
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Cedric Gets Sealed


"Hahahaha." Elora laughed heartily at one of Cedric's jokes, "you're really hilarious."

As a demon, Cedric had the abilities to induce emotions so throughout the time they spoke, he had deceived Elora into believing that he was a witty and funny guy, making her to laugh at every joke he made.

He had barely began to deepen the conversation when he heard a voice in his head.


For a moment, he was disoriented by the sudden warning but he quickly recovered when Elora noticed his mood change.

"Is something wrong?" She asked out of genuine concern, for a moment there, Cedric's pupils had disappeared into his eyelids like someone who was having an epileptic crisis.

"No, no haha," Cedric tried to reassure her, "there's nothing..."


"Fine! I'm coming!" Cedric said out loud startling Elora.

"Huh?" She retorted,

"I'm sorry dear, I wasn't referring to you." He said with a forced smile that hid his fear, "I'll be back soon, use this to offset the bills."

Dropping a hundred dollar bill on the table, he stood up, smoothed down his polo with his hands and walked outside with all the confidence he could muster, he couldn't attempt to run away now that his brother was here, it would just look suspicious.

Cedric followed the source of the voice to the back of the eatery. As he was stepping out, he felt a hand rushing towards his face but he easily dodged it, grabbed the hand and flung his attacker away.

The attacker wasn't Lucian because if it was him, Cedric's head would probably be caved into the wall by then. He looked at the person he flung away and he wasn't surprised that it was Razor, Lucian'sp second battalion commander.

"Tch! Weak." He sneered as he watched Razor reset his arm that had been completely broken by Cedric's fling.

When he saw that Razor was smiling, he quickly realized that the attack was just a decoy, the real attack was waiting around somewhere. Before he could even react, his real fear was under his nose and gave him a powerful upper cut that sent him sailing into the sky.

"Are you plotting to kill me Cedric!!?" Lucian boomed as he jumped into the air to punch Cedric into the ground.

Cedric evaded the punch and jumped away onto a roof but Lucian followed him quickly, desperate to hit him again and beat sense into him.

"Answer me!!!" Lucian said as he released a blast of energy that tore everything in it's path– everything that was on the roofs of some buildings in the city were instantly destroyed.

Cedric wasn't bothered about that at all, he was more concerned about escaping from his brother. When he noticed that Lucian would soon catch up with him, he tried to teleport away but he had to stop moving in order to teleport. That was his biggest mistake because as soon he stopped, a dark red fist appeared before him at unimaginable speed and knocked him to the ground with force, causing cracks to appear on the concrete floor and on the walls around.

That punch had taken a lot from Cedric because he discovered that he could barely move his arms and legs, all they could do was shake helplessly as he watched his brother walk slowly towards him with glowing red eyes.

"I asked you a question Cedric."

"Ptueh!" Cedric spat out a mouthful of blood and saliva while smiling with his blood stained teeth, "I don't see why I have to reply that."

Lucian replied by stepping violently on his balls.

"Argh!!!" Cedric screamed loudly in pain,

"Now talk!" Lucian yelled without minding that they were in the middle of a human street,

"I won't..." Cedric refused, "...and you're not gonna do anything to me, you can't kill me you know that right?"

Lucian frowned at Cedric and said, "I don't know whether you think that I need you because I'm asking you a question. Well, let me tell you something... Even if I can't kill you right now, I can make you suffer in a way that you'll wish you were dead."

As Lucian made his last statement, a look of realization appeared on Cedric's face and he began to tell in terror, "No! No! You can't take me there! You can't do this to me! No!!"

His pleas were useless because Lucian had already opened the seals upon his head– the seals that would lock him inside Lucian's private prison forever.

"Nooooo!!!" Cedric screamed as dark red chains bound him and dragged him into a magic portal that had opened on the ground where he lay.

The look on Lucian's face was very grave as the portal closed and Lucian was left alone in the cold and dark street.

'Now no one knows my secret, it's safe again.' He thought as he unfurled his majestic wings and took off to his condo.

Back at the eatery, Elora waited but Cedric never came back. When it was getting late, she picked up her bag and left, a bit disappointed that the funny Cedric never came back.



In a dark cave, a crack appeared in the empty space and a man fell out of it.

That man was Methe, the demon priest. As Lucian was about to blow the castle up, he had activated his instant teleportation technique without any destination in particular just to save his life and it ended up transporting him to this place that he knew nothing about.

"Gosh... Where is this? Where am I?" He said as he picked himself up from the floor where he had fallen. There were some bony things on the floor so he conjured a small fireball on his palm and used it to see the things on the floor.

His heart almost jumped into his stomach when he saw that the floor was filled with bones and skulls of different creatures.

"What is this? Where the hell am I?"

As soon as he asked that question, he heard a hissing sound above him and he looked up to see a giant serpent woman staring down at him with a hungry look in her twinkling eyes.

"A nice free meal by this time of the era?... hiss. I'm grateful."

He now knew who he was looking at, it was none other than the famous Lilith, queen of the serpents.

"Wait! Wait! Don't eat me yet!" He screamed as he silently cursed himself from jumping from one death experience to the other.

"Oh? My dinner wants to say something?" She teased with a sly smile on her face as she licked her lips hungrily, "I can't hear you all the way from up here, speak louder."

He got a bit annoyed and used his powers to amplify his voice to her ears. "I am Methe, the demon priest. Please do not eat me!"

"Methe the demon priest?" She asked with a curious expression on her face, "sorry, doesn't ring a bell. Okay talk time is over, time to eat."

She dove in to eat Methe.

Thanks for reading :-)

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