
Chapter 38 The Person Who Annoyed Her the Most

On the weekend, Renata drove to pick up Roxy. It had been a month since they last met, and Roxy had lost a lot of weight. Renata asked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Roxy replied casually, "Do I look thinner? Looks like my diet is working."

Renata wasn't easy to fool. After Roxy got into the passenger seat of the Ferrari, Renata asked, "Is it work or relationship problems?"

Roxy pretended to be confused. "Huh?"

Renata got straight to the point. "Are you still fighting with your 'friend'?"

Roxy visibly tensed up, and two seconds later, Renata said, "You've passed the golden time for making up lies."

Roxy knew that lying was useless in front of Renata. She could only remain silent.

Renata continued, "This issue has nothing to do with either of you. Collin and I don't need you and Cory to fight our battles. You two are too young and naive. You're just entertaining yourselves. Who cares which of you two will win?"