
Love Beyond Border

Nazli, an American girl, travels to Turkey to find her parents killer and seek revenge. Her father was killed when she was just four years old; she remembers sitting on the floor, crying, as someone murdered her parents in front of her. The trauma left her with a blurred memory of the killer's face. However, upon meeting Kerem, a charming young man, she unexpectedly falls in love with him.

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10 Chs

Safe hand

Nazli sat at the dining table, her determination as unyielding as ever. Hakam paced the floor, his worry evident in every step. Fatma watched them both, her expression torn between concern and resolve.

"I can't leave you here alone, Nazli," Hakam said, his voice firm. "It's too dangerous. You have no idea what you're getting into. I promised to help you find Mom and Dad's killer, but this... this is different. I can't let you do this by yourself."

Nazli met his gaze with steady eyes. "Hakam, I appreciate your concern, but I need to do this. I can't return to the USA without finding out the truth. This is something I have to face on my own."

Hakam stopped pacing and faced her, frustration and worry mixing in his expression. "Nazli, you don't understand the risks involved. This isn't a game. You could get hurt or worse. I can't just leave you here."

Fatma stepped in, her voice gentle but firm. "Hakam, we've discussed this. Nazli is determined to stay, and we need to support her decision. But she won't be alone. I talked to Aunt Ayse."

Hakam looked at Fatma, confused. "Aunt Ayse?"

"Yes," Fatma continued. "I called her and explained the situation. She agreed to let Nazli stay with her. Aunt Ayse is like a second mother to Nazli. She'll be safe there, and we won't have to worry about her being alone."

Nazli nodded. "Aunt Ayse is wonderful. I'll be in good hands. I'll keep you updated regularly, and if I need anything, I'll let you know immediately."

Hakam sighed, running a hand through his hair. He was clearly torn. "Fatma, are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

Fatma placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Yes, Hakam. Aunt Ayse is trustworthy and loves Nazli like her own. She'll be safe there. We have to let Nazli make her own choices, even if it's hard for us."

Hakam looked back at Nazli, his eyes softening. "Are you sure about this, Nazli?"

"Yes, Hakam. This is something I need to do. Please trust me," Nazli pleaded.

Hakam took a deep breath, then finally nodded. "Okay, Nazli. You can stay with Aunt Ayse. But promise me you'll be careful and keep in touch."

Nazli smiled, relief washing over her. "I promise, Hakam. Thank you for understanding."

Fatma hugged Nazli, whispering, "Be safe and take care of yourself. Aunt Ayse will look after you."

With the arrangements settled, Hakam and Fatma helped Nazli pack her things for the move to Aunt Ayse's house. The next day, they drove her to the cozy, welcoming home of Aunt Ayse, who greeted them with open arms and a warm smile.

"Welcome, my dear Nazli," Aunt Ayse said, embracing her tightly. "You are always welcome here."

As Hakam and Fatma said their goodbyes, they felt a mixture of sadness and relief. They knew Nazli was in good hands and that she would be safe while pursuing her quest for justice. They boarded their flight back to the USA with a bit more peace of mind, leaving Nazli under the protective and loving care of Aunt Ayse.