


1. Alexander Reynolds ML:

Age: Mid-thirties

Appearance: Charismatic and poised, with sharp features and a well-groomed attitude. His attire reflects his affluent lifestyle.

Occupation: CEO of Reynolds Industries, a billionaire with a vast corporate empire.

Personality: Charismatic, intelligent, and strategic. Initially torn between duty and personal desires, he undergoes a transformation as the story unfolds.

Story Plot: Alexander's life takes an unexpected turn when a contractual marriage is proposed by the mothers of both families, leading to conflicts between societal expectations, love, and duty. His journey involves navigating a complex web of relationships, heartbreak, and self-discovery.

Relationships: Initially involved with Olivia, he later enters into a contract marriage with Emily. His relationship with his mother, Eleanor, becomes strained due to her interference in his personal life.

Weakness: His vulnerability lies in the conflict between personal desires and societal expectations, leading to struggles in love and relationships.

  2. Emily Sterling FL:

Age: Late twenties

Appearance: Epitome of grace and affluence, with refined features and a regal presence.

Occupation: She's Initially presented as an heiress to the Sterling legacy, she later finds purpose in charitable endeavors.

Personality: Resilient, kind-hearted, and determined. Embraces her newfound purpose beyond the societal expectations of wealth.

Story Plot: Emily's journey revolves around accepting a contract marriage for the sake of family legacies, enduring loneliness, and later finding purpose beyond the confines of her luxurious lifestyle.

Relationships: Childhood playmate of Alexander, her unspoken passion for him transforms as the story progresses. Enters into a contract marriage with Alexander.

Weakness: Loneliness coming from the loveless contract marriage, yet her strength lies in turning this vulnerability into a quest for purpose.

  3. Eleanor Reynolds:

Age: Late fifties

Appearance: Graceful and composed, exuding an air of sophistication.

Occupation: Matriarch of the Reynolds family, known for her cunning and protective nature.

Personality: Strategic, protective, and determined. Her decisions are driven by a desire to secure the family's legacy.

Story Plot: Eleanor orchestrates a contract marriage to secure the family's future, leading to conflicts with Alexander. Her interference in his personal life, particularly with Olivia, becomes a central plot point.

Relationships: Mother to Alexander, her actions strain their relationship. A complex character dealing with conflicting notions of love and control.

Weakness: Her weakness lies in her protective nature, often leading her to make decisions without considering the emotional toll on her family.

   4. Olivia:

Age: Late twenties

Appearance: Simplicity defines her appearance, providing a stark contrast to the opulence surrounding Alexander.

Occupation: Not from a wealthy background but her story centers around her connection with Alexander.

Personality: Simple, warm, and genuine. Endures pain in her love for Alexander.

Story Plot: Olivia's character plays a pivotal role as the initial love interest for Alexander. Her departure, orchestrated by Eleanor, sets off a chain of events and revelations.

Relationships: Initially in a relationship with Alexander. Accepts Eleanor's offer for financial security, leading to her disappearance from Alexander's life.

Weakness: The conflict between her love for Alexander and the need for financial security becomes her weakness.