
Chapter 4: Some wounds never heal

Some wounds heal with time and some leave a scar forever that reminds you of them every time you glance at them, the same scar was given to me by Jaidev (uncle). At the start, everything was so dense but with time we were slowly getting used to it. Ama had gone for some time to stay with her sister in Hyderabad because it was as if Leela's memories were still haunting her. Most of the time I was locked in my room for days without coming out and had cut off all connection to the outside world.

Till one day when there was a knock at the door which as usual, I would ignore. " Shiv! open up it's about Leela's murder!" Curious I rushed to answer the door. There was a young gentleman in a blue tuxedo with wounds on his face. " Hey! you probably don't know me. Could I please come in so that we could talk? " I stared at him for a while thinking who this stranger was. He looked worried as if he was on a chase. Every time he turned his head sideways, frightened as if he was being stalked. I was curious to know what he wanted to tell me about Leela. So I let him in but left the front door open just in case he turned out to be an intruder.

He sat down on a chair near the door and there were drops of sweat running down from his forehead and I noticed his trembling hands as I handed to him a glass of water. I wondered why he was sweating so much and it was the autumn time of the year.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously.

"I am Abdul. Leela's husband. I was abducted by your uncle the day he found out I married her." As he reached out his hands to his side pockets and removed a photo and stared at it for a while as tears rolled over his watery eyes. "They locked me up in a small room for days and kept me hungry and thirsty for days. Most of the time they hung me upside down." he continued as he put the photo on the table beside him.

"My family was tormented to death in front of my own eyes and my 9 months pregnant sister was defiled and later burned to ashes while I was held captive." He explained to me his sufferings. How he managed to run away from the abductors and they were still after him. "All I wanted to do is meet you for the last time as I am going to Germany for good." After he left, I took a look at the picture that Abdul had kept on the table that was their wedding photo. They looked so happy and felt complete, however their fairy-tale didn't last for long. I wailed bitterly holding that picture the whole night and thinking how Jaidev was a monster disguised as a saint. I wanted to expose him so that everyone would know who he really is.

The next day I drafted my resignation letter for the school and went to give it personally. The students were downhearted to hear the depressing news. We had a beautiful bond that made it really hard to say our final goodbyes. I had a heavy heart for days because teaching was something that made me complete and proud of myself, also it was the only source of income that I had however, I had some savings that would boost for some months till I find out what I actually wanted from life.

There were no groceries at home so had to stop by the market. Usually, it's not my thing to buy veggies but circumstances teach us everything. The venders would normally set stalls in a line and each stall would have different vegetables and fruits. Honestly, the market was a really crowded place with dirt all over. There was one specific vendor I normally went to. He was an old man probably in his 60's trying his best to earn a living... I purchased some celery and spinach from him when someone called me from the back not sure who it was I quickly turned and before me was this young lady from school we bumped into that day she was wearing a blue mini dress and she smiled at me. Everyone was staring at her wondering what a foreigner is doing around such a crowded place. I ignored the surroundings and made eye contact with her. She had hazel green eyes which made her eye pupils big and shinny in the scorching sun.

"Hey, are you Shiv?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah, that's me" I replied.

"Actually, during that incident, your book of poems was left with me. I must say your poems are very unique and interesting. I apologise for reading them without your knowledge." She said in a very sweet tone.

"No, it's okay glad you liked them."

"Oh, I did. I found them quite interesting with deep messages. Now I would like to return the book back so could we meet?" She blushed as the wind was blowing her hair that was all over her face. She carefully passed the fingers around her face and moved her hair to the back of her earlobe.

"We could meet tomorrow if its fine with you?"

"Sounds perfect. See you at 5:00 pm at the café opposite" She pointed at the café opposite and waved at me and left. I was exuberant about the meeting as it was after long, I had an actual conversation with someone and there was something special about her.

That day I went to Jaydev's house to get information about Diya. Jaidev had a really big bungalow with a room twice as our house with a beautiful garden with all sorts of plants. I have personally been there many times to meet Diya but the time security guards were all over the main entrance, perhaps so that Diya does make a run. I had to look for a way to sneak in. So, I stayed there till I got the perfect opportunity to enter. I knew where Diya's room was so it was easier for me. Near the kitchen, I heard footsteps so I hid behind the pillar and it turned out to be Diya. I whispered her name and she turned back looking at me confused

"Shiv! What are you doing here?" Diya pulled me to a nearby room.

"Diya I am so happy to see you alive."

"Dad is on his way. You need to get out of here." She said in a frightened tone as she handed a letter to me.

"Shiv what are you doing here?" Jaidev angrily shouted.