
LOTM: Marauder In Multiverse

A person died and got the chance to ascend to godhood. How would he do it?

kusochibi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Another Chance (2)

I opened my eyes with difficulty as I groaned with pain. I was laying down on the ground somewhere unknown.

'Ugh… What's going on?' I thought to myself as I looked around with a blurry vision.

The surroundings were dark, It was relatively hard to see anything. Looking above, I could roughly see the shape of the moon. It seemed that it was already night.

Thankfully, the moon was very bright so I could still see the surroundings a bit, added with some few other light sources.

Just as I was about to stand up, I felt something in the corner of my mouth.

'...Blood?' I thought to myself as I touched my cheek that had seemingly fresh blood on it.

'How come I'm still alive? No, before that...'

As a businessman, analyzing the problem was the first thing I should do.

'...I should try to analyze my current situation right now. As for how I was still alive even though I certainly died, that could be investigated later.'

I stood up, realizing just how terrible my current appearance was. I was covered with blood, While my clothes had several holes on them as if they were stabbed by something sharp.

I then immediately realized that this body was very unfamiliar. I noticed that I have shoulder length hair, and a seemingly young body that was not older than 20. Other than that, I appeared to be wearing some kind of student uniform.

Could it be… That I transmigrated? No, no. That was impossible, that was cliche. If I did, then did I possess someone? I honestly looked like a corpse…

On other hand, now that my eyesight had perfectly recovered, I could now see around and guess where I am.

I opened my mouth and muttered, "What am I doing inside a dark alley— rather, what is this 'body' doing inside a dark alley."

Several hypotheses came to my mind. One of them was that this 'body' had probably encountered some robbers.

Unable to fight back, this body probably tried to run away but ultimately got killed and died in this spot.

How unfortunate.

"Pfft. Hehe," I laughed in self deprecation.

One way another, this 'body' was painfully similar to how I died. This 'body' just happened to be unlucky that it died.

My list of reasons why I loathe the concept of 'luck' kept on piling up as I started to feel that something inside of me was slowly changing, albeit just a little bit.

"Now then, what to do…," I said in a quiet voice as I realized that there was a phone on the ground near me.

It had cracks around its screen. I then picked it up and tried to open it. Miraculously, it actually opened.

Although I didn't feel any pain anymore, it wouldn't hurt to call an ambulance.

I then tried to click the power button.

Seeing as there was no required password on the phone, my lips went up. "And this is why you should lock your phone, kids," I said as I suddenly saw a seemingly game UI.

There was a snake logo on it.

"What the… Was he playing a game while walking? Tsk, tsk. So that's why someone wanted to rob him. Kids these days aren't very careful," I said in disappointment.

"Anyway, I should try to call emergency—"

My words abruptly stopped as the snake on the logo suddenly came alive and dashed out from the screen.


I was flabbergasted. "What the—!? Kuh!!?" I groaned at the sudden bite from the snake. I felt that 'something strange' went inside of me.

I then threw the phone away in an instant.

My knees went weak and gave up as I knelt down. "Shit! Was that snake venomous!?" I said very alarmed, with my consciousness slowly going away.

I tried to stand up and move, but I couldn't. My body felt heavy and limp as I went down flat on the ground.

'Ah, fuck. I seriously curse my own luck. To think I would immediately die the moment I was able to live again after death…'

Just then a blue screen appeared in front of me.

[Welcome to Multiverse Harem Anime System! Host!]


I went silent at the sight.

Fuck, that's cliche as hell. Seriously, a cheat system? And a harem one at that too?

My vision dimmed. 'Don't you think that your arrival was kind of late? Ah, whatever,' I thought to myself, cursing the horrible luck that was inflicted upon me.

At that moment, my eyes closed—I finally lost consciousness and 'died'.

Or… so I thought.

[Welcome to Multiverse Harem Anime System! Host!]

The blue hologram shone ever so brightly in front of an unconscious student inside a dark alley.

The dark alley was so quiet, a simple whisper of the wind was the noise that could be heard.

Few minutes had passed.

At this moment, the blue hologram that shone brightly suddenly had what appeared to be a 'glitch' on its corner.

It was so faint, but the blue hologram's corner definitely twitched for a millisecond.

Then suddenly, the text on the blue hologram had a small change.

[WelcOMe to Multiverse Harem Anime System! Host!]

And then it changed again, and again. Continuously changing.

[WelcOMe to MUltiVErse Harem Anime System! Host!]

[WelcOMe to MUltiVErse HAREm ANiMe SySTEm! HOSt!]

[W**Lco*E T* M*Lt**Er*e **REm AN*M* **ST*m! H**t!]

[Wel... T.. Mu…. Ha…. Ani…. Sys... Ho...]



At this moment, the hologram started to shake violently as its state now had been constantly glitching.


It had an error.

After a few minutes passed, the glitching stopped.

The blue hologram shook violently for the last time. After a few seconds, the shaking stopped and had now stabilized.

It then went dimmed, only for it to shine again but not so brightly.



The blue hologram had now a qualitative change. The previous blue hologram was now a black purple hologram, while the design was now completely different.

[Welcome to Achievement System.]

[Achievement Unlocked!]

As the system went in a qualitative change, the student at the same time, had a translucent set of boxes enveloping him. The box then glowed brightly.

After a few seconds, it finally dimmed as it left human-shaped damages that matched the unconscious student.

Looking closely, the unconscious had now also had a drastic change in his appearance.

I woke up again. Yes, again. Apparently, the person who spoke to me before I died was correct.

Was I really a grass in my past life? His words were really right, I don't die easily.

Anyway, I was mistaken. I thought that I had genuinely died for the second time. Apparently, it seemed that I only lost consciousness.

But still…

Cursed this luck! I died, lived again, and thought that I actually died! Just decide what you want to do to me already!

Luck really wanted to screw and play with my life. Fine! I'll play with you!

The concept of luck was ridiculously powerful. In order to at least have an attempt to play with it, I need an at least equal amount of power

I stared at the black purple hologram— no, the system in front of me. Although the system seemed to have changed, this was still now my personal cheat item in this life.

[Welcome to Achievement System]

[Achievement Unlocked! ]


• Potion of Sequence 9: Marauder]

[Accept : Yes/No]

I stared at the system—my personal cheat item, and smiled widely. 'This… this could do,' I thought as I stared at the given opportunity.

The change in me felt very obvious, but it was not unwelcome.

The past me had been living very honestly. But not this time. In order to refuse and deny the concept of 'luck', I'll need something of equivalent power.

'Even if it means I have to steal everything this world has to offer.'

"Hahaha!" I laugh at myself.

My current situation seemed very ridiculous. A single human being swore to face something at conceptual level, who does that?

'But that itself is fine by me. After all, isn't it a man's destiny to reject someone above him?'

Looking at the system in front of me, I smirked as I pressed yes.



A magical potion suddenly appeared in my hand. A magical potion that would be my first step on my journey.


Do tell me if the perspective narrative can be confusing(switching from 3rd POV to 1st POV, and vice versa).