
Love Game - The Quest To The Prince's Heart

***EDITING*** What is worse than finding yourself inside the game you have been playing online? Being a side character who is killed in the first levels of the game. Gene, or Siv as her character is called, has to find a way to survive in a game where only the smart and powerful remains. Especially when she is engaged to the cold Prince Brandt.

MeriemR · Fantaisie
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196 Chs

The Walk

The prince and Gene walk silently for a while. She can hear the birds and the breeze playing with the branches, but most of all, she can hear her fast heartbeat. So many thoughts are racing through her mind that she can't even focus on one.

"How are you feeling, Lady Siv?" His sudden question makes her jump.

"Uh-yes, I am fine thank you," she stutters.

"You have had a lot to drink yesterday. Do you have a headache?" Gene's face turns crimson.

"I should probably apologize." 

The prince stops and turns to face her. "About what?" he asks.

'He knows exactly what I am apologizing about.'

"Last night," she answers, avoiding his eyes.

He takes a step closer to her and she feels like her heart is about to jump out of her ribcage.

"What about last night?" he asks with a lower voice.

Gene looks up at him, almost annoyed.

'Is he… smiling?'

"I would appreciate it if you didn't tease me, Your Highness." 

Brandt chuckles and takes another step closer to her. She tries to step back but her back hits a tree.

"You know, I think yesterday was the most you have talked to me since we were children," the prince admits with smiling eyes. "It was actually cute," he adds.


Gene feels her cheeks heat up again. "I think maybe it was too dark up there, if you think that I looked cute, drunk." Gene looks away, annoyed by his teasing. 

He pulls her chin gently to make her face him again. "You were cute when you were drunk, you were cute when you said how handsome I was, and you were the cutest when you kissed me." 

Gene freezes, it is like a bucket of ice-cold water was just dumped on her head.

'So it wasn't a dream after all.'

She swallows hard as the prince inches closer to her. She can feel his warm breath on her face.

'Oh God, is he going to kiss me? I think my heart is about to stop.' Gene closes her eyes and parts my lips to welcome his kiss.

"It was very amusing." She hears him say.

'Amusing?' When she opens her eyes, she finds the prince walking away with his back to her. 'What the hell was that? Is this guy for real?'

Her blood is boiling and her body moves on its own. She pulls him from his arm and turns him toward me.

"Do you enjoy bullying people like that and making them feel like crap?" The prince's smile disappears and is replaced with shock. "Does it give you satisfaction? You are the crown prince for God's sake." She scoffs and turns away from him. "Maybe it was for the best that I lost all my memory, you probably teased me so much that—"

"You lost your memory?" The prince grabs her arm. "That wasn't in the report."

"Report? Do you have someone reporting about me?"

"Of course, you are my fiancée." He stares at her for a moment with a frown. "But you knew who I was when you saw me on the roof."

'Oops.' Of course she knew who he was, she saw his face every day for the past few months. Every time she opened the Love Game app. 'Obviously, I can't tell him that.'

"You are the only one I remember for some reason," she mumbles. He finally loosens his grip.

"Is that so?" His grin is back.

"Don't take it as a compliment, though. It was probably because you scarred me for life with your bullying." Her comment gets a full throat laugh out of the prince.

"It feels like you are a different person, Siv," he says between laughs. "So feisty." Then, he offers her his arm. "We should go back, it would be inappropriate to stay alone any longer than this."

He walks her back in silence and when they reach the house, he gently kisses her hand.

"I really enjoyed your company, Lady Siv. Maybe we can go for another walk soon."

"It would be my pleasure, Your Highness."

It is strange. It seems like he took off his mask in the garden, his expressions were more genuine and real. But now the mask is back on, he is back to being the flawless crown prince.

As soon as Gene enters her room, Veda bombards her with questions about her walk with the prince.

"It was just a walk, Veda," she answers with a smile. "We didn't talk much."

"Oh, alright." The maid almost sounds disappointed.

Gene had the impression that the prince was sending mixed signals today. She can't decide whether he hates Siv or not. But then again, how can he sentence her to death if he didn't?

"Veda, did the prince and I get along before my accident?"

"To be honest, I have never seen you together, my lady," she answers. "This is the first time he visits you here too. But I know that you had feelings for him."

'Damn it, Siv. He is the Devil, how could you love him?'

"You wrote about him often in your diary," Veda adds.

"My diary? Where is that?"

"I couldn't tell you, my lady. You used to change the places you hid it because you didn't want anyone to find it."

'Of course.' Gene sighs.

"Well, I don't remember where I hid it last."

"I am sure you will remember soon—"

Both Veda and Gene jump in surprise when the duchess barges into the room. She looks livid. She grabs Gene's wrist with such force, she yelps. It feels like her arm could snap any second.

"Did you tell the prince that you lost your memory?" she asks through gritted teeth.

'What? Is that why she is mad?'

"I did, I didn't think it was a secret." 

She squeezes harder, making Gene wince in pain. "Well it was, what if he uses that as an excuse to break the engagement?"

"Why would he do that?" Gene asks, ignoring the throbbing in her arm.

"Do you think a woman who can't even remember who she is, is fit to be the crown princess?" she spits. "You'd better die before bringing shame to this family. Do you hear me?" Her stepmother finally releases her and storms out of the room.

"Are you alright, my lady?" Veda asks with wide eyes.

"I am fine."

'Damn it.' Gene rubs her wrist. 'She almost broke it.'

Gene is now sure of one thing, though. The duchess wouldn't frame her for treason because that would ruin the family name, which by the looks of it, is something she definitely wants to avoid.


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The duchess is scary...

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