

"What if this was some kind of punishment .. yeah that must be it " but what did I do , and who is so big that he or she would have punished me like this ? Wait "Maybe... I made it to heaven alone , but am sure heaven's streets aren't so ...human damaged . " Ughhh my brain is tired I don't even think this much during end of year exams , maybe cause I didn't have too . " or maybe am in hell . pfft nahh I know a lot of people who have a special place down there " wooow now am the one to judge ? that's not my job . "forgive me God " I pray sincerely in hopes that I will get an answer which never came . _______________________ Rose Habib is a 17 year old who rather prefers to keep her smart remarks at bay and not start a war , except on rare occasions where she would answer to shut up the other party. but this time she chose the absolute wrong moment to talk back .thus she felt like she had to...... but what does this have to do with her finding herself in a deserted neighborhood ? nothing obviously . so why then ? well read to find out .

mE_Sh · Romance
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8 Chs


" You should learn to accept the reality of things and assume the consequences of your actions " Baba yelled after me as I went to my room . I would've felt guilty if my mind wasn't clouded with angry thoughts .

I got suspended from school . Baba is angry cause I'm the least expected to be suspended or at least according to him . I talked back to the principal and God knows I didn't deserve to be suspended ... ok maybe just in the little bittest .


The whispering stopped as the principal made it to the school stage . " Good morning students . as you all are aware today we are nominating the student representative " . cheers erupt from the crowd as they chant the names of the one they are rooting for . "HUSH" Principal Mathew's voice sounds through the room and it almost goes completely quite ... he's an intimidating man . " I'll ask the candidates to come up " cheers again but lower this times or maybe it's the buzzing in my ears . maaan am nervous . yessir I'm one of those candidates.


I didn't know the school was this big ..

I need to pee

too late to turn back. I huff as I make it to my seat right next to Britney as Malik was sitting on her left .

Principal Mathew turned and looked at us with a mocking grin that replaced the confusion that was written on his face earlier as I the last candidate made it to the stage .

I looked at the Malik and Britney who look at the principal in confusion .

" well looks like we got all the flavors present " he said lowly expect no one to hear him .

" excuse YOU " I whisper yelled back .

he looked up surprised then rolled his eyes .

' oh honey you ain't gonn act like you didn't just say what you just said ' I thought to myself. " Malik Amir " the principal called out with a forced grin .

THE HECK ..since when ??!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ohh and please if you are easily triggered by racist like the ones above please skip the next chapter or two .

mE_Shcreators' thoughts