
Chapter 3: Sick of living

All relatives gathered for the cremation ceremony, including Uncle and his daughter Diya, who has been my closest cousin, she was very loving and caring who always supported us in every way she could and also she was Leela's best friend. Leela's body was covered in a white shroud and the rituals were done according to the scriptures. My mother cried continuously that day, she didn't even utter a word that day. Diya approached me that day while I was attending to the guests, she looked nervous and scared, "Shiv I have something that I have to share with you..." but before she could proceed uncle interrupted and held her elbow. "Sorry Shiv we have to leave immediately, there is something that has come up, however, we will visit some other day," I wanted to ask permission for Diya to stay with us for some time as I thought she looked depressed however, he left without even hearing me out and also I didn't want to talk to him, because of him my family had gone through a lot. That day was a very depressing day for me as I buried my beloved sibling.

It was around 6: 00 pm we heard a knock at the door. Ama was deep asleep as we had a very long day so I didn't want to bother her. I went to open the door. it was Diya she entered in quickly "Shiv close the door they are looking for me

" who is looking for you? why are you so worried?"

Shiv I wanted to tell you something about Leela's murder. Leela's to be mother in law had found out that she is pregnant and all about the love affair. She came to tell dad that the wedding is over and they don't want to bear another men's child. Later at night dad called Kalia and his man...." She started weeping non-stop. " What happened next? Tell me!" I asked impatiently.

"Diya! I know you are in there! Open up!" A familiar voice called out.

"Shiv help me. they will kill me if they'd found out I was here"

"Is uncle behind all this? Answer me Diya?"

"Yes! Dad is behind all this chaos"

"yes it was me! and I honestly don't think I owe you an explanation your sister deserved it."

I held his tunic in anger and wanted to punch his face but Ama stood in front.

"Don't be like him Shiv, He is a demon. Leela is not going to come back. Just leave him."

She asked him to get out of our house and never to show his face ever again. We knew we were weak in front of Uncle and that he was very powerful. Unless we get a piece of solid evidence against him we cannot fight him. That day I promised Ama that I will take revenge against him and I will not rest in peace till the day I destroy him.