
The Mysterious Recruit

When Atul came out of the CO'S office, he was really confused about Manvi. Why did she lie about her past!?, What must have happened that despite luxuries she ran away to join lower ranks in Army!?? If she is good at finances and politics why not a career option in International Marketing etc.? All of this question just made Atul really curious about Manvi.

While he was walking back to his office, he thought why not go and see what conversation is happening between Manvi and her relatives.

" ....enough!!!! You need to just get out now", Manvi growled.

"You will regret it Manvi."

Atul could hear Manvi laughing, she then said, "Regret what, that I don't plan to cooperate with my murderers!"

Atul couldn't believe his ears about what he just heard. Neither could the two men who were present inside the room.

"How do you—", Sanjay couldn't utter anything.

"...because I saw it coming, Mr. Sanjay Singhania. You forgot that I was your unpaid maid, in your house. You thought that you would bring Cyanide into the house to kill me and I won't know. I knew that relations didn't meant anything to you."

"That cyanide wasn't for you....", Sanjay tried to dominate the situation.

"Just bloody shut up, UNCLE. Do you think I am a fool? When you understood that flattering me won't coax into signing my dad's wealth to you, you tried to suppress me by humiliating me. My father educated me in the finest colleges, my upbringing happened in best of environments and you thought that you can all these years of my esteem and confidence can be snatched by humiliating me, making me your housemaid. Nope, never happening."

Sanjay then all of a sudden revealing his true colours said, "If you think that way let it be, but remember one thing you won't be able to get away with what's mine. Remember, I have financial options too! Come to the board meeting next week. Let's go Agam."

Agam followed his father-in-law after giving a surprised stare at Manvi.

As soon as Sanjay and Agam left, all of a sudden it felt like Manvi's anger left and was replaced by deep sorrow. She went down on her knees and started crying profusely.

"Why did you leave me dad.... just why?"

As Manvi was crying, she saw flawlessly polished shoes stopping near her. She looked up to find her new company commander Captain Atul looking at her.

Until now, Atul had an impression that Manvi was some sort of schemer some negative person, but as soon as he overheard the conversation he almost understood what must have happened with Manvi. As Manvi looked up, Atul couldn't help adore her, her white cheeks flushed red with crying, the innocence in her eyes, he felt as if he hugged her right there. His eyes softened on seeing Manvi in that state but since he had to maintain the authority of his position he soon composed himself.

Manvi thought that Atul didn't liked the events that unfolded today, and it might be possible that the CO must have told Atul to ask her not to bring her personal matters like this. While she was wondering Atul in his deep voice said, " Meet me after office."

As much as Atul wanted to be besides Manvi at that time, he knew he will have to walk away for now.

Seeing Atul walk away, Manvi was petrified she thought admist all of this trouble she has now got a emotionless, strict senior.