
Love's Beyond

Over a billion years ago, an ancient race known as the Elder Gods dominated Earth, wielding immense power and knowledge. They discovered the dark phoenix legacy—a potent force of destruction that threatened the very fabric of existence. Seeking to contain this power, they intervened with the mysterious power of order, halting the dark phoenix's evolution. Yet, this power remained elusive, an enigma that could neither be seen nor touched, recognized nor contained. In this world, Amidst this chaotic backdrop, a profound love unfolds. As they navigate a universe where everyone and everything— even the cosmos itself—acts in self-preservation, "Love's Beyond" is a spellbinding tale of forbidden love and relentless determination set against a richly imagined fantasy world. It explores themes of power, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between light and dark, order and chaos, life and death. "You hate me, right? No, I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you either." "I loved your honesty, though. You hate yourself, don't you? That's why you are doing this—you think you deserve nothing good in life." "Yes, I do hate myself. I didn't do anything remarkable in life. My power only causes one thing. It's destruction, so it's okay to hate myself." "I'm not saying you can't hate yourself; it's a feeling. With everything you did, you are supposed to feel that way." "It wasn’t intentional, though, right? "What difference does it make? "What I'm trying to say is that you can’t change anything. Still staying where you got wrong is not right if hate is the only emotion you feel about yourself. It can cause more than destruction."

AishSpran · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Clashing with a Rival

My mind incessantly dwelled on the pulsating force emanating from within his

being—an aura both potent and perilous. There existed a peculiar energy,

one that resonated with a familiarity, yet I couldn't shake the intuition that its

menace posed no threat to me. Taking a bite of my sandwich, its taste was

mundane—neither extraordinary nor lacking. How I yearned for the luxury

of indulging in flavors more exquisite than those found between two slices of

bread, yet such wishes remained confined to the realm of dreams.

Lost in culinary reveries, the library suddenly invaded my thoughts. Today,

he seemed even more peculiar, though, in truth, peculiarity was his perpetual

state. I conjectured that his social awkwardness stemmed from an

unfamiliarity with human interaction—was he isolated, perhaps? Or was I

weaving my own eccentric theories? . Abruptly, the realization struck me: I

had lingered in contemplation of him for far too long. I needed to redirect my

focus to my own affairs.A knock interrupted my contemplation, jolting me

back to the present. I strolled toward the door and swung it open. To my

predictable chagrin, there stood Melina, accompanied by a retinue of maids

bearing an assortment of gowns and jewelry. "What's the occasion?" I

inquired. "There's a gathering, and you're expected to be there" she replied

with an air of authority. Perplexed, I pressed for an explanation. "Why must I

attend?" I questioned. Dismissing my query, she retorted, "I believe you lack

the privilege to question me." In an instant, the maids cascaded into my

room, meticulously arranging garments and accessories, urging me to prepare

for the impending event. I stood there, a tableau of bewilderment. There was

a tacit acknowledgment that resistance was futile. Powerless, I acknowledged

my incapacity to alter the situation. My gaze lingered upon the attire—a

captivating ensemble adorned in shades of brown and gold. The gown, while

concealing the majority of my form, featured transparent sleeves, a waistline,

and a bodice embellished with vibrant stone work. Undeniably beautiful, yet

devoid of the joy it should have imparted. As the dress enveloped me,

seamlessly melding with the contours of my body, I pondered its origin. The choice was evidently not Melina's, leaving me in suspense about the

mysterious selector behind this elegant creation. In the chamber of

transformation, the maids wove enchantment into my locks, crafting delicate

curls that danced in harmony with the whispers of the wind. Their skilled

hands painted my eyelids with the mystique of brown smoke, and adorned my

lips with the allure of brown-red lipstick. A symphony of earrings and rings

awaited my embrace, but I found their melody too extravagant. My soul

craved simplicity amidst the opulence.

With a graceful decree, I requested only the grace of nail polish for my

fingers, a touch of color to complement the resplendence of my gown. The

fabric itself, adorned with a celestial cascade of sparkles and glitter, held the

cosmos within its threads. I stood before the looking glass, a silent witness to

the culmination of their artistry. The reflection returned a vision of beauty,

and in that fleeting moment, I recognized the masterpiece that had been

crafted—an embodiment of elegance and simplicity intertwined. Melina's

voice erupted in shouts from downstairs, prompting me to secure my room

before descending to witness her pre-party fervor in a sleek black gown. Her

disdainful glance met mine, but I brushed it aside. Striding towards the

awaiting car, its door graciously opened for me, I couldn't fathom the

destination. As the vehicle set in motion, I seated myself, an embodiment of

stoic composure. The vehicle continued on its linear path, and in an

unexpected turn, it plunged into the depths of a tunnel. Emerging from the

tunnel's confines, the car underwent a miraculous metamorphosis, assuming

the colossal form of a ship that swiftly ascended into the airspace. A

kaleidoscope of lights shimmered below, contrasting with the velvety

darkness above as we soared towards the zenith.

As we approached a luminous sphere, the ambiance changed dramatically—it

was a ball, a grand celebration. A multitude of elegantly adorned individuals

adorned in resplendent attire filled the scene, their laughter and animated

conversations creating a vibrant tapestry. Navigating through the festive

crowd, we arrived at the entrance where the doors gracefully swung open,

ushering me into the enchanting world within.

In the midst of the opulent ballroom, I discovered Jack's gaze fixed upon me,

his sudden appearance beside Melissa catching me off guard. His eyes

remained on me, an inscrutable expression, as she bestowed upon him a kiss.

Instinctively, I distanced myself from the duo and embarked on a solitary

journey through the lavish affair.

Amidst a feast of delectable culinary delights and tempting libations, I resisted

their allure, refraining from partaking. My steps carried me past tables laden

with sumptuous offerings. As I traversed the space, my surroundings

transformed into a spectacle of glittering walls and resplendent furnishings.

Lost in the visual splendor, a familiar voice reached me, interrupting the

enchanting scenery. "You look enchanting, love," murmured arthur.

Intrigued, I turned to find him gazing at me with a warmth that defied the

glamorous backdrop of the event.

Under the dim glow of the moonlit night, I found myself steering through the

quiet streets, drawn by an inexplicable yearning to be here, to hear his words

of admiration. A whisper of determination laced my voice as I declared,

"Make way, for I've come here to bask in your compliments."

His response echoed with a confidence that matched my own. "I wanted you

to be here; that's why I extended the invitation to your mother," he admitted.

I retorted, attempting to close the chapter of our encounter.

"Why you leaving?" he questioned, clasping my hand. My gaze, ablaze with

anger, met his. "Let go of my hand"." The gravity of my threat lingered in the


"I did I have to do love, it needed to be done " His confession hung heavy

between us, a revelation intended to justify a dark act.

The echo of his audacity reverberated through me, igniting a fiery response

that coursed through my entire being.My hand twisted his hand holding my hand that made him leave my hand in a

moment. "You utter one more word about my brother," I warned with a

simmering intensity, I'll rip out of your tongue".My action made him to fall

on the floor in the vain of pain.

Distancing myself from him, I traversed the scene only to discover Melina,

Jackson, and their entourage fixating on me with a perplexed gaze. The

confusion in their eyes persisted until their attention shifted to the lingering

evidence of my resolute palm on Liam's now-marked face. Melina's gaze

seared into mine, a fiery intensity that bore the weight of anger. Each step she

took was a declaration of her fury. "What have you done, you little shit? I'll

make you pay for this. You did this to him.Did you?" The accusatory words

hung heavy in the air.

"How long are you going to hold onto that grudge against him.

"As long as I live " I left the room, the door closing behind me.

Outside, my emotions erupted in tears, a torrential downpour blurring the

world around me. Lost and overwhelmed, I stumbled away from the party,

not knowing where my feet would lead me. Each step felt like a burden, my

breath growing labored until exhaustion claimed me, and I collapsed onto the

unforgiving ground.

As darkness threatened to consume me, a gentle presence lifted me from the

cold earth and tenderly patted my tear-streaked face. Through the haze of my

fading consciousness, I glimpsed a familiar figure— It was him.