
Love in Poison

Princèssé Eucolita Julia Nastoria Rosé Pierré is the heir to the Noble Republiqué de Costa-Luné Throne. Let me rephrase that, she WAS until her father decides to marry for the third time, threatening her position in the family. Greater competition leads to dark resorts. Dark resorts lead to darker shadows. These darker shadows lead to dark echoes of the past as things fall apart. Eucolita literally loses herself. Well until...

Tahris · Urbain
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7 Chs


Keziah Junes applied the last layer of Maybelline New York Nude lipstick and took a deep breath. She slowly tied her hair into a perfect chignon and straightened down her white wedding gown. She smiled as she looked in the opaque mirror. "Pull yourself together. This is it, Kez." she rosily instructed her reflection.

I cleared my throat, making my presence felt in the roseate room. She turned to face me. "Miss Junes, grandma said they were ready for you." I announced. She nodded and smiled back at the mirror. "Excuse me." I turned to leave. "Coco, wait!" Miss Junes announced.

I stopped in my tracks. "Miss Junes, who do you think you are to call me by my given name? You are to address me as Princess Eucolita, if you please!" I snapped angrily.

"Princess Eucolita, in a few moments, I am to be your stepmother. Please understand that I am not trying to replace your mother." Miss Junes announced.

"Yes, you are right. The second wife already replaced my mother. I don't understand where you fit in in this equation. A replacement of the replacement, perhaps?" I remarked. "Eucolita, that is rude, don't you think?" Miss June remarked. "I apologise but that is my way of speech. The only thing rude about my remark would be my chose of words. Would the phrase 'a gold-digging harlot' have been better?" I remarked. Miss Junes gaped, dumbstruck. "Never in my life did I believe that someone would actually settle for third best. Anyway, who am I to judge? Please excuse me before I say something that I might regret." I snapped and turned to leave.

"Young lady, we are not done talking!" Miss Junes snapped. "Apologies, I thought I had excused myself. Or are you deaf too?" "Enough!" I was not even sure of exactly what had happened or how it had happened. I suddenly found myself on the cold marble floor. All I remember was my throbbing cheek, painful because of the sharp scorching slap that had rid it of its well-being. I wiped my bruised cheek. Blood!

I looked at her hand. Her unnecessarily over-decorated diamond engagement ring dripped of blood.

"I will not be insulted by a child who was born yesterday! I will beat you to a pulp!" She snapped. I looked at her, shocked at how the decency had suddenly shifted to rage. I was tooo dumbstruck to speak.

"How dare you!"

A voice interrupted the eeriness that had surfaced in the room. "Your Highness," Miss June's curtsied.

"Have you no shame, Keziah?" My grandmother's voice hissed, well announcing her sudden presence.

Miss Junes instantly abhorred from me and stood , looking like she was ready to salute. I chuckled, but the pain from my cheek quickly silenced me.

"Apologies, Mother. I was just advising Coco." Keziah prevaricated. Big mistake!

"Keziah, is the word 'stupid' written on my forehead? Do I look like I was born yesterday? My granddaughter..." "Your Highness, your presence is required in the Grand Chapel. Your son wants to have a word with you." Marie, the chamberlain stepped in. "Thank you, I will be there in a moment."

"Coco, go and get cleaned up. Your father would not be happy to see you like this. Marie, help her up and make sure that she is well-dressed." "But Ouma, I am capable of doing it on my..." "Eucolita, do as I say!" I acquiesced and left. Ouma approached Miss Junes, "I will deal with you later. Lay a finger on my granddaughter again, and you will live to regret it!" She whispered and walked out.

"Coco, what happened in there? You are a mess." Marie exclaimed. "Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." I replied, sitting on my bed. "Well, in my honest opinion, you shouldn't be too quick to judge Miss Keziah. She is just trying to be there for you." Marie announced. "I didn't ask for your honest opinion. If you know what is good for you, you will keep quiet about this matter!" I folded my arms.

Marie laid some clothes on the bed. "I remember the day you turned cold Coco, the day your mother left. You just built walls around yourself, thinking they would protect you but instead they are shutting everyone out of your life " Marie said. "Yes, I know, and I like it that way." I replied, unzipping my dress.

"But it doesn't have to be that way. Your mother leaving never meant that you had to turn into..." She fell silent. "Into what Marie?" I asked. "Nevermind " Marie simply mumbled.

I threatened to tell my grandmother if she did not finish her sentence. "Okay, into an egocentric petulant diva." Marie announced. I raised my eyebrows.

"Wow, I am glad to hear how little you think of me." I replied. "Coco, the point is: you may not realize it but you need people in your life. You can't make it on your own. What is the point of being number one when there are no other numbers?"

"The point is that you stay at the top where everyone else has to respect you."

"One day you will find somebody who will change your mind, Coco."

"When that one day comes and that person comes along, I won't even think twice. I already got everything I need." I replied.

"But Coco..." "I believe this conversation is over." I stood and started walking out of my room, not giving her enough room to say another word.

I paused for a moment as I stood at the door then turned to face her.

"And by the way, it's Princess Eucolita to you. Lock the door on your way out." I shut the door.

All rise for the Royal family!"

Marie announced to the congregation.

Everyone stood up as all the Royals (excluding me) proceeded down the aisle. Last to proceed was my dad, dressed in a luscious white Royal attire.

As all this happened, I was hiding in the lavatory, hoping that the entire wedding would happen in my absence.

I sat on the toilet seat, my phone in hand. Almost instantly, my phone rang, indicating an incoming call. "Alex😳😊" the dialer read. At the sight of his name, I felt the hairs on my skin rise.

Alexander Vincere Stephen Rosebank was the one and only heir to the throne of our neighbouring country Noble Republic of Aruna; and coincidentally, my best friend. I had first met Alex during the course of my kindergarten years. He had been staying at our palace for a while, for protection purposes, as there were succession disputes in Aruna at the time. We had been best friends since then. When peace returned, he went back to Aruna. I hadn't seen him in years, but we still kept in touch and Facetimed a lot.

Alex's looks revealed his beauty and interesting personality. His wild and noticeable savy nature was expressed by deep hazel-brown almond-shaped eyes. His sheepish smiled revealed blindingly-white incisors and pointy canines as well as expressing his shy but optimistic character. His moderately-lighy creamy skin, set off by his short neat brown hair made it very clear that he was a guy of various moods. A strong firm cheekbone not only gave him an elegant look, but also a sharp stubborn look. His figure was graceful. His facial features were well-proportioned.

Suffice it to say, Alex was a very appealing person to see.


Yep, that was my best friend. Just by my description of him, you can tell that I knew him inside and out. He was somehow starting to grow on me so much that I had developed a slightly intense infatuation for him, in simple terms, what one would call a crush.

I then remembered that my cellphone was still vigorously vibrating and intensely ringing. "He-hello?" I hesitantly answered. "Coco, where the heck are you? The procession is already finished!" He whispered in a sort of scornful tone. His perfect English accent gave me chills. "I-I have been delayed so I don't see myself coming." I stammered. "Delayed by what exactly?" He said. I instantly fell silent.

Stupid Coco, couldn't I think of something else? I scorned myself. "Okay, where exactly are you?" Alex's voice came through. "Well, I am somewhere. This urgent thing came up." I said. "Okay, can I come and help. "No, please don't!" I was quick to refuse. I could sense his confusion from the other side of the phone. "I mean, I already have someone helping me with it. You don't have to worry. It's gir'ls stuff." I prevaricated.

"Wait, so let me get this straight. You are doing something with someone somewhere. Am I correct?" Okay, I have to admit, that sounded so stupid. I agreed hesitantly. "Just cut to the case Coco. Where are you? Why can't you come?" he said. He knew me well, I will admit.

"Alex, if I came, I would not be able to pull it together. All this is just a stupid reminder of how my dad betrayed my mom. It feels like I would also be betraying her, if I kept up with this charade. I swear, I can't fake another smile." I confessed and sighed. "Okay then, don't fake it. Just come as you are."

"If I did that, my dad would probably banish me from Costa-Lune." I replied. "Hey, being banished is not a death sentence." Alex highlighted. "I might as well be dead..."

"Eucolita Julia Nastoria Rose Pierre, come here this instant! You will not be doing justice to your father and all the dignitaries present by skipping such an event. Please just come." Alex interjected.

Seemed like he wasn't going to let me off the hook that easily and so, I acquiesced to his idea and hastily cut the call before he could give me another lecture.

To be honest, going to that wedding would be a suicidal mission. My father would regret having me there. But I didn't have a choice, did I?

I couldn't lose my best friend over such a petty issue.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. I hope you enjoy!

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