
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Destroying Methe's Castle

"You met Cedric on the way?" Methe asked rhetorically, he had already began to suspect that Lucian knew that something was amiss, and at the rate they were going, Lucian would soon find out. "Well, he just came to deliver a little package to me, nothing much."

"Deliver a little package to you?" Lucian retorted with a smirk, now he knew that Methe was trying to hide something, "but Cedric just told me that he came to heal his injuries."

"Oh yes! He also came here for me to attend to his injuries too." Methe said and backed away as Lucian began to circle the room slowly towards him.

"Is that so?" Lucian asked, his smirk getting wider than ever, "you claim that he came here to deliver a package to you and he claims that he came here to have his injuries healed, which do you expect me to believe now?"

"Look Lucian, you shouldn't bother yourself about Cedric's visit here, after all you yourself also came for something, didn't you?" Methe asked fearfully, desperately searching for a way to divert Lucian's attention from Cedric's visit.

"Why shouldn't I bother myself when he brought you this!" Methe had been backing away from Lucian that he didn't know that the demon prince was now standing close to the things he had hidden when he initially walked in. In one swift movement, Lucian flipped the blanket to reveal the shell of a sage tortoise, the eyes of a zippy hawk, the heart of a white lion, the wings of a phoenix, the scales and the fangs of a red dragon.

"I...I.. it's not what you think Lucian," Methe tried to plead, "I can explain."

Now Lucian knew why Cedric had spent 300 years in the forest of a thousand demons, he had been searching for these materials and if Lucian was not mistaken, these were the materials required to forge the absolute armor.

The absolute armor was an armor that could put a mere demon priest on the same fighting level with a demon prince, it was a very invaluable armor and since the history of hell, no demon has ever been able to create the absolute armor because no one had been brave enough to search for these items in the forest of a thousand demons and now, Cedric had gotten it for Methe.

Lucian wasn't interested in whether Methe had the absolute armor or not, what he was interested in was what Methe gave to Cedric in exchange for such dangerous items. Lucian didn't need to ask because he knew how he would get his answer. He moved swiftly to the board that Methe had covered and the priest tried to obstruct him by moving in front of him but Lucian simply held his arm and flung him to the other side of the room.

Lucian dragged the blanket covering the board to see what was on it and his eyes quickly lit up in rage at the sight of the inscription on the board.

The symbol for his curse, the six star of David and the effects were written on the board– clearly for someone like Cedric to know everything he needed to know about Lucian's weakness.

"What have you done Methe!!!!?" Lucian roared in rage as his body began to burn fiercely in dark red flames– that was a sign that he was angry.

"I'm sorry Lucian, it's not what it looks like. Cedric said he would kill me if I didn't help him." Methe tried to defend himself but Lucian wasn't listening to him, he was walking slowly towards him like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode any second.

Lucian had told Methe to keep his curse a secret because people like Cedric and his other brothers who hated him and wanted him dead would exploit the curse and try to use it against him. Now, the same demon priest whom he had trusted with the knowledge of his weakness had sold him off to his brother.

That was absolutely unforgivable!

Lucian had wanted to kill Methe with his own hands but his rage was uncontrollable that he let out a loud scream and the flames from his body spread out and destroyed Methe's castle, and everything inside it, including some of the sentries outside who were not lucky enough to run away on time.

He was now floating in the realm of Oblivion amidst the hubris from the once magnificent Methe's castle, the destruction of the castle had helped ease some of his anger but his eyes still glistened in rage.

"Methe is dead, it's remaining Cedric." With these words, Lucian flew through a portal that took him back to the human realm.



A man dressed in a long black cloak and a black hat stood opposite the hotel, while pretending to read the newspaper in his hands. He was actually watching the hotel closely to see when she would come out.

He didn't need to wait long because after a few minutes, the black haired beautiful lady catwalked out of the hotel building and he briskly but subtly followed her.

He didn't need to rush because he knew that his colleagues would corner her into the alley where they would meet.

He had barely thought about all these when she noticed that two men were following her, she began to walk very quick in order to evade them but it was useless because at the end, they were finally able to corner her into a dark and lonely alley.

"Who are you guys and what do you want?" She boldly asked the three men who now stood in front of her, "why are you tailing me?"

The man in the black cloak who was in the middle of the three men took a step forward and removed his hat so that she could see his face, he was grinning evilly.

"Recognize me?"

At the sight of the cloaked man's face, Nadine gasped in what seemed like a mixture of fear and surprise, "Derek! What's the meaning of all this?"

10ps = 1 bonus chapter. let's go!!

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