

A blissful, love-like vibe can be sensed from the people around you or the surroundings; love is in the air

Tamoyah_Lewis · Fantaisie
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10 Chs



(Annastasia and Max start planning their dream wedding, with their friends and family excitedly involved)

Ashley: "Oh my gosh, Annastasia, your engagement ring is stunning! Max did an amazing job."

Annastasia: (blushing) "Thanks, Ashley. I'm completely obsessed with it."

Chelsea: "So, when's the big day? We need to start planning the bachelorette party!"

Annastasia: (laughing) "Soon, soon! We're thinking next summer. And yes, let's start planning that party ASAP!"

Max: "I'm so excited to marry my best friend. Annastasia, you make every day brighter."

Annastasia: (smiling) "I feel the same way, Max. You're my soulmate."

(As they continue planning their wedding, they realize their love story is one for the ages)

Annastasia: (tearfully) "Max, from the moment I met you at that party, I knew you were special. I'm so grateful for our love."

Max: (smiling) "I knew it too, Annastasia. Our love is the kind that lasts a lifetime."

(They share a sweet kiss, ready to start their forever together)

(At Annastasia's bachelorette party, her friends are cheering and having a blast)

Ashley: "Annastasia, you're finally getting married! We're so excited for you!"

Annastasia: (laughing) "I can't believe it's finally happening! I'm so ready to spend the rest of my life with Max."

Chelsea: "We're going to miss you, Annastasia! But we're also so happy for you and Max. You two are meant to be."

Becky: "And we're not going to miss your late-night texting sessions, complaining about how much you love him!" (everyone laughs)

Annastasia: (smiling) "Hey, those were important therapy sessions! But thanks, girls. I'm going to miss our girls' nights out, but I'm excited for this new chapter with Max."

(They all clink their glasses together and take a shot, cheering and dancing the night away)

(Annastasia gets home from the bachelorette party and collapses onto her bed, exhausted but still buzzing from the excitement)

Annastasia: (to herself) "Max... my soon-to-be husband... (giggles) I can't believe it's finally happening."

(She starts daydreaming about Max, imagining their wedding day, their future together, and all the loving moments they'll share)

Annastasia: (whispering) "Max, my love... I can't wait to wake up every morning with you by my side... to hold your hand, to kiss your lips... to build a life together..."

(As she drifts off to sleep, she smiles, her heart full of love and anticipation for the future)

Annastasia: (softly) "Goodnight, Max... my forever love..."

(She falls asleep, dreaming of their happily ever after).

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