
LOVE AFTER A DARE [Jeon Jungkook ff]

Hi I am Kim Y/N. I am a Korean girl who lived in New York from past eight years. But i am back to South Korea for my further studies because i wanted to. When i went to my school i found best friend Jisso. I found tow more people one of them were annoying:Jeon Jungkook and the other one was sweet :Kim Taehyung. After few days i fall for Jungkook and he after that proposed me. But i broke up with him because of some reasons. Then I met my childhood's crush:Kim Seokjin. After spending sometime with him i started feeling for him. After this Jungkook got jealous and proposed me again.I accepted his proposal. He left me me and went to America. After 5 years............. Uhh I am getting married to an unknown guy i don't even know his name. I hope you guys will get suspicious after reading the summary of 'Love After a Dare'. I hope you guys like this.

Jinisha_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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32 Chs


So i just want to announce something real quick.

I was thinking to write on instagram or wattpad, i eneded up chosing wattpad🙂 So guys please go and check wattpad. i will post a oneshot and it is full of smuts and guys i havent took any help of my friend. i wrote it on my own and i am proud of it, hehe~


author name: jinishajin

i am just giving a try to it. please go and read and like, comment and vote.

Thank you for reading this.
