

Slowly and reluctantly, she uncovers her face. She blinked, Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind her. She sat up, dragged her feet off the bed, and rubbed her knuckles onto her eyes. She stretched her arms above her head and yawn. It's a bit too early, she stared at the kitchen across the couch she slumbered. Stood up and went to the fridge, looked for something to make for her friend to at least make up for what he has been giving her. She was supposed to make pancakes and waffles but she remembered "He hates sweets" so instead she prepared some eggs, ham, bacon, toast and coffee. She placed them neatly at the table.

He awoke to soft sheets with a faint smell of her, and the morning light trickled in through the window. His eyes were still shut as He soaked in the warmth of his covers inhaling the sweet smell of vanilla and strawberries before letting his eyes see the sun's rays. He sat up and smelled something delicious. He got up and walked towards the kitchen and saw a red hair beauty busy preparing a meal. His heart jumped and felt a warm and subtle feeling like it was the only thing missing in his life. He watched her silently not to disturb her.

"Oh, you're awake, come and eat with me" the girl invited her with a cute smile tapping the seat next to her "I thought you might need a good breakfast before going to work" she added. It took a second or two for it to sink in, even though it is right before his eyes. Then he felt his lips stretch wider into gaping grin and his eyebrows arch for the sky. She made his heart warmer since it has been cold for a long time. She's here, it made him felt at home finally. And in the seconds that follow he wished to feel her squeezing arms around him and his arms reciprocating. Blushing to his thoughts he pulled his mask down revealing a cute pointed manly nose, his lips were a pale pink and it had a natural cupid's bow and right below the left part is a cute little mole. For the first time after his father died- he trusted someone. Her eyes widen, lips parted but lost for words, her brain stutters for a moment as if time has stopped her face burning red. He looked at her with a sly smirk "Do you like what you see?" he broke the silence. She didn't say a word, looked away and started eating, he just chuckled in response.

Everyone is already at the hokage's office. They opened the door and entered. "So Kakashi, you called for this meeting, what did you find out" Sarutobi asked. "I found out that she is no threat nor danger to us during our conversation when she talked about where she's from. Her memories were never altered nor been faced with an enemy" He explained. "One thing is sure interesting though. The first day I met her; her eyes- ultimate eternal mangekyou sharingan was activated" Erza was just quiet for she knows that her eyes were special but she did not know a single word Kakashi just said. "What are you talking about?!?" Sasuke stood said with a loud voice and pissed off tone. "I really don't know how I am related to that kid but I can tell you exactly what happened before I got here" Erza explained looking towards Sasuke.

"Our guild received a mission from a client. There were two of them. The first one was a fairly tall man of fair complexion. He had onyx eyes, under which were long, pronounced tear-troughs. He had jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with center-parted bangs that extended to his chin, his overall appearance is very similar to Sasuke's. While the other guy, hmm I can't describe him much because he wears an orange mask with a spiral pattern focused around his right eye. Both of them wear a long, black cloak with red clouds, a red interior, and a chin-high collar but the refuse to provide their names and just be anonymous which is completely legal" That is what I can remember "The mission was not initially assigned to my team. Our guild master assigned it to the other S-class mages other than me, that is the same rank as kakashi. It was supposed to be Mirajane and Laxus. I came to the master with my eyes activated- I just came home from a mission that day, the guy with the long hair met my eyes and he activated his eyes which is the same as mine. Before I can react the guy with the mask that only shows his right eye has also activated his eyes, so the three of us posses this what you call a sharingan, he said that they have a special request, they want me to do the quest and so I assembled my team and went on this mission the next morning"

Everyone is in shock of what she said. "The way you described them is impressive. It looks like you are very smart and have a very good memory" Sarutobi complimented "It looks like your clients are from our world. Their robes are iconic to a group named Akatsuki and they are rebels of all nations and a very powerful and dangerous group, it looks like you might be in danger since Itachi knew you also have the sharingan and requested for you" he added. "Could she be talking about Itachi" Sasuke eagerly asked. kakashi placed his arms on the kid's shoulders and nodded at him. Sasuke's face was now full of hatred.

"Our mission was to retrieve an ancient artifact they called forbidden curse scroll that they said to contain a dangerous curse seal and they are going to protect it." Erza started as everyone listens intently and carefully to each word she says "The place was an ancient ruin by one of our powerful kingdoms as the legend said. The walls has drawings that I'm not familiar but what I can clearly remember was the sacred temple. The walls on the right and left side were covered with masks, different kinds of them. At front was the Uchiha crest just like what is on Sasuke's back and below it were two figures of red circles with black, comma-like patterns, if I'm not mistaken it is called spinning tomoe. and at the center was the hole were the chest is located and the scroll inside at the bottom of what looked like an altar was a tomb stone with a foreign writings adorned with two lamps at each sides" Erza explained "We were warned by those two to never open the scroll no matter what, but maybe I was too clumsy it fell and spread out then the markings on it floated and wrapped my body then a magic circle appeared below me and I was in a black hole kinda thing, the I found myself here" she finished.

"I appreciate all the information you provided Erza chan, I will officially assign Kakashi as your body guard until we make sure that her life is not in danger while Yamato will form a three team member of Anbu to go and investigate this matter including Akatsuki's involvement. Since Itachi was mentioned I strongly feel that it has something to do with the Uchiha's. Erza what was your last name again? you're not an Uchiha, are you?" the hokage asked

"Scarlet. I grew up as an orphan slave by a dark guild. I don't remember having parents or any family members nor where I'm from. I only know that my name is Erza without any last name. Scarlet was given to me by a good friend because of the color of my hair. It looks like the Uchiha's were in earthland 400 years ago. I don't know what I have to do with this but I am willing to help"

Sasuke felt his knees weaken "So yo-you mean it is possible that I am not the only Uchiha who survived?" he said with his trembling voice his stoic face filled with confusion as he stares at Erza