
Love Beyond Bounderies

Ava's passionate romance with billionaire Ethan is threatened by her vengeful ex, his jealous childhood friend, and his disapproving mother. But when she discovers she's pregnant, Ethan denies the child is his. Why? Why does Ethan's mother hate Ava? Secrets, lies, and betrayals tear them apart. Can their love survive the truth? Find out more in the book.

Racheal_3098 · Urbain
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5 Chs

A Suprised Reunion

Avery? Wow, it's been a long time. Where have you been all this time?" Ethan asked after hugging her.Ethan was surprised to see Avery and, at the same time, curious about what she wanted them to talk about. He can't see the reason why she had been waiting for him."Let's sit first." She said it excitedly, holding his hand while they sat down.Avery had always been in love with Ethan, and she loved him even more after that night."So tell me, how has life been?""Well, I have traveled to France since after high school to complete my studies and am back now." She felt happy."Oh, you're welcome; it's nice seeing you again." Ethan said reluctantly.Ethan could not even say if he's really happy seeing her, he just can't tell. As they sat down, Ethan's mother came into the room, smiling."Ethan, you're here," she said, kissing her son on the cheek."Yes, mom, good evening; I didn't know we would have someone joining us." He was feeling a bit disappointed. He wasn't expecting anyone; he thought the dinner would be just the two of them."Oh, dear, I just wanted to surprise you. I will leave you two to talk. I'm glad you two are reconnecting. Dinner will be ready soon." She was grinning.And with that, she left the room, leaving Avery and Ethan to have some privacy. Though Ethan couldn't help but notice how Avery has changed, she's now chubby, not the slim girl he used to know.Ethan, do you have a girlfriend?" Avery asked curiously."No, I don't; I have been so busy with work to have a relationship," he replied, looking away.Avery was excited to hear Ethan say he doesn't have a girlfriend. "Oh, that's great, I'm happy to hear that." She replied.Ethan raised his eyebrows, curiously wondering why Avery was happy that he didn't have a girlfriend. "Why are you happy to hear that?"I just meant that; it's good you're focusing on your work; you know women can be a distraction sometimes."She quickly said that, realizing her mistake.Ethan Chuckled "Sure, so what about you, Avery? Are you dating anyone?""No, I am not; I have been so busy with work." I have been waiting for you, she thought.Ethan nodded In understanding, "yeah, it's tough to balance work and relationships.Avery changed the subject. "So how's Gabriel? I haven't seen him since high school; are you both still friends?" She asked, rolling her eyes.Ethan smiled. "He's doing great; he's still my best friend. We hang out all the time."Avery's darkened. "I never liked him, he was arrogant and so full of himself."Ethan shrugged. "Well, I trust him with my life; he's a good guy. You think he's arrogant because he always says things the way they are, he doesn't beat around the bush, and he's straightforward.Avery nodde. She has never liked Gabriel since high school because she thinks he is arrogant, and Gabriel doesn't like her either; according to him, she's a whore, a liar, and sinister.There were a few minutes of silence before Ethan spoke. "Avery, what did you say we have to talk about?" he asked, his gaze on her."Ethan I want to know why you never reached out to me after that night," she said, her eyes locked on his.Ethan sighed, having a feeling of regret and guilt. "Avery, it was a mistake—a drunken mistake. I was young and stupid; I didn't know how to handle it.""But I was hurt when you ignored me after that night.""I'm so sorry. I didn't know how to face you, and I was ashamed, but I regret it now. I am sorry for hurting your feelings.""It's okay, Ethan; it's in the past now." She said looking at him seductively, but I did not regret that night. I wish that night never ended."Ethan couldn't understand what she meant. "She wished the night never ended. "Does she love me?" Ethan thoughtAvery had always loved Ethan, but each time she brought up the topic, he always told her that he saw her as his sister. That night, she was so happy and even thanked God that he was drunk; if not, she wouldn't have enjoyed the night. Ethan knew she loved him, but he wasn't sure if, after all these years, she still did. He hopes not."I loved you and still love you; I will make you fall for me no matter what." She thought smiling.Just then his mom called out, "Ethan, Avery, dinner's ready."As they stood up to go for dinner, Avery turned to Ethan with a smile. "I'm so glad we are catching up. It feels like old times.""Yes, it sure does; let's go see what mom prepared for us." He said it with a fake smile.As they walked to the dining room, Avery was so excited. She was determined to make Ethan fall in love with her, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to make him hers."In the middle of the dinner, Ethan's mom started to talk."The reason I called for this special dinner is because I want you two to get married. Avery is from a wealthy family, and we've been friends for a long time. It will strengthen our friendship." she said eagerly.Ethan's eyes widened in shock, but Avery was so excited to hear that it had always been her dream to be Ethan's bride; she loved and still loves him."Oh, Aunty Victoria, I would love to marry Ethan; I have always wanted to!" She exclaimed."Call me mother, as you are a soon-to-be daughter-in-law."Yes, mother." She replied shyly, her face flushed."Beautiful! I have always known that you two would make a beautiful couple and give me cute grandkids!" Ethan's mom said it enthusiastically.Ethan, on the other hand, looked so lost. "Uh, we—wait, what's going on here?". He stuttered.Avery turned to Ethan excitedly. "Oh, come on, Ethan, don't worry, we will make a beautiful couple; we're going to make it work."Ethan's heart was beating fast as he tried to process what was happening. He had no intentions of getting married soon, especially not to someone he didn't love and had not seen in years.Just as Ethan was about to speak, his mother dropped another bombshell: "And oh, and I've set the wedding date already, it's two weeks from now!"