
Episode 2

Chapter 2: Emperor of Heaven.

In a grave, tenebrous area of the Cildreth Demon Realm, flocks of terrifying nimbocumulus clouds are embracing the daytime sky. It devoured the sun and roaring storms of thunder and lightning broke the silence covering the entire surrounding. The sky is drowning in a fit of blazing anger and released into the realm of demons. Amidst this scene is a vicious beast who is ready to spread malice in the realm. Bloodlust is very much evident in his serpentine eyes while the glory of his claws is fully displayed. He is indeed a monster ready to snap his talon-like fangs. He is lusting for chaos and is craving for an immense amount of carnage.

Meanwhile, Footsteps echoed in the silent hall of the majestic hallway of the Astraia palace. A man in his young adulthood is rushing towards a certain area. His long emerald robe is dancing in the thin air which contrasts his panic-stricken face. His thick brows are furrowed and his chest is continuously rising and falling. His round almond eyes are full of anxiety like he has some news of disaster carrying in his sleeves. He is ignoring the grandeur and intricate carvings on the wall as well as the massive porcelain vase that probably cost a fortune.

The Astraia palace is one of the most salient and treasured places of the Althaios Heavenly Realm owned by the Emperor of Heaven, Alois Devaraux. The palace itself looks grand and celestial, truly a suitable place to home a god like him. A single glance of it can truly make your jaw drop, it is absolutely a head-turner that can make your heart ache out of pure awestruck. The palace almost resembled those which can be found in fairytales, it looks too surreal and magical. It is made up of concrete and is filled with numerous kinds of ornaments that add to its beauty. It is also known as the home of the stars. Some of the ornaments adorning the exterior of the palace are made up of a certain gem that absorbs light from the moon which made the palace somewhat glowing during nighttime.

The interior is another topic to be conversed upon. Like the palace’s exterior, it can also truly catch anyone’s attention. Gigantesque paintings from renowned artists can be found inside as they decorate walls like some kind of an art exhibit. Numerous types of chromatic and lively flowers are also put in fragile and delicate vases that add life to the entirety of the hallway. Murals can also be spotted in several walls. Some of the paintings depicted the peaceful lives of the gods and other creatures existing in the realm. However, the most astonishing mural is located in the palace library. At the left corner of it, a massive masterpiece is painted on the wall. It is a map of the Althaios Heavenly Realm itself. The palaces and courts are perfectly drawn on the said oeuvre and can truly make you gawk.

The Althaios Heavenly Realm is the domicile of celestial creatures. Both the gods and goddesses, as well as other kinds of mythical creatures’ dwell in the said dimension. It is far different from the land of mortals. The realm seems like floating like it is above a group of white clouds. It is rich in picturesque and breathtaking landscapes that no painting can ever give justice. Enormous yet impressive trees are also present in the realm which homes the majority of birds and other animals. The air taste is also a bit different from the Raevisia Apples Frost. It also has a sweet taste but what makes it different is the tang of vanilla that will linger on both your tongue and nostrils. Chromatic bubbles can also be seen floating around the area, they made a great impression on the realm itself and make it more magical looking.

It is divided into several courts and palaces which include the Astaraia Palace. The palace is located in the Eastern North of the Realm. Thousands of civilians inhabited the area and they are very much dedicated to serving their lord, the Emperor of Heaven.

Despite the breezy and cool atmosphere of the Eastern North, beads of sweat are forming on the forehead of the man in a green robe. He turned around the corner and continued running until the end of the hallway where a huge white door is standing. He reached for the golden knob of the said door and feel the cold metal against his tanned skin. He turned the knob and open it. It produced a creaking sound that invaded the silence of the entire area. The man’s chest is still rising and falling, a sign that he is exhausted from running. He abruptly entered the room and started pacing towards the other corner. There another man stands, leaner and muscular. His well-built frame and toned body are evident in his tight black robe. It has a white lining that complements well his matching boots of black. It is his back that is facing him and his long silver hair is glistening under the light of the chandelier. He resembled the finest sculpture of a renaissance sculptor; he looks like a work of art who’s given the breath of life.

The man in the green robe rushed forward to him and immediately get down on his knees. He keeps his head down as a sign of respect. The other man is staring blankly at the scenery outside his large glass window while both of his hands are on his back. He seems unbothered by the presence in his room like he is used to this kind of disturbance. He has a stance that can make you intimidated like it is ordering you to glorify and honor him with all of your life.

“Your highness,” the kneeling man started speaking. The tone of his raspy voice is full of respect as he uttered those words. He still kept his head down and stared at the white tiled floor.

“I apologize for the sudden intrusion. Unfortunately, a piece of certain news is spreading that the beast Cerberus is going berserk and is spreading havoc in the Cildreth Demon Realm,” the man continued. He is a servant of the man before him. He is also a messenger who never fails to bring him the latest events or happenings, whether may it be on the Althaios or not, Maxime Hadley.

Upon hearing what the messenger said, he turned around and his piercing cerulean irises go down on his servant. It matches the fierce jawline of his oval-shaped face as well as the perfectly arched-shaped brows which are in the dark shade of brown. His full and symmetrical lips are in a thin line, an indication that he is never to be played around with. His cheekbones are also prominent along with his dark lasher that somehow shadowed his irises. His hawkish nose is also a great addition to the astounding yet unnerving beauty the man possess.

“Get my sword,” the coldness in his voice will remind you of the glaciers, strong and freezing. It can make the hair on your body rise and fear for your life.

In an instant, the servant gets up and grabs a golden sword placed on the wall of the room’s right corner. The sword’s scabbard is as elegant as the palace itself. It has dainty-looking gems that adorned it majestically. Intricate metal swirls are also designed which made the weapon look grander. He ran back to his master and ignored the heaviness of the sword. He kneeled once again and extended his arms to offer the weapon. The white-haired man grabbed it and started walking forward.

“A beast will have a taste of its very own poison.”

Alois Devaraux, the Emperor of Heaven. A man who is believed to be thousands of years old. He has reigned over the palace of Astraia for ages and ruled the Eastern North to the best of his ability. The people of his land respect him and they even vowed to serve him until the last beating of their hearts. He is a man of cold nature; he possesses no emotions inside and shows no mercy towards his nemesis. He is also a skilled warrior. During his childhood, he is trained to become a formidable knight on the battlefield. It is also his duty to slay or seal monsters who are unleashed and spread chaos in different realms. This duty made his heart transform into iron, therefore making him numb with any romantic feelings toward the opposite gender.

He usually wears black and his wardrobe is full of the said color. Ever since he was a child, he is used to wearing black. He often uses this as a way to cover up his real situation. During his childhood, he had a weak heart and his foster parents are getting worried because of his health condition. For him, the color speaks of strength and power. He hides beneath this mask and disguises himself as a metal strong individual that knows no weakness. He is often seen as an invincible man and a worthy opponent in battle. Despite his health condition, he is able to surpass the challenges and obstacles that dawned on him. He even aced his classes and is often included in the list of exceptional students of the academy.

Before ascending to the throne, he served as a commander of the Astraia Legion. He led an army and won through countless of battles. Amidst the battle of trying to protect his homeland against conquerors, he almost lost his life. His heart fainted due to the fatigue and injuries he acquired during the war. He miraculously survived after the former ruler of the healer’s realm revived his dead heart. He became much stronger than before and was able to win the war. After the said incident, he ascended to the throne and served the Eastern North as their emperor.

The emperor may have a cold nature but he has a soft spot for animals. He actually had a beloved animal companion which is a phoenix. It was given by the former King of Heaven as a welcome gift when he entered the legion. He has loved the creature so much and it is with him through every silent battle he has gone through. The phoenix itself was precious, having come from a race which is now extinct. The former king found him outstanding which made him give the phoenix to Alois.

Unfortunately, the phoenix died amidst the same war against the conquerors. It sacrificed its life and protected Alois from a huge blow of magic directed at the said man. Alois collapsed on the ground due to his weak heart and an enemy saw this as an opportunity to kill the legion’s commander. He performed a destructive spell pointed toward Alois yet failed to destroy him when the said phoenix launched its body towards the attack.

This made the phoenix lost its life. Its body turned into ashes after the attack. It made Alois mourn despite the victory and defeat of the conquerors. A painting of the phoenix can be seen hanging at the altar dedicated to it. The emperor usually visits it and it is also where the ashes of the said creature are placed.