the best way to fully sate a cubi's mind and body. It was terrifying just how much she wanted to do it, and Lorelei desperately wanted that feeling to go away.

The Cubi were able to draw the sinful temptations from the 'lesser' species. Rhelania referred to it as sating ones carnal appetites. Taking that weight off their shoulders eased tensions, although it could backfire if the Cubi didn't know what they were doing. Lorelei had to learn the hard way, although Rhelania had been a humble teacher.

Lorelei would taste the miasma of temptations, feed her carnal appetite, in the early morning, in the comforts of her own room with the door closed. The temptations came from the women in her dormitory, mainly the ones on her floor. She was ashamed to admit it, but Marci's sexual yearnings were quite exquisite. It was hard not to enjoy it longer, or double dip. There were others, of course.

A human neighbor was a hardcore sadist whose dark thoughts polluted the floor, and her roommate was an elf girl who always found a way to sneak a boy into their room; when they were alone, they pleasured each other twice a day. 

Lorelei wondered if her consuming some of their temptations, even for just a fleeting moment, and only to stabilize herself, was helping them or making them worse. 

On those few days when Faine came to visit, there was an additional spicy fragrance in the air accompanying her. The vampire's desires were hard to ignore, and Lorelei was terrified to taste them. Whenever Faine and Marci studied in the living room, Lorelei kept to herself, not wanting to feed off Faine's temptations by mistake. It was no wonder that the vampire thought she had a problem with her.

Even now that she was in class, Lorelei found it hard to concentrate. All of Rhelania's guidance had barely helped her when seated around so many.

Lorelei slouched in her seat. A large bead of sweat glided along the valley of her magnificent breasts, while another ventured fleetingly along the breathtaking expanse of her shoulder blades. All the while, the sinful temptations lingered, fueling the air. If only they knew just how much of themselves they were broadcasting to the ether, how much they were exposing for the Cubi to enjoy. If they only knew just how easy it was for them to read each of their intimate fantasies, then they would probably revolt.

Lorelei shifted in her seat ever so slightly, jotting down notes all the while. This wasn't what she expected. Theo hadn't shown up to class, which was a first. His sweet thoughts weren't anywhere near. It was strange, not being near his shadow. She always tried to take a seat several rows directly behind him. Today, she decided to take a seat towards the back of the classroom, among the higher rows overlooking the room. This way she had a good view of the main entrance, should he show up.

Students were packed for the lecture, all of them in fine shape. Most of them were likely enrolled in military career courses. It was easy to differentiate those in the officer training programs, compared to those who were just curious about battlefield tactics. Two hours of personal training every morning, followed by two more in the late evening, would do that to you. Stiff muscles, cropped hair, and playfully serious demeanors seemed to be their norm.

Those sitting in the back were more normal to her. Less strict, and more interested in studying ancient wars than preparing for military service. Not that there was much to prepare for. There were no wars since the storms; for some reason that hadn't stopped the ruling council from keeping an active military… And promoting its development. 

To her left sat a tall and somewhat muscular wolfkin girl. Her copper toned skin was firm with muscle. She had bright white hair, large canine ears, and a thick bushy tail hanging limply to the side. Her fantasies and disillusions weren't nearly as rampant as some of the others, making sitting next to her tolerable.

To Lorelei's right sat another of her own kind. She was rather familiar with her, which was why she regretted not picking a better seat. Just taller than herself by mere inches, with a slender agile frame, Amarille was playfully spinning a lock of ginger hair with her pen. The woman was strikingly beautiful, even for a succubus, and Lorelei was at least thankful for her capturing more of the men's attention than herself.

As the class dragged on, Lorelei's thoughts continued to drift to Theo. She knew he wasn't in the officers' program; he was only taking these classes as electives to please his spiteful mother. 

That BITCH! Lorelei seethed, just thinking of her.

Whether or not he actual gave a damn about this kind of stuff, Lorelei had yet to discern. He seemed interested in what the teachers had to say, some of the time, but she could never imagine seeing him in full military uniform. Not that he wouldn't look good in one. Her cheeks were turning rosy just thinking about it.

Then again… She hoped he never took that step. Not that she would force him to change his mind or anything… She just didn't want to see him end up like some of these other guys in class.

Military History was interesting enough on its own, but Lorelei only signed up for the class when she learned that Theo was in it. It was also the only class he was in that still had an opening. It was in the early afternoon, but Lorelei was happy to sacrifice an early lunch just to be near him, even if it meant studying a rather boring course.

Lorelei sighed, just thankful to be out of her native district. She thought of her mysterious benefactor, the one who gave her the recommendation to come here. One day she would find out whoever that was, and shower them with gratitude. Hell, she might even name her first born after them. That thought caught her off guard, and Lorelei couldn't help but wonder if that fantasy was her own, or belonged to someone else. No, she was pretty sure it was authentic.

Lorelei fidgeted in her seat as the other succubus leaned forward, licking her lips while gazing at the professor. 

Amarille had purposefully loosened her blouse, revealing quite a tasteful amount of her right bosom to anyone looking. The professor couldn't help but glance more than once. Her sapphire skin, complimented by her cheerful ginger hair, was hard to ignore. Her horns were perfectly shaped, short and neat; her tail was elegant, able to wrap around her pen with a refined finesse. Her scarlet eyes glistened in the light, like candle flames over drops of honey.

In many ways, Lorelei was jealous of her. Then again, she couldn't imagine suffering from all the attention. 

"Still feel sore, you sad little wallflower?" Amarille smirked at her. 

Lorelei resisted the urge to curl back. She and Amarille shared the same fencing class earlier that morning, and Amarille had bested her quickly time-and-time again. 

"Amarille please, I don't want any trouble," Lorelei offered a quiet plea, knowing full well it would be ignored.

That caused Amarille to snicker. Her scarlet eyes darted back to the professor, and she leaned back, letting her breasts jiggle. Lorelei realized she wasn't wearing a bra, definitely against dress code. A dark blue nipple was just barely starting to show.

"Your form could use some work," Amarille chided her while stretching back. Now both her nipples were close to breathing the fresh air. "But you seem to know enough about handling a rod."

Lorelei scowled. 

Amarille represented the kind of succubus who delighted in her gifts. She enjoyed feeling the temptations around her, using them to twist people around her little finger. This was one of the reasons why Lorelei wasn't comfortable being around other succubi, let alone Amarille. Had she not been raised in a mixed orphanage maybe things would've been different. 

Just thinking about the fencing class made her shoulders tense. They were still aching. Lorelei stiffened in her seat, angry about being pestered. 

"Don't be disgusting." She tried to act tough, failing.

"My my, you really like playing the innocent card, don't you?" Amarille planted her elbow on the desk, resting her chin in her hand. Now it was ridiculous, one of her breasts slipped free, fully exposing itself, and resting gracefully against the tables flat surface. A dark blue nipple stuck out, hardening with excitement. The natural plump shape of her breast drew Lorelei's eye, it was slightly smaller than her own, but more firm. 

The professor nearly tripped, choking in between sentences as he noticed her. Some of the other students picked up on it as well. Just as soon as too many eyes starting leering, Amarille adjusted herself, feigning a mischievous smile as if it were a simple wardrobe malfunction. Already the malaise of sensuous thoughts had grown thicker. It was causing Lorelei's skin to form goosebumps.

Sensing her weakness, Amarille leaned in close. "You'll never get laid with that attitude; you most certainly won't get a chance with that guy you keep staring at."

"Shut it." Lorelei kept her eyes glued to the pages of her notebook. The lusts spilling into the ether grew more frenzied, now that everyone noticed the two succubi in the upper rows.

"Struck a chord, did I?" There was venom in Amarille's voice.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." Lorelei felt the pull of magic corrupting her thoughts. The euphoria, the pleasure, the insatiable desire from all the students was intoxicating. Deep down, a part of her wanted to gorge on it. A dark forbidden side of her, a demon on her shoulder, whispered that it was alright to delight in all the depravity in the air.

Lorelei shook her head, willing the shadow away. She wasn't going to let this disgusting power ruin her. Only one man was worthy of her, only one man did she want to give herself too…

"That's a yes." Amarille snickered, her tail gliding smoothly from side to side. "Why don't I give you a little advice. Stop keeping that body of yours all to yourself. Let loose, live a little, otherwise…"

Lorelei shot her the darkest leer she could manage. Her own tail was perfectly still, its tip aimed squarely at Amarille as if ready to strike her.

Amarille sighed to herself, her eyes rolled to the side, evidently not impressed. "You really think you can hurt me don't you? Let's hope your aim is better with that tail than a rapier. But you should think about this, if you don't go after that guy, then someone else will. Maybe even me?"

Before Lorelei could lash out, a gruff, yet still distinctively feminine voice, took them by surprise.

The wolfkin girl to Lorelei's left evidently had enough of their jabs. 

"Could you two please be quiet?" She asked with spirit.

Lorelei looked over to the other woman. "Sorry…" She pouted. 

"Relax, he's too young for me anyway." Amarille straightened herself in her seat, pulling up her blouse to keep her breasts from hanging out again. "I like my men… More refined."

"Gross." Lorelei had never felt more awkward. Actually she had before, but that didn't matter at the moment.

She leaned over to the left, happy to see the wolfkin was no longer angry with them. "Sorry about that." 

"It's fine, just please… I've had a long day already, and both of you are rather loud." She sighed.

"Names Junipor by the way."

"I haven't seen you in class before." One would think a copper toned wolfkin with fluffy white hair, a bushy tail, and large fox-like ears, would stick out. Especially since there were no other wolfkin in the class. Lorelei couldn't help but think she was pretty as well, her face soft and angular with proud cheekbones. Her light blue eyes seemed distant, like she was always thinking about something else than what was going on around her. 

"Maybe not in class." Junipor sighed, as if frustrated.

"Huh?" Lorelei resisted the urge to smack Amarille, who's tail was nipping to steal her pen.

"Nothing, never-mind." Junipor shrugged. The flex of her muscle gave Lorelei pause. She had the body of a career soldier, or hardened street mercenary, not that of a student.

"So why this class?" Lorelei asked.

Before Junipor could answer, someone came bursting into the classroom. 

It was HIM!

Lorelei's attention was immediately taken. She looked over and was shocked to find his right arm bound in a cast, and held by a sling. One of his eyes was bruised, his hair was disheveled, but he was smiling like nothing happened.

Who did that to my THEO! Lorelei nearly screamed out. Her nails carved into the desk, and both Junipor and Amarille scooted away from her, fearing she might actually do something crazy.