
Love Agreement With The King

When two people unsatisfied with their already written fate meet, what they can do to finally live the life they desire is enter into an agreement. The agreement is sanctioned by Prince John, a man who was never seen before, because of that he’s considered like a ghost by the inhabitants of the city. John is a cold-hearted man, ruthless and unsympathetic. He’s unable to love, having a rich history with breaking hearts he came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t date anymore. The only person he ever cared about, besides himself, was his father. After his sudden death, Prince John had to ascend the throne. When he met Roselyn, a girl who was known for her skeptical thoughts about love and her free spirit who had simple desires which didn't include a man to be fulfilled he sees in her the potential to achieve what he always wanted. The agreement required them to fake their marriage and pretend they are in love deceiving the whole world including their own family. In return, they could live the life they always wanted to live. As the story develops more mysteries and hindrances threaten their perfect plan, such as Roselyn’s supernatural rare powers and sudden wars. -------------------------------------------------- Abstract: "I like to think this is a strange twist of fate. You’re the kindest person I know. So beautiful and precious while I am a cold-hearted guy hunted by his demoniac nature." John leaned over to her, gently lifting her chin so that she could meet his gaze. When Roselyn did, he smiled. "Your nature allows you to create life, mine allows me to take it." He chuckled shyly. "I am not forcing you to accept my darker side, but maybe we were destined to meet. You are the peace to my senses, the sun to my darkness, the reason that wakes me up in the morning. I hate the way you make me feel, so vulnerable and sensitive." His gaze moved to her peachy lips. He stroked her hair behind her ear. "At the same time I love it because, in all my immortal existence, I have never felt more alive." Roselyn finally smiled, as she understood that he didn’t have two opposite sides. He just had one, the evilest vampire in the village. But when with her, his heart melted that ice shield to reveal a completely different person who only she could have access to. --------------------------------------------------- Link server: https://discord.gg/rVkRwbHk join to find updates, new, and coins free The book contains intense smut, read at your own risk Extra chapters will be posted on sunday based on the number of golden ticket collected during the week! Send summoning pens to get an anticipated release! . [The book cover belongs to their respective owner.] ALERT warning: 18+ smut -> however the chapters with smut will contain an alert of start and end smut so you can freely skip that part if uncomfortable!

Elle_Lynn · Fantaisie
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361 Chs

Royal Carriage

The seamstress gathered the picked fabrics together. "Perfect! I will bring it to your place when It's ready." She said, packing it inside a box.

"Thank you," Roselyn replied, handing her a coin. Then she bowed down before finding her way out.

"The fabric you picked looks exquisite," Kathy commented as they step on the carriage that was waiting for them for the entire time.

During the race, the carriage slowed down when it passed by the Royal carriage, which was coming from their opposite direction. Roselyn turned around to catch a glimpse of the King's so coveted appearance. The red curtain prevented almost completely the sight, except for a leg that emerged from the slit.

Every lady and gentleman who was on the street stopped whatever they were doing to gaze at the carriage, probably with the same intention that Roselyn had and finally see the quite discussed appearance of the future King, since William's death.

The royal carriage stopped in front of a bakery, so Roselyn leaned in to get a better view and her carriage stopped, allowing her to take a longer look.

"Why would he stop there?" Kathy questioned when she stuck out her face from the window and stared attentively.

"I don't know, hungry?" Roselyn replied with a giggle.

She gave a quick look through the street to see how everyone reached the carriage to gossip.

At least other dozens of carriages stopped in the middle of the street just to take a look at the scene, but none of those minded the fact that it might block the traffic.

From the bakery a Sir walked out rushing, he was carrying a basket full of freshly baked bread. He reached the carriage causing people's gazes to dart from the carriage to the bakery.

Few men followed exiting from the near butcher shop, carrying few more baskets filled with every kind of meat. A particular basket caught Roselyn's attention. Their content was covered by some cloth, yet it seemed very prominent. The man carried the heavyweight fatigue.

The driver of the carriage went to open the curtain, filling the carriage with their baskets. The murmur from the crowd meanwhile increased so much that Roselyn could hear the whispering from inside her carriage.

Once they laid every basket, they returned inside their respective shops. The driver of the carriage gave a quick look around to see how everyone stopped to watch them, but then jumped on his carriage to take off in few seconds.

"He must have starved for days to be that hungry," Kathy observed laughing covering her mouth with her hand hiding her mouth.

"I wonder what was inside the covered baskets."

"Maybe just more meat. Rumors say he is a meat lover." Kathy concluded.

Her carriage restarted as well, "Or maybe he's a serial killer and is carrying corps' pieces around." Roselyn joked laughing at her joke.

Kathy's lips pressed into a thin line, revealing a disgusted expression. "Eww," she lamented, probably picturing that terrible scene inside her mind.

When they reached their mansion, Roselyn didn't have time to say a thing that they already knew.

"Did you see him?" Abigail asked as soon as she entered.

It seemed like gossip ran faster than the horses that carried her carriage.

"No, just saw an inch of his leg," Roselyn said, shrugging and laughing inwardly hearing how odd her answer sounded.

"We should go to buy more in that bakery and butchery."

"Everyone probably will have the same idea, it won't benefit anyone rather than the owner of those shops and his earnings."

"The only thing we can do is learn how to bake cakes and bread. Seems like he's more interested in food than he's in women." Sharon sighed, making both her sisters laugh.

"I'm going to buy some biscuits from a bakery far away and pretend I made them. Work smarter not harder." Abigail winked at them.

"You should go to sleep now, smarty ladies!" Ginevra commented, rolling her eyes.

"I forgot I met the Ferrington's, and they said they had a special event to attend," Roselyn said, catching the gaze of everyone.

"They must have got an invitation too!" Ginevra stated, shaking her head.

"And the seamstress said on the phone that so many ladies visited the shop and she wondered what was the occasion." Roselyn continued.

"Seems like we will have a vast competition." Abigail's eyebrows knitted together.

"The news of the King's death already was spread so I suppose there won't be much longer before that new will also flee," Ginevra answered.

"I have an idea," Abigail said, looking thoughtful. "We can ask the seamstress to tell us the names of the ladies who visited her today. So we can have a vague idea."

Ginevra's facial expression cheered up, hearing what her daughter suggested, and went to clap her hands joyful as she commented, "what a splendid idea!"

"When did you become smart?" Sharon commented, folding her arms.

"Well, isn't it obvious? I am the smartest one, Roselyn is the prettiest and you are the..."

"I am the?" Abigail questioned curiously.

"The most bothersome!" Sharon spat, causing her sister to assume an irritated face.

Roselyn was admiring the scene of her sisters arguing amused, trying to hold the laugh. On the contrary, their mother was not as entertained by the argument and proceeded on scolding them, "Girls! Stop it! You're being childish."