
the old man

I was making my way through the dark night, I couldn't recall the last time I saw the sun. It felt like it's been forever since then. I don't plan on going back, though. Leaving home was the smartest choice I ever made.

In the distance I could see a little shack. It looked as if someone was home. Smoke was coming through the chimney and there were lights on. I decided I'd go and ask whoever's was there if they knew where the nearest town was.

As I got closer I noticed something. A old man was on the porch, sitting in a chair. He looked my way and he grew pale. He started rocking in his chair and continued staring. I got to his porch and I spoke.

"Hey sir, would you happen to know where the nearest town is?", I tried to sound polite. Where I come from if anyone sees kid's walking around this late then we'd get the cops called.

"Mmm, why yes I do. The nearest town is a few miles to the north, just it isn't safe to go too.", the old man spoke with a shakey voice.

"Why is that?", I asked and he started to hum. then he sang,

"Don't go to that dark town where darkness lurks around,

don't go and search the night the demons are in sight,

they see what you are doing evreynight your there,

you won't see the light again the sun won't appear,"

I stared at the man with a confused look.

"Umm...Alright sir, I'm gonna go now. Thank you for the help.", I said while turning to leave his porch.

"I'd be careful going to that place kid, the town isn't safe.", He spoke, almost falling out of his seat reaching out to me.

"Have a good night sir.", I said and walked away. If the town was just a few miles away then I should make it there before sunrise. Just the sun never rose.

I found the town after a few hours of walking north. there was a town that said, "wahi pouri". What a weird name, I thought, but the name didn't seem to weird to me.

Evrey light in the town was off. The town almost looked deserted. I thought that it might just be that evreyone was still asleep, so I didn't worry to much about it. I walked right into the town feeling a bit strange, but shrugged it off.

Little did I know that this town wasn't a town I thought it was. I had no clue on what I was walking into, or what I would be dealing with. Nor did I expect that I was being watched as soon as I walked into this town.