
The moments we had together

Love from a distance:A tale of unexpected connection

Chapter 24

Liela's POV

"That we should experience life together," I muttered.

"You want us..."

"No, I meant we should be good friends," I quickly explained. I can't believe he heard me. I thought I said it in an inaudible way.

"What about you," I said.

"I want us to be strangers to each other," he said, and I was shocked.

"But why?"

"Because I believe I would rather cause you harm than be a part of your life," he said.

"So you really want us to be strangers," I said in a disappointed tone.

"Yes, that's what's best for you," he said.

The words stirred anger within me. Why does everyone think so little of me? My parents have imposed stupid rules and say it's for the best, and now, my first love says this too. It's truly heart-breaking.

"I should leave," I said in a calm tone so he wouldn't sense that I was hurt. I turned to leave, but he pulled me to him and held me tightly.

"Hey, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm not a good person, and being friends with you will affect you negatively. That's why I said that," he said as he stroked my cheeks gently.

"You are good because you saved me," I said.

"That doesn't change my personality. I'm not good; I'm ruthless in friendship. That's why I'm a loner," he said softly as we rested our heads on each other.

"But to me, I don't see any of that," I said.


"Liela, that's my name," I said.

"Liela, I'm putting an end to this. This is the last time we will ever cross paths again. I'll be far from you, so please see me as a stranger," he said.

"You really want that?" I said, heartbroken, and he nodded.

"Do you know you're my first love? It's unusual for me to fall in love with someone at first sight, but with you, it was different because I did and..." A tear dropped from my eyes, and I couldn't talk anymore. I was getting emotional.

"I think you shouldn't keep me in your heart because I'm not worth it. So don't fall deeper for me," he said, and the tears kept dropping. He hugged me tightly and patted me as I cried, saying, "I'm here," in a whisper continuously.

I've never been treated this way before. I always just cry alone in my room, with no one to pat me or console me. I was mostly alone, but here he was, doing all that for me. I hugged him tightly as well.

"You're not bad, Diego. You're good and different, and I like that. I don't think I can forget you. I will keep on hoping that one day, we will meet again and start on a nice note."

He smelled like an aroma of a scented candle or essential oil, which made me snuggle around him more. After the moment of closeness, we watched the fireworks together before getting something to eat. I had literally cried and snuggled around his arms. The way he comforted me was nice, and I made sure he was comfortable too, with my hands wrapped around him.

We got some chicken wings and French fries with sauce and drinks. I ate while he didn't because he didn't want to remove his nose mask, so his food was packaged as takeout. I looked up and saw him watching me eat.

"Why are you staring, Mr. Diego?" I said with a smile.

"Because a pretty lady is eating, so I wouldn't want to miss the chance of watching her," he said, and I blushed.

"Stop with your cheesy lines, Diego," I said, still blushing.

"Why should I stop when you enjoy the cheesy lines?" he said.

"You... I don't," I said, denying it.

"Denying it is really not nice, you know, Liela," he said softly. The way he called my name softly brought sparks to me.

"I wasn't..."

"You still are," he said.

"Alright, you've won. I enjoy your cheesy lines," I said, blushing.

His bodyguard came to tell him something in his ear and left. Was it time for him to leave?

"Liela, when you're done eating, I'll take you home," he said.

"There's no need, actually. I'll call my chauffeur," I said.

"I insist I take you home," he said.

"Diego, the thing is that I lied to my parents about some things, so if they see four Lamborghinis and a Rolls Royce, I will be punished. So I insist you don't," I explained.

"Then I'll wait for your chauffeur to come before I leave," he said.