
Lost in this World

After his master was wronged and exiled to a faraway land, Jin seeks to clear his master's name, despite knowing that the end of this path is revenge. Along the way, he takes several unexpected turns, which make him question himself and his place in the world.

_lostMan_ · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 : Shadow Village

"What is this village? There is nothing about it on the map"

We entered a small village at night while walking on the road. There were several houses lit in front of them with some torches. Luna clung to my cloak tightly

Then she said with fear on her face "This place looks scary!"

"I think it's better not to stay here"

I also felt terrified. The place looked completely empty. We didn't see anyone and there was a terrible silence that made you feel afraid. But what scared me more was that I didn't feel anyone close in the dark.

And while we were walking cautiously, I heard a voice saying "Who are you?"

I looked behind me and found him an old man, thin, with short hair and wearing old clothes.

"We were just passing by here by chance"

"So, it's better for you to come to my hospitality until morning"

I said nervously "Thank you, but we..."

"No, I insist, crossing the forest at night is very dangerous"

I backed away quietly "No, no need, we'll manage"

And suddenly two people appeared in front of us "Sorry, but I insist on staying with you tonight"

"Run!" I and Luna started running in one of the directions, but these people didn't chase us "Don't stop no matter what happens, these people are dangerous!"


"Luna! Where are you?"


(Where did she disappear? She was running next to me a while ago)

I started looking around in great anxiety and at some point I heard a noise coming from one of the houses. I rushed and opened the door


(What is this pain in my head? It's...)

"This boy will not help us in anything with his injury"

"Don't worry, we'll use him in our service until we finish with him"

"Who says that?"

"What is this? My head hurts"

When I woke up, I found myself tied up and standing in front of me two people.

"Who are you?! And what did you do to Luna?!"

"I see you finally woke up, don't worry, the girl is safe, you should worry about yourself" and then they laughed.

I said angrily "Don't you dare hurt the girl, you bastards?!"

"It seems you don't realize what you're in yet, so let me help you"


I felt his punches raining on me and the other one stepped on my wound. I didn't care much about what was happening to me as much as I was worried about the girl.

"Who is the bastard now, you slave?"

When he said that, it hurt me more than their torture, because it opened a deep wound in me. It reminded me of painful memories from the past.

"Why are you looking at us with anger like that, you bastard?"

"If you are so interested in the fate of that girl, she will be sent tomorrow to one of the slave traders"

(My guess was right, these are bandits who work for the slave traders)

"You can take me instead of the girl, I'll do whatever you want, but let her go"

"You are not in a position to bargain!"

One of them said that and then kicked me in the face and then they left me tied up and tied to a wooden pole in a room that looked like a stable.

(Damn, if it wasn't for that light from this torch, I could have moved to another shadow)

I tried hard to undo the bond, but I failed (If I could just reach this torch and put it out)

That torch was hanging loosely on the wooden wall opposite me, so I tried to stretch my foot to reach it, but my hands tied to the wooden pole didn't help me.

"Damn, if I had a sub-element, I could put it out easily, they must have known my element, so they thought I couldn't escape, but I won't give up"

I tried again, but this time I strengthened my body with the power of darkness and started hitting the wall with my feet.

"Good, it's moving"

I continued kicking the wall harder until the torch fell to the ground

"What is this noise?!"

"It's too late, you bastards!"

When the torch went out and the darkness filled the place, I moved from the shadow I was in to behind that person who came and hit him on the head and he lost consciousness.

(What really puzzles me is why I don't feel their power, as if they don't have any mana, there must be some secret)

I went to check that person to reveal the secret until I found him wearing a strange necklace. When I took it off, I felt his power. It must be used to suppress the power so that no one feels it.

I sneaked between the houses until I reached a big house where five people gathered around it as if they were guarding it.

I tried to enter that house quietly, but

"You stop!"

(Damn, one of them saw me)

I entered quickly and then ran around the place looking for Luna, but I didn't find anyone there. I felt very frustrated and when I stopped, those guards caught up with me.

That despair I felt and this growing fear made the anger flare up in my heart and I started to lose control of myself and then my left eye appeared in its terrifying form, but I didn't close it this time. I wanted to taste them some of what they do.

"He's not human!"

"He's a monster!"

I only saw glimpses of what was happening and heard screams here and there. I wasn't aware of what I was doing, but this feeling of anger was really great. I loved it, maybe because it makes me forget everything else.

I repeated to myself (What was I doing? I completely forgot why I was here)

I started to see everything in red and wander aimlessly until I heard a cry


"What do I say? Who is Luna?"

I heard a voice whispering in my ear "Well done!"

"Unleash your anger!"

"Kill them all!"

As I hear this voice, it seems to control me, but at the same time I keep hearing that faint cry that contradicts that voice. Then I remembered that I was walking with someone, but I don't remember what he looks like

"Forget all that, what you really want is revenge"

I kept screaming "Stop! Leave me alone!"

The headache was severe in my head. I couldn't bear it anymore and suddenly I heard someone calling

"Jin! Is that you?!"

When I looked, I found a person wearing a red cloak that covered him from his head to his feet and he was carrying a blonde girl.

I said angrily "You! I know you, you are the person from that day two years ago!"

I rushed towards him and tried to catch him, but he dodged it gracefully, but I jumped into one of the shadows and came out of the shadow next to him and then grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the wall. This was the first time I could control the place of my appearance from the shadows.

"I'll see who you are now!"

I took off the cloak from his head and I couldn't believe what I saw.