
My Home

"We must evacuate"his highness said. All people had to leave the castle as the enemies were approaching to kill the royal family . The place which I called home was going to be left behind we have stayed here for the last 6 years because the castle wasn't safe for us anymore . Commander Yosef came to his Majesty panting and catching his breath because he had been running he got a message from the war office in the capital . Yosef handed it over to his highness as soon as he saw him ,with a worried tone he said to the kind "a message from General Kennedy in the war office".

The kind read the message out loud

" To the King :

Your highness the enemies are closing in again and have found out where your safe house is . They are planning to launch an attack on you at sunrise. You need to leave as soon as possible . The enemy plans to capture you and behead you , find your way out as soon as possible.

General Kennedy. " When he read the message he sighed heavily and had worry written all over his face. He just had hours to leave the safe house and it came to his mind that the royal family didn't have where to stay . King Valice remembered he had built a house for his wife the queen on the east coast . The east coast was isolated because the ocean wasnt stable around that area and it had hurricanes most of the year thuss causing people to settle for a much better place . He smiled upon hearing this . He called all the family members to the garden . All members were present except the crown prince who was at the war office with General Kennedy who had been to the battle field countless times to save the kingdom. King Valice wasn't present because of his health and due to old age . Je said that after the war he will hand over the kingdom to Prince Ladeon , the crown prince. the entire royal family was ready to leave and were set to leave before sunrise. King Valice was happy to see that they could have a chance to escape . he informed them that they shall use the forest route to get to the east coast which meant they would spend a short time and arrive safely . He also informed them that they have a high chance of not being caught but the route was dangerous and had many dangerous animals . They all agreed to leave early tomorrow morning before sunrise . After the meeting he told them all to leave. King Valice finally had a ray of hope but he remembered his son in the war office in the capital. He said to himself " how I wish I wasn't sick and had the strength to go to the battlefield instead of my son ." His highness sighed heavily remembering his son . Commander Yosef was still near the king and stood beside him and knew he was worried about his son . He said to the King, " Don't worry about things you cannot change . Prince Ladeon will soon return after the war is over have faith he will end the war ."


Somewhere in the Ham Kingdom

Prepare for the attack at sunrise . This is our chance to kill the king and take over their kingdom . Make sure everything is ready we will be heading there any time from now . Prince Paul was smiling by the thought of killing King Valice and delivering the king's head to his father. It was already sunset and Prince Paul was ready to set off to launch the attack . He was leaving in a small village at the border or Wu Kingdom and Ham kingdom . Prince Paul and his army set off for the capital after sunset it was getting darker and they had already crossed the border . He was steadily moving to the capital with high hopes of killing the king . A man in a black hood on a brown stallion came to Prince Paul in haste . He delivered a message saying the troop hiding in the capital is successfully hiding close by where King Valice was living . He smiled to himself and said "King Valice we shall see if you survive this attack." He commanded the army to mover faster and he pulled the reigns of his horse and it moved quicker .