
Chapter 17 Take Her Along

Renata was speechless.

In such dire circumstances, these words undoubtedly dealt a devastating blow. It was akin to a scumbag telling another man. "Give up. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to have children."

Renata exerted all her strength but couldn't successfully overthrow Collin. Filled with anger, she became desperate and sank her teeth into Collin's left shoulder.

She wouldn't let him feel any better.

Collin was caught off guard, gasping in pain. He instinctively tried to dodge backward, but there was hardly any space to evade. Renata, like a vampire, refused to let go until she drew blood. Collin's scalp tingled, his features contorted, and he exclaimed, "Let go! Are you a dog?!"

At this moment, Collin tightly gripped Renata's wrist while Renata bit into his shoulder. Both of them had lost their strength, but neither could find a way out of the entanglement.