

3. Past, Present And Connections

The Sun was up and the sunlight was falling on the beautiful sleeping face of Delia Ketchum who wore a million dollar smile while sleeping. She was starting to wake up due to the sunlight falling on her face. She opened her eyes slowly and saw her handsome son sleeping on her melons. She still remembered how he told her that her boobs were so big and soft that it would be a waste if he didn't used them in each and every way possible. So he made them his personal pillow. She smiled remembering that and thought should she wake him up or not and decided on the latter and closed her eyes. Not long after this, Ash woke up and found her mother sleeping. He loved seeing her smile. He noticed that her nipple were hard and since he was feeling thirsty so decided to suck them. When he started sucking them Delia started moaning and said,

"Quite naughty early in the morning, aren't you! Ashy."

Seeing her mother was awake all this time surprised him and he said,

"So you were awake, huh."

Suddenly there was a bright light in the room and Ash groaned knowing full well behind this and spoke,

" Do you like seeing me naked this much huh, old friend."

The above mentioned old friend started chuckling as well as blushed a little as she did liked seeing her friend naked but wouldn't admit it though. She said,

"And why would you think that."

Ash said,

" Well it's 3rd time you have visited us and each time it was after I and Delia had a blast last night, am I wrong or am I...Hahahaha,"

At this all three shared a good laugh and greeted each other. After this the old friend made a serious face signalling it was time for business talk.

" So today is the day your revenge as well as fall of PL starts officially."

She said to which Ash nodded as she continued,

" So how are you going to start ?"

"Well bringing down the league is not a easy task and can't be accomplished alone so I need alleys who can help me and who also want the league and rocket to be destroyed and since PA will be full of people like gym leaders, elite fours, champions, trainers it will not be hard to find them with my aura powers and I can read their mind with my pyschic powers to find out about their past. Even though it's wrong but it's need to be done to stop the evil."

Delia seeing the determined look on his face felt herself filled with proudness over how mature and strong her Ashy has became. She still remembered the day when Arceus visited them for the first time like it was just yesterday


When Ash turned 10 and after Delia confessed her love to her son they both had a great night. In the morning when both woke up, they both found a guest which they never could have guessed they would ever meet in their life. Yes they were visited by none other then the alpha pokemon the created of this world Arceus herself. She was amused by seeing their reactions. Delia had told Ash when he was little about all the stories of legendary pokemon and the alpha pokon Arceus so he knew about her but seeing her in front of him was something else. Delia had the same feelings. Arceus chuckled at their behaviour and greeted them. Their reply were funny.

"Go-g-oogg--od m-mor-mornig Ar-A-Arceus." Said Ash.

Delia got over her shock and greeted as well and made sure they were not dreaming or it was not someone playing prank on the ketchum's. Arceus ensured her it all was real and she really was standing in front of them. On this, Delia became quite suspicious as why would the alpha pokemon herself would visit them of all people. Noticing that Delia was suspicious, Arceus said,

" There is nothing to be afraid of as I'm not here to harm you instead I'm here to ask for your help CHOSEN ONE." staring at Ash. On hearing those words Delia gasped as she has read about Arceus's chosen one who will save the world in some old relics and articles published the archeologists related magazine as she is quite intrested in history of this world but she was shocked to find out that that chosen one is none other than her own son. She asked, "But Ash is just a normal 10 year old boy, how can he be chosen one."

Arceus knew it would take some time to explain every thing to the couple.

"You see, Delia Ash is by no means an ordinary 10 year old boy and you are also not any normal 28 year old woman. You don't know Delia but your father was an AURA GAURDIAN coming from the bloodline of the greatest Aura Gauradian ever born until now, SIR ARON and your mother's ancestors have received psychic powers from the legendary pokemon MEW to help man kind, so Ash has both Aura and psychic powers and even though you can't harness both of these to there full potential but you can learn the basic so as to protect yourse lf when required. Now Ash I assume Delia had already told you about her past,"

To which he nodded as Arceus continued, "You now know how corrupt the league is and what type of person Charles Goodshow is."

Again Ash nodded wondering where she was going as his blood started boiling on the mere mention of that bastards name and Delia had a look full of furry on the mention of his name.

Seeing the look of anger and hatred, Arceus knew that Ash would be the one to purify this world. So she continued,

"Calm down Ash, you will get your revenge don't worry. I'm here today to give you these."

She brought two pokemon eggs. One was pure black with red lining and the other was pure white with red lining.

" Here the black one is a Lucario egg and the white one is a Gardevoir egg. Lucario will help you train your Aura powers while Gardevoir will help you train your psychic powers. Although both these are there final forms as Lucario evolve once to become Lucario from a Riolu while there are 3 evolutionary stages of Gardevoir." Ash took the eggs from Arceus and at the instant he touched them both eggs glowed and cracked. Ash had to shield his eye for a moment and when the light died there were two small cute pokemon in Ash's lap. Both of them stretched their limbs making cute noise which brought smile on everyone's faces. One of them was pitch black with red on its chest, wrists, thighs and had spikes of silver color on his back hand and knees. He was riolu and the other was a pure white fairy type pokemon with red hair and coat covering her body. She was ralts. Ash smiled on looking at the two newborns who were going to become parts of his family. He pet them on their head earning shouts of satisfaction from both of them. He passed them to his mother and both of them then took notice of their surrounding and upon spotting Arceus they don't know why but thought that it was necessary to bow down to this pokemon. Upon seeing the young ones bowing down to her, she went near them and asked them to look at her. She said, "You don't need to do this riolu and ralts. You both are very special as you both are going to be the first of many campanions of the chosen one so rise up."

After hearing this, both newborn rose and looked at where Ash was standing who was called as chosen one. They both bow down to him and then again looked at Arceus as she continued.

" You riolu, your duty is to train the chosen in every way possible about Aura and teach him how to master it fully while ralts you will teach him about psychic powers and how to control it. Yes you both are young so you both will also train alongside him and become strong together with him, understand."

They both gave their names cry showing they understood. After this Arceus looked at Ash and Delia and told them that they will have 2 years to train and master both Aura and psychic powers and she will come back after two years to assign him his first task as chosen one. Arceus bid farewell to both humans and both newborns and vanished.



Delia smiled, relieving the past was a good thing as it brought good memories. She remembered that after that incident all Ash did was two things. In the morning he would train his pokemon and in the night he would fuck the shit out of her. Just remembering those hot steamy nights made her wet and she wanted nothing but to just jump on little Ash and have him fill her but she has to restrain herself as they were in front of the alpha pokemon.

She remembered how for the first year Ash just stayed at home and worked at increasing his Pokemons speed, stamina, power of their attack and no of moves they knew. Both of them would often have pokemon battles to sharpen their battling skills as Delia left Pokemon battling and training them after that incident and devoted her life to take care of Ash. But thanks to Ash she could once again be with her pokemon. Both riolu and ralts evolved into Lucario and Gardevoir in just 1 year of training at the ranch. During that 1 year he also caught a Pikachu who was eating the electric cables causing a power cut at the Ketchum Residency. He sure was a tough one as he didn't wanted to be kept inside a ball and didn't liked Ash at first but when Ash saved his life from the pack of wild spearows and fearows, he saw Ash in a different light and from then on both of them became so close that both shared a bond similar to that of between two brothers. He also caught a Charmander who now is the strongest Charizard ever. He was abandoned by his trainer and was left dying in the rain. If it wasn't for Ash he would have died. Then Ash also caught a treecko, a haunter, a froakie and a pidgeot and all of them evolved to their final form except pikachu who didn't wanted to evolve but then also he was the strongest pokemon of Ash even stronger than Lucario and Gardevoir even though the gap was very small but there was some gap which always surprised everyone as how such a cute little pokemon can be this strong. In the next year Ash travelled all around the world to learn about the world, it's people, pokemon, geography, condition in which they live, how much corrupt league was and to gather information on team rocket. But his most important task was to train his pokemon and himself both mentally and physically. She was surprised when Ash came back after 1 year of training. He become so much tall, muscular that at first she couldn't identify him but then upon coming close she didn't wasted a second and jumped on him and started kissing him all over his face to show him how much she missed him. He was then taller than her and she knew tonight was going to be amazing as now Ash was more stronger and muscular and added the fact that they were away from each other and didn't even talked for the last 2 months. On the next day of his 12th birthday after a night full of sceams, pounding, moans. Arceus came and was satisfied by the fact that Ash has mastered his both Aura and psychic powers and his pokemon were as strong as ever. During his training he also challenged all the legendaries and was able to defeat each and every one of them all over the world. The little mouse was invincible, even the lengendaries were surprised that they were beaten by a cute little mouse. Before the start of battle they would make fun of him saying he doesn't even stand a chance against them and after battle they had to apologies to the same cute little mouse. Ash had all of his pokemon battle each and every legendary pokemon except Arceus herself, so that they can become strong, on many occasions as long as he was in their respective region. In her 2nd visit, Arceus told Ash that he has to defeat team rocket as it's terror was increasing each and every second.

So for the next 4 years until he was supposed to start his pokemon journey he took out so many secret bases of team rocket all over the world on the basis of information he gathered during his travelling. He had to remain hidden as it was illegal for a 11 year old boy to travel with pokemon alone as the travelling age for new trainer was 16. Plus, since he didn't looked like a 11 year old boy, it saved him on so many occasions from trouble with Officer Jenny's.

Coming back to where we were,

Arceus looked around and asked the oblivious question,

"Where are the Pokemon Ash ?"

Ash replied, "Well you see since yesterday was our last day here ( said pointing towards himself and Delia ) so I thought of having some privacy with my mom," said Ash kissing Delia on the forehead.

"So you had planned all of this already. Then what about that punishment you mentioned ?" Asked Delia surprised that Ash planned all this all along.

"It was just a cover up to my planning," said Ash.

"Yeah! I can see that you sure had some fun yesterday." Said Arceus looking all over the messed up room.

On mentioning the condition the room was in, Delia looked away as her face was flushed red with embarrassment while Ash had a sheepish grin and was rubbing at the back of his head. Since it was their last day in this house they decided to go all out. They had already packed most of the stuff which they needed at PA so very few furniture was left. Ash fucked her at each and every possible place in the house in each and every way possible.

Arceus chuckled at antics of the couple and said, "So have you contacted your allies and informed them what is your plan once you enroll in PA ?"

On this Ash replied that no, he hasn't but will do as soon as possible.

Arceus said it's okay but don't forget to do it and with this she said,

" Well I suppose it's time for me to depart. Take care Chosen One."

With this she vanished in thin air with a bright glow of light making Ash and Delia look away.

"So I suppose we should contact her and inform her and I bet she must be dying to see you Ashy."

Delia said referring to one of their friend and her best friend and colleague in her field of work teasing Ash as she had a crush on Ash and according to Ash's reactions on mentioning her, she was sure Ash too liked her which led to her thinking about all the fun all three could have.

Ash was blushing as Delia teased him. He fight off the blush and searched for his xtransiver which he developed to make a call. Surprisingly he found it not more than after half an hour of searching given the condition the house was in. When he dialed the no, after 4 to 5 rings some one attended the call and shouted,

"ASH! Oh my God ! Ash it's been so long you don't know how much I missed you Ash."

On the screen was the regional professor of Unova Region, Prof. Juniper. She is 20 year old, becoming the youngest regional professor in the history at the age of 18 beating the record of Delia as she become regional professor at the age of 19 after the birth of Ash. She had brown hair ties in a judo with a pen struck in them. She was looking very beautiful with green knee length skirt and white tight T-shirt which was hugging her upper body exceptionally. She was wearing a white lab coat so that she looked liked a professor. She has a perfect body for which any men would die with her C-cup breasts and round ass and pale skin she could give any men an instant boner just by her smile. But she had already has her eyes fixed on a certain raven haired Aura Gauradian.

On seeing the face of the professor and her boobs Ash's face became red and he got hard down there which didn't went unnoticed by Delia and she instantly formed a devious plan to annoy Juniper.

"Hi Juniper! It's sure has been quite a few weeks since we last talked and I too missed you a loooo Ohh ahhh De-de-lia..," said Ash as suddenly Delia took his cock in her mouth and started licking and sucking it.

"What happened Ash, are you alright." Asked Juniper worried what happened to her Ash.

Actually Delia started giving Ash a blow job after seeing he got hard by looking at Juniper. She had two reasons to do this as she wanted to annoy Juniper since she too loved Ash but she can't feel him since both of them live far away while her senior Delia can feel Ash as much as she can and every time both of them would talk Delia would told her how great ash is in bed, how large is his cock, how she can't get enough of it making her shout at Delia and now was giving a blowjob to the man she loved in front of her. Juniper was beyond pissed at Delia as she now can see little Ash and she can't do any thing about it because she want to feel him inside her ravishing her pussy but they are oceans away. The only thing she can do is just watch how Delia pleasures Ash with her mouth.

"You like it don't you Ashy," said Delia in between her blowjob.

"Yes! I love it. Yes, right there. You are so good ahhh," moaned Ash.

"ASHJuniper shouted, her face was full of furry. If looks could kill, then Delia would have been dead by now.

"I'm right here if you have forgotten," she said with a little too sweet voice which scared the shit out of Ash. He for once knew that never I mean never ever in your life anger a woman because they can be as scary as hell.

"No! No! Juniper it's just that ahhh I ah I can't ohh con- ahhh -trol it ahh how Delia is ahhhh sh-s-she is just doing it to annoy you."

Ash said trying to calm her down.

"Oh! Is Juniper angry. Oh she can't feel and touch little Ash now can she. It must be pretty hard for you Juniper right." Delia said jerking Ash off while looking at the screen with a sweet smile indicating her victory.

"I will get you for this Delia, you just wait and watch, and you Ash I- I, I will def-fi-definately suck your cock off."

When she was scolding Delia her eyes sticked on little Ash and she can't move them away.

"I-i mean I will ahhh fuck you both. Delia stop it right now I can't take it anymore please."

At the same time Ash came all over her face and she cleaned both little Ash and her face and said, "now it's done. Oh! don't cry Juniper we are meeting tomorrow so you can have him for yourself as much as you want. Ok now back to why we called you."

This got her attention as she whipped off her tears from her face and made a serious face.

Ash has just got his first release of the day and he was quite happy but seeing the serious look on both Delia and Juniper he knew it was time to discuss their plan.

"Sorry about that Juniper. So you see Arceus visited as and asked how are we gonna start our plan. So you both will be teachers of some subject so I can left interacting with teachers and finding about their opinions and making them agree to join us to some extent to you both seeing that teachers are gym leaders, champions, elite fours and professors."

Seeing both of them were listening to him carefully and seriously, he continued,

"Delia its very important for you as well, as you are going to reveal your full name and face to the pokemon world."

Delia is a world famous professor and researcher but she is known as Prof. D.K. and no one has ever saw her except Juniper. Ash is her assistant as well as junior professor.

"Yes Ash, I know and I'm looking forward to it." replied Delia.

"Delia you can find about how they feel about PL and TR by your Aura powers and then tell me what you found. Our first mission is to gather as much as alleys as we can. This 1 year will determine our progress in our mission to destroy PL. As for team Rocket it is going quite smoothly. In the last 4 year I was able to destroy their 80% secret bases. Giovanni is trying something big this time and his target is PA. This year will be the last those three bastard will live. He will pay for what he did to my mother 17 years ago and after him it will be PL who's going to pay for their crimes.

Just the mention of that bastards name brought fear inside Delia as she still hasn't gotten over what had happened 17 years ago. Seeing the fearful look on her face made both Ash and Juniper worried, Ash squeezed Delia's hand assuring her everything will be alright and kissed her on the forehead. Delia was glad he was with her, his just one smile could make her all worries fade away.

Juniper was smiling seeing the affectionate display in front of her and she was happy she was going to be with him and she was glad she chose to become Pokemon professor as because of this job she was able to meet him. She still remember how difficult it was for her to become a professor. She started working as the junior professor under the previous professor at the age of 16 as instead of going on a journey she chose to work as a professor. Her mentor Professor Ethane was a very kind man. He was always nice to others. The truth is Juniper was an orphanage and Prof Ethane was the one who adopted her from theorphanage. He was like a father to her so she wanted to help him in every way possible. But everything took a turn when she turned 18.


At that time Prof. Ethane had went to Kanto at the PL Head quarters to submit his annual report. But there he saw something he shouldn't have. He found out about the connection between Team Rocket and PL as he saw Charles and Giovanni talking. While he was trying to listen what they were talking about, the flower pot kept at the table fall down which startled both Charles and Giovanni. Ethane ran from there as fast as he can but he forgot there were cameras installed everywhere. But that doesn't matter to him anymore as what he heard was something he needed to tell to someone. It was very important news for that person. He ran out of the league headquarters, into the forest. There he called Juniper, she received the call and was happy to see it was from her adopted father but her smile turned to frown when she saw the look on professors face.

Worried she asked, "Father are you okay?"

He said, "Yes I'm okay but it's not the time for this. Juniper you need to listen to me carefully. Today, I was going to meet with Charles in his office. When I reached outside his office I heard he was talking to someone. When I tried to take a peek, I saw he was talking to someone, I wasn't able to see his face as he was sitting with his back facing the door so I thought about waiting outside the room then suddenly I heard him mentioning about funding the secret project of team rocket."

"What are talking about, I didn't understood a single thing ?" Juniper interrupted him.


It was the first time he ever shouted at her.

"Sorry! Please let me finish. So as I was saying that they were talking about team rocket. Team rocket is a criminal organisation as you must be wandering what is team rocket. They do different kinds of work ranging from pokemon poaching, hunting, selling pokemon illegally, conducting experiments on pokemon and human alike to even killing people. So I was shocked as to why he was asking Charles to fund them. What I heard next was what shook me to my core. You remember the incident in Nimbasa City in which your parents died."

He asked her to which she nodded as she was too afraid to ask any question as she doesn't know what was going on and why would he made her remember something so horrible.

"It wasn't an accident." He said

"What are you saying ? It was all over the media that because of some leakage of flammable gas, an explosion occured which killed every one including my parents."

It happened when she was just 5 year old. Her parents were good friend of professor so he adopted her from the orphanage.

"Yes, it was indeed all over the media. I too thought it was an accident. But what I heard today was what really happened. You know na that your parents were scientist working for the PL," she nodded as her parents were scientists for the league. She had a very bad feeling about where this all was going.

"Charles was talking to that stranger. He was addressing him as GIO. He asked what project it is this time. He replied that in the past 2 years because of that BLUE BLADE I have lost 35 % of my secret bases and so many of my man have been killed by him. Charles said 'he can't take action against him publically as he had become a hero like figure besides you and I both are searching for him but there is no sign of him.'

So Gio told him, 'do you remember that accident in Nimbasa City 13 years ago,' to which Charles nodded and said 'wasn't it at the lab which was working under PL but your secret project was being carried out illegally, the scientist were doing the experiments without the knowledge of what and for whom they were doing all these. Wasn't it a failure as Dr James found out about us and informed all the scientist there and we have to kill each and every one of them and burn the place down to remove all evidence against as and to make it look like an accident.'

At this point Juniper had started crying, she was saying, "They killed my parents, they liked both of them. Father, they didn't died in accident, they were killed. They were ki-k-killed b-by t-them."

"Calm down Juniper , Calm down." He said tried to calm her down but it didn't had any effect on her as she continued crying.

"How can I calm down father. How can I. I just learned that my real parents were murdered and you are saying I need to calm down. They need to be punished. I will call the police. Yes I will tell them every thing. I will make sure they get what they deserved." She went on and on. It was obvious she was broken.

"CALM DOWN JUN!" Ethane shouted for the 2nd time in his life on her daughter. Although this did calm her down as she looked at her father.

"Listen Jun, this is very important. So listen carefully. I'm being chased by the security guards as Charles found out that I've heard them talking. So I'll probably won't make it back to Unnova."

"NO!NO NO! You can't leave me too." She said fearing the worst might come true.

"So listen. Promise me you wouldn't tell a single soul about what I told you today. Promise me please." He begged her.

"What are you saying I shouldn't tell a single soul about this. Shouldn't we inform police and media about this?" She asked, surprised at her father's request.

"No! We can't do this. Because Team rocket is very big and dangerous organisation. If they found out you know some information which could go against them, then they will not hesitate to kill you. And besides you are not strong enough alone to stand against them. Plus Charles is also mixed in this so you definitely can't do any thing. Do you understand now, I don't want anything happening to you." He explained her.

She started crying loudly over the fact that she was so help less that she couldn't do anything to provide justice to her dead parents. "So what should I do. Tell me what should I do ahhhhh."

Ethane couldn't take it anymore. He knew he didn't have much time before he was caught and be killed. He needed to ensure her daughter's safety.

"Listen Jun, first of all become the regional professor. And don't do anything that would make you suspicious in eyes of Charles and Gio. Look for this BLUE BLADE as he seemed to be hunting down team rocket so he might help you and he must be aware that league is mixed with Team rocket. He is our only hope." He told her.

"I will father I will. But please don't leave me alone. I don't want to be alone any more please father." She begged him.

"I don't have any choice. They would catch me any time soon. I don't have much time left. Wouldn't you smile last time for your father, ha please." He asked while also crying.

She smile even though it was a sad smile saying don't leave me, she smiled as it was her fathers last wish.

"I love you father and I will miss you."

She said crying.

"I love you too Jun. I will miss you too. So take care and don't act recklessly as you have to avenge your parents as well as me. So you have to be strong my child. I will always look after you. I and your parents are always with you Jun so don't worry, just find this BLUE BLADE and ask him for help. Good bye Jun I love you."

With this he cut the phone. Jun started crying. She cried for the whole night as she had expected, there was breaking news everywhere stating that regional professor Ethane died in an accident. At that point she realized the power of Charles and Team Rocket as how they can turn any murder into an accident. She has to be carefully and she had to welcome those bastards with smile to avenge her parents. She know that if she messed up, now her fate would be same as her parents and she wouldn't be able to avenge her father and her real parents.


"Jun, hey Jun! you there , are you listening.

Are you okay?"

Ash was getting worried as Jun hasn't replied him and she was also crying.

"JUN! JUN! ARE YOU LISTENING ? ARE YOU OKAY?" He shouted which startled her at first but it did brought her back to reality.

"Sorry! it's just that when I saw you soothing Delia, it made me remember my parents and how they were killed." She started crying at this point.

If Ash was there with her, he could have hugged her and clamed her down. But he was far away from her.

"It's okay Jun. Don't worry your parents must be feeling very proud as how strong you have become. You never let your emotions control you. You always kept your cool. You didn't let anyone thinks that you know everything about the dark side of PL. I am proud of you Jun. We all are. So please don't cry. Tears doesn't suit your beautiful face, you will smile for me, wouldn't you?" Ash said making puppy eyed face which even Arceus too couldn't deny.

At this she started laughing. There was some thing about Ash which would make anyone happy just by being around him. His way of talking would always melt her heart. The more she talks to him the more she fall in love with him.

"You are quite a charmer don't you know Ash. How can I deny this face it's request. I really am glad I met you and fall in love with you. You are the best thing to happen to me in my whole life. I'm very proud to say this that Ash Ketchum I love you!"

She poured her heart out to the boy she has been in love with for the past 1 and a half year.

She still remembered the day when Delia called her for the first time after her father's funeral. She was surprised to find out who the caller was as she has listened the name Prof. D K. a lot and the fact that she hasn't showed her face to anyone let alone her full name made her a mystery and every one wanted to solve this mystery but no one was able to, it was like she didn't even existed. But here she was calling her personally , she found it suspicious but even she wouldn't let an opportunity as big as this after all she might be the first person to ever talk to this mysterious person.

"So you are saying you are the famous Prof D.K. and you are calling me, the person who have never talked to anyone directly is talking to me." Juniper enquired.

"Well yes! Is it wrong to call the relative of your colleague who just died in an accident and to congratulate and greet your new colleague?" Delia asked.

"No it's not wrong it's just that I'm surprised that's all. Can I ask you one question?" She replied.

"Well you can ask any question you want. It depends upon the question whether you'll receive an answer or not. So?" Delia replied professionally.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding ?" She asked the obvious question.

"Well I can't answer your question since I barely know you. If you want to know the answer to your questions you need to gain my trust and for that you need to become my friend. So what do you say, wanna be friends with me because for once we share mutual feelings, our goal in life is same." She replied.

"What do you mean by same goal and mutual feelings. And yes I guess we can be friends." She replied hesitantly.

"You will find out very soon my friend so don't worry about it. We both need each other's help to complete our goal. So good night. If you need to talk about anything I mean anything then you can contact me and don't even think about telling about this conservation to any one, it's for your own good." Delia replied and she hang up the call.

Juniper had a really bad feeling about this as she had a idea what common goal she was talking about, but the same thought made her nervous as how does she knew.

Well she just have to wait and see how things work and maybe, she is the right person indeed who could help her, only Arceus knows what the future holds.

After that night, Delia would call her very often , sometimes to discuss some research while sometimes for just some girls talk. They both became very good friends in just 2 months after all this is what Delia and Ash had planned.

It was time to play the final cards as Delia asked Juniper, "Why do you hate Charles ?"

This question was enough to make Juniper gasp for air. This question was the least she was expecting. She didn't know how to react. Her cover had been blown away by the mysterious woman who she had grown very close to.

"W- What do you m- mean by, why you hate Charles ?" She asked trying to be as calm as possible.

"I knew it all along that you hate both PL and TR. It was clearly written in your eyes just how much you hate them. When I saw you for the first time during your father's funeral and the look you gave to Charles when he was invited to say few words for the late professor." Delia told her much to her surprise.

"I don't know what are you talking about." She replied recovering from the initial shock that her cover which she thought was perfect was blown away on the very first day.

"Do you consider me your friend or not?" Delia asked in a very sweet and assuring voice.

"Of course I do. It's just that I - I , I don't know what to do."

She confessed as she started crying. She can't hold it back anymore, she has reached her limit. She needed someone by her side, to say her that everything will be alright. She needed reassurance. Delia knew perfectly what she needed and she would do it after all she too is their victim. She asked her to connect the video call. At first she was surprised because it was the first time she has ever asked her to connect the video call. This means she is going to reveal herself to her which means she has earned her trust which made her quite happy. When their call connected, she was surprised to she a beautiful woman in her late thirties. So this woman right in front of her was Prof. D.K.

"Hello Juniper. I'm Delia Ketchum. You know me as Prof. D.K. I live in Kanto, outside the Pallet Town , place where live Prof. Oak. Although he doesn't have a slightest clue that I live so near to him. So Juniper care to explain me your condition."

She asked as politely as possible.

Seeing her smile sure calm her down. She was like an angel to her. She was one of the most beautiful women she has ever seen. At that point she realized that she is the one who can save her from this nightmare. So she decided to trust her and tell her everything. She told her everything starting from the incident 13 years, how everyone thought it was an accidents, then how Prof. Ethane found out the truth and told her to look for Blue Blade and don't trust anyone related to league. To say that Delia was pissed off would be an understatement. She was beyond that level. If Charles would've been standing in front of her, she would've ripped his head off of his little body. Ash was hiding behind the wall, ever since the funeral when they first saw that look in her eyes they knew she must have gone through a lot but they didn't expected it to be this bad. Both of them have been planning as to how to convince her to join them but it seems as though she had already joined them. Ash thought it was the time to reveal himself so he went in front of the camera calling his mom. On hearing the new voice, both of them looked towards from where it was coming. Juniper's eyes fall on a raven haired boy who was looking like he was in his late teen seeing how tall and muscular he was. She blushed seeing his well developed body, since he was in only his boxer, she could saw his full body. But when her eyes met his warm, beautiful chocolate eyes, something triggered in her chest. She was mesmerized by his eyes. She was completely lost. Her heart started racing faster than a sceptile using quick attack. Her whole body started heating up. She was loosing control over her body. She was going crazy. Then suddenly she remembered her adopted fathers last words, 'find someone you can rely on, you can trust and more importantly love.'

At that moment she knew what she had to do. She found the person her father wanted her to find. She had found her love.

After that all three of them kept on becoming closure and closure. Delia would often tease her about her love towards Ash and would play with Ash and little Ash in front of her to make her horny and annoyed at the same time. They also told her about their past and connection between Team Rocket and Pokemon League.

Now after hearing the confession Ash shed a tear and said, "You know I'm the world luckiest guy to have you both love me so much. I love both of you with my body, soul, my whole existence."

"Oh! Ashy, We both too love you with our whole existence."

Both of them said together.

Suddenly the front door of there house swung open and in came a all too familiar cute little yellow mouse. After searching for his brother, he found him and shouted, Pika, and jumped on his shoulder nuzzling his cheeks with Ash's cheeks. Ash petted him on his head and rubbed under his chin making him squeel in delight.

"Did you enjoy your stay out buddy?" Ash asked pikachu.

"Of course Ash it was fun with no one only 7 of us, we played, battled with each other and had a blast. What about you, did you mated with her?" said Pikachu although Juniper could only here him saying his name in different pattern.

On hearing the question Pikachu asked Ash's face turned red because of embarrassment and he said,

"Shut up Pikachu. Where are other's?"

"Well Charizard and Secptile got into an argument as usual so they are settling thing through battle again. Lucario is referring the match while Gardevoir is waiting to heal their injuries. Pidgeot is flying in the sky God knows where. As for Gengar, he must have went to the city to play some pranks." He explained in detail, everyone sweat dropped at the mouse's antique behavior.

"I guess I should also be going as I need to leave early as Kanto is very far away from here. Bye Delia, Pikachu and Ash, love you all." Juniper said.

Bye and love you too and take care was there answer and then the screen turned black. Delia told Ash that it's time that they should also get ready and prepare to leave for PA. Suddenly Ash's xtransiver started ringing and a no. showed on the screen. Ash knew very well who this no. belongs to so he picked up the call. The caller greeted them and blushed seeing Ash naked.

"How's it's going 009?" Ash asked the caller.

"It's going as planned Ash. He has assigned me to enroll in PA and make reports on trainers regarding how will they affect their future plans as you planned." 009 replied.

"They didn't even realised they have been playing in my hands. They thinks it's their own plan but I'm the one who is planning and they are the pawns who are waiting to be crushed. So 009 we will meet you at PA."

Ash said laughing. They bid farewell not before 009 teasing Ash a little by showing her cleavage and commenting about how large he has become down there.

Far away from Kanto region, in the beautiful region of Sinnoh, at Celestic Town, a certain blonde Champion is starting to wake up. She by no means is a morning person. She groaned when the sun rays fall on her beautiful face. She is none other than the Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia Shirona, 19 year old. It was just last year when she defeated the former champion and became the youngest champion any region ever had. She is like a goddess and her hour glass figure, her C-cup bouncy melons, her perfect ass which any men would want to squeeze and spank, her pink and delicious lips, her grey eyes, everything about her was perfect. She was a role model for thousands of young girls out there dreaming big. Every one thought her life was perfect, being a champion isn't that easy and to make it more difficult, she is a beautiful maiden standing on top in this men dominating world. Her life wasn't this easy. Her parents never loved her. They always loved her big sister who was perfect in everything she tried, on the other hand she wasn't good at anything other than pokemon. Her parents would always love her sister, brought gifts only for her, would never scold her. They never gifted her anything. They would always told her to be like her sister and should be ashamed at herself for being pathetic and loser. The only person who ever loved her was her grandma, so she left her parents house at the age of 10 to live with her grandma. Their she lived for 6 years till she started her journey to become the most powerful trainer to show her parents that they were wrong. Since her grandma was a archeologist, she also became interested in ancient ruins, old civilisations, pokemon fossils etc.

After becoming a Pokemon trainer, she never felt alone, as she always had her pokemon by her side. Her starter pokemon was a gible, who now a garchomp, is probably one of the strongest pokemon in the world except legendaries.

She went to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready to head to Kanto as she has been assigned the role of teacher at PA. She doesn't wanted to go as she had so much going on in her life. For example, she still hasn't found any clue about Blue Blade. It's been 2 years ever since her fateful encounter with Blue Blade. She still remembered that day like it was yesterday.


A certain blonde haired girl can be seen travelling in the streets of Veilstone City. She just arrived here to challenge the gym to earn her 5th gym badge. It has been 1 year since she started her journey. She decided to take it easy and slow and train her pokemon to be the best so she decided to enter the completion after 2 years of training and winning badges.

While crossing an electronics store, something caught her eye. It was showing a news channel which was live broadcasting a building which was half destroyed, half burned. There were corpses everywhere and those who were alive were so terrified to speak. The headline was showing,

"Another Team Rocket Base has been destroyed. Several of their grunts were murdered while very few are alive. Victims say that it was Blue Blade who annihilated the base full of hundreds of men single handedly. Who is this Blue Blade? Is he a for or a friend?

Well reports says that he is only targeting Team Rocket. Everyone knows that it's a criminal organiAon whose origin is said to be in Kanto. That's it for today's show. Please be careful on your way to home."

With the the ancher bid farewell and they showed an image of man wearing black and blue clothes and was carrying a sword. He was said to be the rumoured Blue Blade according to the victims who killed hundreds of their men alone.

It's not the first time she had heard about him. Even before she started her journey, she heard through her grandma that some one was targeting team rocket. Team Rocket had spreads it's terror across all the regions except Kalos as it was very far away. PL also didn't had much control over there. Unnova was also least affected by Team Rocket as there were no reports showing involvement of Team Rocket.

She still wondered how a single man could fight against hundred of men and win. She didn't believed in any of these rumours.

Well she was going to see it for herself if it's true or not.


Since she was lost in thoughts, she didn't know where she was going. She had entered adark abandoned street she never knew existed before as she had visited this city before several times. Curiosity got better of her and she decided to explore it not knowing she is getting herself involved in something big. After about 5 min of searching, she heard noise coming from inside a gate. Some one was talking. She thought who could live in a place like this. Suddenly she realized that it could be some secret base of criminals or maybe it could be team rockets secret base.

She decided to investigate it a bit and maybe find some evidence to report.

She was searching the place slowly and silently, she was so much into it that she didn't noticed two team rockets agents standing behind her waiting to abduct the trespasser. Feeling something was off, she turned was and gasped reliazing she has been caught and before she could call out her pokemon, one of them slapped her on her left cheek so hard that she fell on the ground. Her left cheek was bright red and burning. She started crying begging to forgive her. They took her pokeballs from her and threw them away so that she couldn't use them. One of them spoke,

"Looks like we have caught a big fish here. She sure has one sexy figure. I can't wait to mess up her body."

"You got that right. It has been so long since we last caught someone as amazing as she and fucked her." Second one replied eyeing Cynthia top to bottom.

Cynthia was terrified. She didn't know what to do. She didn't thought of a situation like this at all when she started searching. She thought it would be piece of cake. But she was all wrong. Here she was lying on the ground crying while watching the monsters standing in front of her as they eyed her lustfully. She tried to cover her breast but one of the guard kicked her in the stomach making her spit some blood.

"Scream you bitch! I want to hear you struggle while we have our way with you. Hahaha. These clothes doesnt suit you, let us get rid of them for you." The one who kicked we said and started moving towards to take off her clothes.

"NO! NO! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I WILL NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS BASE. PLEASE LET ME GO. I BEG YOU. PLEASE! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" She started screaming, crying and begged to let her go. Seeing it had no effects on them, she shouted for help thinking someone might hear her voice and come to help.

"Scream all you want but no one is going to save you because it's just 3 of us, wait not three but 9 of us. Joby, go and call the other 6 and tell them we have caught a fish full of meat. If they want their share then hurry otherwise I'll have her for myself."

She gasped hearing that there were more 6 of them. The said Joby left to call the others, she thought it's her only chance to escape. Fighting against the pain she got up and tried to run but before she could she was caught by the grunt and he pulled her closer to himself and said,

"Where are you running? You are the guest of honour today." He slapped her again and ripped the arms of the coat she was wearing.

"You sure have beautiful skin." He said licking behind her neck making her scream and struggle to free. Cynthia didn't know why this was happening to her. What has she done wrong to get such a punishment. She prayed to God that it all would just be a nightmare and every thing will be alright when she woke up but the pain and the disgusted feeling she felt when he licked her neck brought her back to reality and made her almost puke. He ripped her jacket off of her with her red coloured top leaving her only in her black bra and now was staring at her boobs licking his lips and said,

"You have the best figure I've ever seen," while taking off his shirt. Cynthia was now trembling with fear. She had covered her chest with her hands and now was moving backwards away from him and suddenly she touched the wall. At that point she realized she now has no where to run. At this point she has completely broken down. She fell on the floor and closed her eyes. Only thing she could hear was the creepy laughter of the man no, of the monster who was going to destroy her life. She thought, This is it.Is this how I'm going to die! Well, what I'm going to suffer is worse than death. So I should just die rather than being humiliated by this monster.'

She waited, waited and waited but nothing happened. She started wandering why didn't he attacked her again. What happened, is she safe now. There was only one way to find out. She opened her eyes and what she saw would terrify her for several nights if she could survive this horrible night. The monster who was attacking her just a while ago, now stood in front of her with his head off of his body on the ground and his lifeless body suddenly fell on the ground showing her saviour who was covered in black and blue clothes. The only thing visible was his blue cold eyes which were seemed like they were looking straight into her. She recognized the eyes from the news she saw earlier. This means this person with a katana was Blue Blade. At first she didn't believed how a single man was able to kill and destroys all those bases and team rockets members. But seeing how he killed her kidnapper without even making any noise made her believed that he did killed all those rokect grunts. She didn't know for how long she has been staring at him, that she didn't noticed he came closer to her. He asked her,

"Are you alright? Did he do anything to you?"

Seeing how worried he sounded and she did saw concern in his cold blue eyes. She suddenly started crying out loud and throw herself at him and hugged him pretty hard surprising her saviour. He knows that it was too much for her to handle as she was almost raped by that bastard. He hugged her back and tried to console her,

"Shhh! It's all right. Now I'm here. No one will harm you again. You are safe."

He petted her on her back and ran his hand through her hair making her hum and stop crying. She looked at his face and asked,

"Who are you?"

"I'm Blue Blade." He replied.

"Boss we all are here where are y- ?" Jody came back with all 6 of the other grunts and he didn't expected to saw what he saw. His boss was lying on the ground beheaded and the blonde beauty with which they were supposed to have time of their life was hugging a man in Black and blue clothes. He shouted, "BOSS ! BOSS! WHO DID THIS? WHO KILLED HIM? YOU OVER THERE, WHO ARE YOU?"

Blue Blade released the now a little scared Cynthia and told her to wait here.

"I'll will be right back, Ok!" He asked her to which she nodded and he stood up and faced the 7 rocket grunts who became frightened by the soul piercing icy cold gaze the stranger in front of them was giving. He was looking like he was 15 - 16 years old. Suddenly one of the grunts shouted, "ITS HIM. ITS THE BLUE BLADE. THE ONE WHO HAS 100 MILLION PRIZE ON HIM IN THE TEAM ROCKET."

"So he is the rumoured Blue Blade who single handedly annihilated 10% of our bases in the last one year. Seems to like they all were just rumours as he is just a 16 year old baby. Hahahaha-ahhhhhhhhh,"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as BB sliced his sword at him and said,

"You are wrong, I'm not 16 year old but 14 year old boy but for you 6, I'm God."

With this he killed all of them in no more than a second. They all including Cynthia were shocked to learn that he was just 14 year old. Some were sliced in half while some were beheaded. It wasn't a pretty scene to witness. After killing them, he said,

"You know who I hate the most in this world, it's those who didnt respect a girl, a woman."

After this he went over to Cynthia and took off his coat and wrapped it around her. During this, the piece of clothe wrapped around his face fell down but he instantly re-wrapped it around his face. Unknown to him Cynthia has shown his face in that instant, and boy he was so so handsome and she started blushing and felt her heart twitching and her body temperature increasing. It was a very new yet strange feeling for her. She recovered from this and got up when he offered his hand for her to get up and said,

"Thank you for saving my life."

"Nah, it was my job to finish those guys. But still how did you end up here? Well it doesn't matter since everythings fine in the end. But I must say you sure have been through so much in just one evening. Remember that this world is not as safe as it seem. Never let your guard down as I won't be able to save you every time. By the way, what is your name?" He asked her.

"Oh, my bad. I'm Cynthia, Cynthia Shirona."

She replied.

"Wait! Did you just said Shirona?" Heasked.

"Yes ! Why, is there any problem?" She asked wandering why did he asked that.

"Are you by any chance related to Prof. Shirona?" He asked.

"Oh Yes, actually I'm her granddaughter. So you know her?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Who wouldn't know her, she is world famous for her research on Pokemon history." He replied stating the obvious.

"Well I've already contacted Officer Jenny so she would be here any moment so I suggest you may wait outside for them." He told her and she nodded and said that she will be okay as he asked her that would she able to manage herself. With this he was about to leave but Cynthia had other plans. "WaitShe told him and when he turned towards her, she pulled the mask off of his face and kissed him on his lips. At first he was surprised but soon he gave in and started kissing back. After about 2 minutes, they both pulled back and gasped for air.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed.

"It sure was." He replied.

"Well I'll see you soon Cynthia. Bye, take care." He said as he was suddenly surrounded by bright light and then he vanished in mid air. At first, she couldn't believe what just happened. How could a human can vanish in thin air. Then she realised that he must have had used a psychic Pokemon to teleport him.

After a few minutes, as he said officer Jenny with a dozen of police officer and half a dozen ambulance arrived there and she went over to her and explained her every thing to which she nodded and told one of her officer to escort her to her staying place after the doctor is done with her treatment.


That day started as the worst day of her life and ended as the best day of her life.

Just remembering about him made her body to heat up and she started feeling horny as her lest hand started rubbing her pussy from above her black panty and she moaned and said,

"Where are you Blue Blade? I'm dying to meet you and this time I wouldn't let you go I promise."

With this she pleasured herself for 10 to 15 min and after a fantastic orgasms she cleaned herself , took a bath, got ready , gathered her luggage and locked her house and for the airport not knowing that her biggest wish was about to come true.

Coming back to Kanto, we arrive at the biggest city of Kanto and one of the most developed cities in the world, Saffron city.

It is full of shopping complexes, big companies, nice and clean road, it has everything one can find in a big city. In this middle of the city was Kanto's largest company which was also one of the biggest company in the world. It is Silph Co., the company which specializes in manufacturing anything related to pokemon, from every type of pokeballs to each and every type of potions. Sleeping bags and travelling materials for trainers are also manufactured here. Although it wasn't this big several years ago. In the recent years, it's market value has increased 50 times. On the top floor, we found the owner of the company, or so every one thought, arguing with a girl with black hair who seems to be 16 year old over the video phone. Mr. Silph shouted,

"Your are going to attend PA no matter what and it's my final decision. Do you understand, Gisselle!"

"But dad what about my friends back at Poketech Academy?"

Now known as Gisselle, daughter of Mr. Silph, reasoned back.

"Don't worry, you are going to make new one." Her dad replied back.

"Why are you so hung up on sending me to PA?" She asked feeling annoyed.

"Well, you will find out very soon my child and believe me, it's for the best." He told her.

"It better be something very good, Dad."

"Yes it indeed is a very good reason and besides, your luggage is already packed and is waiting for you in the car." He told, smiling.

"You didn't do it, did you ?" She asked, terrified at the fact that her dad had already packed her luggage without her knowledge.

"Don't worry dear, it has everything you will be needed at the academy." Her dad assured her.

"Ok dad, I believe you. So I guess I should be going now, bye dad, love you." She said and disconnected the call before her father could reply.

"Well that went more smoothly than I thought it would." He said releasing sigh of relief as he thought how much surprised she would be after finding out the true purpose of her being send to study at PA.

At the outskirts of city lies the Pokemon gym where every trainer aiming to win the Pokemon League Championship come to challenge the gym and won their respective badges as a proof showing their victory over the gym leader.This gym is said to be the toughest gym among all the gyms located in Kanto as it can be seen by the lowest winning ratio of trainers who challenged this gym. It became more difficult to win this gym's badge ever since Sabrina Natsume, the only daughter of the previous gym leader, became the new gym leader 3 months ago.In those 3 months, 6 trainers challenged the gym they lost the battle in an instant. No one knew what happened but before they realised the battle was already over. Her father gave her the position of gym leader as gift for her 18th birthday. Sabrina is a 18 year old beautiful girl with long purple hair. She have C-cup round beautiful tits which could give anyone a boner. Her firm, round and small ass cheeks were a bonus to her looking figure. She could be seen sitting on the chair inside the gym. Her eyes were closed and she was thinking about something. 'Today is the day. I need to get to PA to find out the reason behind all those vision and who is that boy.' She thought with a blush. She remembered what happened 3 months ago, on the night of her birthday and how it changed her whole life and how a single vision of a certain someone made her feel emotions again, made her alive again. You see, She is know to be emotionless. Everyone in Saffron city knew her as someone who doesn't have any kind of emotion. Also everyone is sacred of her because of her psychic powers which are said to be on par with some of the most powerful psychic Pokemon.

There is a reason behind Sabrina being emotionless. You see, when she was still a child, she was very energetic, happy, cheerful. But when she found out about her powers, everything changed. People started thinking she was a monster and became frightened of her. Her friend also would call her mean names and stopped playing with her. Every one became so cruel to her that she reached her limit and her powers made her shut every emotion she has deep inside her heart.

Her mother passed away when she was just 4 year old and her father being always busy and drunk at the loss of his wife didn't help her either. So she hated her father, her inner self told her to hate the man who didn't cared for her when she needed it the most. But all this started to change ever since her 18th birthday. As on that night she saw a dream, It wasn't a dream technically, it was more like a vision, a vision of a young boy with raven hair standing on top of a cliff with a pikachu on his left shoulder. He was facing towards a very large building on which was written, POKEMON ACADEMY. She couldn't saw his face but seeing him made her felt something she didn't felt in ages. What was that feeling again? Safety, happiness, relief or was it love? She didn't know what was it but she did know that he can change her life. Suddenly she woke up and said,

"What was that? And who was that boy? And why was he standing in in front of the PA campus? What is it that I'm feeling? What is happening to me? Ahhhhh."

She shouted to herself. She didn't know what all these meant but she need to find the answers and there is only one way to do that. She need to accept the invitation PL send her to. You see, PL wanted her to teach psychology to the students at the academy and how to read and understand what their opponent is trying to do in a battle. But she refused it saying she didn't wanted to do anything related to a crowdy place as she was not good with people and she didn't wanted to interact with them.So she told her father to tell them she wouldn't do it but now here she is deciding to accept the job as a teacher at the academy just because she saw a vision of a very handsome, charming, muscular gahhhh, 'stop it Sabrina, what are you thinking? You don't even know who is this boy, yet you are imagining about him in a way you thought you wouldn't even think about someone in that way. Just what happened to the emotionless Sabrina? Who are you? Ahhh! I guess I should sleep for now and talk to Dad about that job.' After this she went back to sleep. In the morning, when her dad came to wake her up he was surprised to see her daughter smiling for the first time in like 13 years. He was beyond happy. Just how did it happen, he didn't know and he didn't cared either. The only thing he cared for was the person sleeping in front of him. He was stupid back then when his wife died as he thought if he could make himself busy in gym and work, he could get over the loss of his beloved wife but he forgot about his daughter, he ignored her. It was no wonder that she hates him. But he promised himself that he will not leave her alone no matter how much she hates him.

He woke her up and wanted to told her to rethink over her decision of rejecting the job league offered but was surprised to see that when she woke up and saw him, the first thing she did was to ask that if the job offer is still available or not and when he said yes it indeed is available, she gave him the biggest smile she could muster and jumped at him and hugged him so tight that it caught him off gaurd and he fell on the floor on his back and groaned. Seeing she made both of them fell on the ground, she laughed sheepishly and asked for forgiveness. Her father didn't believe his eyes. His thoughts were running fast. Who is the person in front of him? She definitely wasn't his daughter. He asked,

"Who are you? What have you done to my daughter? Tell me where is she?"

He asked her.

"Relax dad I'm Sabrina. Who in there right mind could harm me? Besides what's with this look?" She asked laughing.

"N-no i-i-its just that you are showing emotions, laughing, looking carefree. You even hugged me." He explained.

Sabrina gasped, realising what her father said was indeed true as she was laughing at her father's bewildered expression, heck she even hugged him after hearing that the job offer was still available. She didn't know just what had happened to her in a single night to change her this much. Just who is that boy and how could just a single vision of him could change her completely. She didn't want to think about what will happen if she really met that boy and she knew she is gonna meet with this dreamy boy very soon. She blushed thinking about him and tried to shook it off before anyone notices but her father noticed it and started thinking, 'what had happened to my daughter in just one night, it's not like I'm complaining, infect I'm happy. Could it be, no no it couldn't be, it's too early for her to meet him but seeing that look on her face means she must have had a vision about him, does this means it is already the time for him to rise. Oh, I see, PA must be the platform set by him to announce his arrival. That bastard, well he made my daughter cry, I'll definitely kick his ass. I guess Arceus , you are now finally starting to play you cards.' The voice of her daughter brought him back to reality.

"So dad where is that form?" She asked.

"Ahh, about it, you see I've already filled it and sent it back to League headquarters, so,"

he closed his eyes expecting her daughter to be angry at him and turn him into a doll but instead he heard her sigh and,

"You are too much dad, but anyway you did take the best action of your life because it is very important for me to attend the PA because there are so many questions for which I needed the answers and I've a feeling PA might be the place."

She said.

"Well as long as you are happy, I'm happy." Her dad replied and hugged her.

In te last 3 months she frequently had different visions of the same boy. She was growing impatient to meet him after every visions. It was clear that she was in love with this young man. Everyone in the gym was shocked to see her laughing , talking like a normal teenager. They soon overcame their shocks and befriended her.

"Today is the day, huh. I should probably get ready and leave in about 2 hour to reach there in time. I will definitely find you my angel, and when I'll meet you I'll do each and every kind of ki things with you, you better be prepared for what you are going to get."

She blushed thinking all the dirty things she will do with her angel. With this she went to her room to get ready to leave for the PA.

In the far away region of love and fashion, also called Kalos region, in a small town called Vaniville Town, similar to Pallet Town, lives a certain honey blonde, Serena Yovene, 16 year old, who was getting ready to leave for the airport to attend PA. While looking in the mirror, she said,

"Please be there Ash, I want to really be reunited with you. you don't know how difficult the last 9 years were for me. There wasn't a day when I didn't had thoughts of you, my every dream was about you. So I just hope that you are there."

She clutched the blue and white coloured handkerchief in her right hand and brought it near her heart and then she packed her stuff and started to head out.

Coming back to Kanto, we find ourself back in the town where it all started, Pallet Town, in the middle of the town live a brunette, Leaf Green, 15 year old, who was also getting ready to head out for PA , suddenly a voice which sounded of a women in her late thirties or starting forties,

"Leaf darling, hurry or you'll be late."

"Coming right away Mom," she shouted back. She stared at herself in the mirror and said, "Perfect, now I'm be ready to meet you again, Ash and this time I won't let you go." With this she went downstairs and left with her family to enroll her at PA.


Well guys please tell me how was the chapter and did you liked the Past, present and connections of our trainers. I also have a good news for you. I'm going to upload the list of girls who will be part of the harem very soon so please tell me about your thought of harem after reading that, you would be surprised by seeing the list of girls who will be part of the harem. So see you soon!

hiki_kun_creators' thoughts