
Chapter 2 Slap That Woman

On the last day of May, the outside was more than 30 degrees. The rain did not cool down the temperature but made people feel hot.

The black umbrellas in these bodyguards' hands were like a warning to the woman: Don't get close.

The woman in the red dress realized the situation was not good, especially when she saw Renata taking off her wristwatch. She was about to turn her head and asked Collin for help. But before she could react, Renata slapped her. The next second, the force made the woman turn around abruptly. She felt that her neck was about to break.

The woman staggered and took a few steps back. She was dumbfounded and even forgot to scream out. Her ears were buzzing.

After a few seconds, the woman finally came to her senses. She turned around and looked at this short-haired woman in front of her. The woman didn't know whether she was surprised or frightened. Renata was wearing sunglasses. Under the woman's gaze, Renata deliberately slowed down her movements and slapped her. The woman staggered. The roses in her arms fell to the ground.

She gritted her teeth. After remaining silent for a few seconds, she turned around and raised her right hand to slap Renata. Renata stood on the spot without stepping back. She calmly raised her left hand and grabbed the woman's wrist. The next second, she slapped the woman. It was the third slap. The woman's cheek turned red and swollen quickly. There was a fingerprint on her cheek.

The woman was furious. She shouted at Renata, "Do you know..."

Renata raised her right hand expressionlessly.

She slapped the woman again!

"How dare you..."

Another slap!

"Renata Farley!"

Renata ignored the woman and slapped her!

"Collin! Help!"

Another slap!

Renata slapped the same place on the woman's cheek accurately. After several slaps, the palm print on the woman's face seemed to be bleeding at any moment.

The woman wanted to resist. Even though she wore high heels, she was not as tall as Renata in a flat. Renata looked slender and weak, but her strength was astonishing. She clamped the woman's wrist, not for fear that she would resist, but for fear that she would fall.

In this way, no matter what the woman said, even if she just opened her mouth and uttered a word, Renata would slap her without hesitation. She turned a deaf ear to the woman's curse and cry for mercy. Renata stopped slapping and released the woman until she dared not turn her head. The woman immediately buried her head and squatted beside the pillar.

Renata also squatted beside her with a calm face and asked, "Do you want to know more about me?"

The woman trembled in fright and shook her head.

Renata said sarcastically, "It seems that you are used to picking up trash. Even if I threw it, it does not belong to you. How dare you bark in front of me?"

Collin looked calm and even smiled as if he didn't hear Renata's sarcastic words.

Renata took a rose from the bouquet at her feet and went to Collin. She handed it and said provocatively, "Sorry, I didn't prepare a gift for you. Congratulations! You are single again."

Collin smiled and took the rose. "Thank you. She is not sensible. I have another one. I will introduce her to you on another day."

Renata smiled faintly. She walked down the steps while wearing her watch, followed by the bodyguards of the Farley family holding umbrellas. Collin and his bodyguards were standing on the steps.

The bodyguard held an umbrella for Collin. The woman in the red dress was squatting on the ground. Seeing Collin was about to leave, she immediately looked up at him and said, "Collin..."

Before she finished speaking, Collin glanced at her. The woman fell silent instantly.

Collin was very handsome. The gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose made him look gentle and noble. People would think he was easy-going. But when he inadvertently revealed his true colors, he looked cold. The woman was frightened by his indifferent and sharp eyes behind the glasses.

At this moment, Collin was a vastly different person. He was not the same as he was in front of Renata.

Collin asked coldly, "Who asked you to come here?"

The woman lowered her head and dared not speak.

Collin stared at her. "Before I used you, I stated the price. But you didn't even ask for my permission when you used me. Do you think you are richer than me or smarter than me?"

The woman burst into tears. "It is said that Renata cuckolded you. I want to help you..."

After all, she knew that Collin had nothing to do with her and her sister. In this matter, it was unfair to Collin.

Before the woman finished speaking, Collin said in a cold tone, "You are an idiot. Don't you know who you are? How dare you provoke Renata?"

The woman's cheek was red and swollen. There was a visible fingerprint. But the other side was pale. Hearing this, she looked at Collin with tears in her eyes and said, "I overestimated myself. Even if Renata slapped me, I'm not afraid of her. I want to avenge you. I hate her arrogance and complacency. She married you for money. Now, she got what she wanted and..."

"Do you think I have a good temper, or do you think you are courageous?"

Collin interrupted her. The woman didn't know when he didn't even restrain his emotions. There was only gloom on his face.

"Before the divorce, Renata was my wife. Now, she is my ex-wife. I quarreled with her. It was a family matter. I don't guarantee that it will become a criminal if you dare to quarrel with her. Go. You are lucky today. She has a good mood today. If you dare to provoke her again, I promise I will let you pay the price."

The bodyguard opened the door of the dark green Bentley. Collin bent down and got into the car. The driver started the car and drove away from the gate of City Hall, followed by a long line of cars.

Miraculously, after Collin and Renata left City Hall, the rain stopped. The sky changed from overcast clouds to bright sunshine.

There were countless plain clothes and reporters near the City Hall. The plain clothes breathed a sigh of relief, lamenting that there were no accidents. After all, since the two were exposed to cheating a week ago, everyone knew that a big event would happen in Mondousville.

The reporters complained that they didn't capture any useful photos. In these pictures, half of the woman's face was swollen. They knew who did this, but they didn't photograph any evidence.

A week ago, Renata brought a male model to travel. Collin also took the twin sisters to travel abroad. Coincidentally, both of them chose the same hotel. In addition, this hotel was the place where they held their wedding banquet a year ago.

These reporters had to admit that the couple was tacit. They could even choose the same hotel when they were traveling abroad.


After getting into the car, Renata's face turned cold. A man in the car said, "Why are you so angry? That's just Collin's purpose. Since he dared ask the reporters to post the news that your charm is inferior to his, then he dares to say that you are jealous of other women for him."

The sunglasses covered Renata's eyes. She said coldly, "I'm not as shameless as him."

If others heard her words, they would have chosen to keep quiet. But the man continued, "You have told me that 'Nothing is more important than winning'. Why do you compare yourself with him?"

Renata resisted staring at the man in the driver's seat. She knew that he was not the one who annoyed her.

Today was a good day when she and Collin divorced. How could the various media let this big news go easily? Since the two got married, the reporters kept reporting their deep love in the first half of the year. However, they began to report that their marriage was fake in the latter half of the year.

Until a week ago, the news was overwhelming that they cuckolded each other. Renata was the loser in this matter because she had only one lover. After all, Collin had two mistresses. Judging by the number of people, Renata lost.

Renata hated to hear the rumors that the two were tacit. But she had to admit that they were roughly the same in playing tricks. They were two of a kind.

"Let it go. You are divorced. Don't bring your anger home," Xzavier Frances said. His sensible comfort sounded indifferent. "It is more humiliating to hear the ridicule of your family than to let outsiders taunt you."

Renata gradually suppressed the anger in his eyes when she heard Xzavier's words. After a while, she said calmly, "This matter is not ending. It's up to me. If they want to taunt me, they can have a try. Just wait and see."

In Renata's view, there was a result in any competition. Before meeting Collin, she had only lost once.

After meeting Collin... Renata suddenly remembered that last year, Collin sat opposite her, looked at her with his gentle eyes, and said, "Renata, you will not regret marrying me."

With his gentle expression and affectionate tone, no one would have thought it was not a commercial marriage but a revealing of true sentiments.

But the fact was not like that.

What happened in their lives made Renata understand that men were liars. There was no love, interest, or hatred between her and Collin, but there were many bonds.

After a brief distraction, Renata quickly stopped thinking about it. She had no time to think about the divorce. She was considering whether to show her face or eyes at the meeting tomorrow. There were less than 24 hours left for her to think about it.