
Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator (continuation)

Traversing into the world of Honkai Impact 3rd, Lu Yu activated his own simulator. [Simulator Activated] [As a host, please act as a gentleman and guide the heroines towards a healthy path in the simulation!] "Miss Kiana Kaslana, I am enchanted by your beauty." "Bishop Theresa, I'll be waiting for you at the church tonight." "Mei Raiden, you don't want your father to go to jail, do you?" "Queen Cecilia, tonight I am your dog!" Lu Yu: "The dog system took a bite out of me, where's the gentleman you promised?" (Note: This book is fanfiction with numerous alternative character developments. If you dislike it, please avoid reading.) This is a Chinese Translated Fanfic Author: 一只鸽子(A Pigeon) Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/7875.html (so I decided to continue where the last translator left off, if you want to read this from the start check out: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lost-in-honkai-starting-the-gentleman-simulator_26981270505945205) also my knowledge of chinese and Honkai impact is abysmal so point out any errors and just me being a dumbass about the lore

ashenlight · Anime et bandes dessinées
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191 Chs

Chapter 97 - Tears of Remorse (4K)

"Tell me, why did you fight?"

Back at home, Lu Yu's bruised and swollen face was seen by his parents.

In the eyes of his parents, Lu Yu has always been an obedient and understanding child, fighting this kind of thing Lu Yu is still the first time to do, parents are very curious, in the end, what happened to make their own this baby son personally beat people.


Without doing too much explaining, Lu Yu returned to his room.

The wounds on his body were not considered serious.

Children fight without weapons, the so-called injuries to Lu Yu's impact is at most some hot pain, and these pains have no effect on Lu Yu.

It's better to go home, there is no one in the way to affect their studies.

Closing the door of his room, Lu Yu took out his textbook, now finally no one can influence him to read!


"Dad, Lu Yu got into a fight with someone!"

Kiana, who had returned home, had only just entered the door when she found Siegfried at the first opportunity.

Compared to Lu Yu who didn't take this matter seriously, Kiana was different, in her eyes Lu Yu getting beaten up was a big deal.

"Whoa? What happened?"

Sitting on the sofa fiddling with his cell phone, Siegfried heard his daughter's words, and he also curiously glanced at Chiara.

"Today ..."

Kiana told Siegfried about how she was bullied and then Lu Yu put up a big fight.

"Huh? Hahahahaha, that kid ..."

When he heard that Lu Yu didn't take it upon himself to fight three times, Siegfried laughed out loud.

Kids were just kids, and they wouldn't consider the gap between the enemy and us when they fought.

Later, after hearing that Lu Yu had won in one fight, Siegfried was somewhat impressed by Lu Yu.

Lu Yu in the eyes of Siegfried has a standard understanding of the child, he knows how to be polite, love to learn, like to listen to their own stories of the past, such a child can actually face the senior students a fight three?

That kid, not bad!

But this kid is quite to his liking.

He knows how to protect a lady he knows when she's being bullied, so he's not a bad little guy.


Not understanding her father's bent, Kiana got angry when she saw that Siegfried would only be laughing.

Lu Yu fighting body bruises a piece of purple, she looked at can heartache, the results of their own old man does not help their own backing but also laugh here, this she can not be angry well!

"Hahaha ..... Little Kiana, I know, I know, let's go, let's go buy some things and then go to Lu Yu's house to see him."


Shortly after, Siegfried went to the street to buy some gifts then visited Lu Yu's house.

"So that's how it is."

Lu Yu's parents smiled after they heard Siegfried make it clear why they fought.

No wonder their usually sensible baby son would strike, so it was for Chiara?

This is a good thing!

Thinking of this, Lu Yu's parents glanced at Kiana, the little girl had a head of white hair and was very pretty and cute.


His own son's vision is not bad, although it is still a little early to say this, but his family this little guy is quite understanding.

Lu Yu's father was originally a teacher, as a teacher he naturally wanted his child to know better, and this incident, Lu Yu's reason for fighting was very correct in Lu's father's opinion.

Although violence was not good, but sometimes it was time to use violence to solve some problems.

"Uncle Lu, I'm going to check on Lu Yu."

Being stared at by Lu Yu's parents with a smile on her face, Kiana couldn't sit still, she dropped a sentence and ran to Lu Yu's room on the second floor in a flash.

"I'll go take a look as well."

Siegfried smiled and also followed his daughter's footsteps up to the second floor.

Bang bang bang.

"'Who's there?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Lu Yu, who was reading the Huanggang Secret Scroll, frowned.

"Lu Yu, Lu Yu, it's me, Kiana!"

Kiana? Che ...

The woman who interfered with his studies was here again.

Reluctantly opening the door, Lu Yu was somewhat helpless.

Women and stuff are troublesome ah! Could they not come and waste his precious study time?

"Lu Yu, I came to see you."

"Little guy, how does it feel to get beaten up?"

Opening the door, the two of them, Siegfried and Kiana, were standing at the door of his room.

Uncle Siegfried also came?

"It's nothing much."

"Lu Yu, does it still hurt?"

Entering the room, the first thing Chiara did was to grab Lu Yu's hands and face and touch them.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Lu Yu shook his head a little, he really didn't hurt come to think of it, those few upperclassmen were seriously garbage, belonging to the leisured category of those who couldn't even fight.

Siegfried glanced at Lu Yu, then slowly opened his mouth.

"Lu Yu, you did a good job today, I see that you have a good physical quality, do you want to follow me to learn a few moves? When you encounter this situation again in the future, I guarantee you won't get beaten up."

Lu Yu stood up for his daughter, Siegfried naturally wants to make up for Lu Yu, and Lu Yu's nature is really quite to his liking, plus he heard that Lu Yu fought three times in one fight, Siegfried is also interested in Lu Yu's physical fitness, and this is one thing, Siegfried intends to guide Lu Yu in battle.


Hearing Siegfried offer to teach himself to fight, Lu Yu's interest came.

"Of course it's true, don't look at uncle me like this now, the old uncle me was very strong!"

Siegfried cupped his fists for a moment, then slightly revealed some fighting aura.

"Good, so strong!"

Feeling Siegfried's aura, Lu Yu was attracted in an instant.

"I want to learn!"

The opportunity to become a warrior was right in front of him, so naturally Lu Yu would not refuse.

"Then we have a deal!"

Having made a deal, Siegfried chatted with Lu Yu for a few moments, and after confirming that Lu Yu really hadn't suffered any serious injuries from the beating Siegfried went downstairs.

The rest of the time was better left to these two juniors.

Because of your action, a certain girl was scared out of her wits by your one to three action, and the next day she apologized to you and Kiana with fear and trembling.

[Age 8: Because you protected Kiana Kaslana, as a thank you, Siegfried began to train you in some combat skills, and during the training process, your amazing combat talent was noticed by Siegfried, who was already a powerful warrior.]

[You are quick and imposing, and you learn your skills quickly, and Siegfried soon sensed that you were a natural warrior.]

[The most rare thing is that you have a stoic heart, no matter how tiring the training methods proposed by Siegfried are, you don't complain, you fulfill 100% of the training goals proposed by Siegfried, this mind is something that a lot of adults don't have.]]

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Siegfried wouldn't have believed that a small child actually had such stamina.

Siegfried's main training for Lu Yu was in the area of physical fitness.

The basis of combat was the body, and having a strong body was the most fundamental need for a warrior.

Lu Yu was young now, all Siegfried could do was to let him exercise.

And Lu Yu is also competitive, drenched in sweat will not cry out tired, only in the case of the body reaches the limit, Lu Yu will briefly carry out some rest.

"Listen up, the fast runners are popular among elementary school students, while in middle school it's the physically strong ones that are popular, and after high school it's the ones with great minds that are popular."

"Now that you've accepted my training, I'll make you a really good man!"

[Age 9: In 2009 of the Honkai Calendar, you were in the fourth grade, and under Siegfried's guidance, your physical prowess grew at an astonishing rate. In the same year, Kiana Kaslana graduated from elementary school, and she moved on to middle school."]

[And you made an amazing decision that year, after you conferred with your parents, you asked the school to skip a grade.]

[You've been studying a lot on your own for a long time, and the grade-skipping test was not difficult for you.]

[You successfully passed the grade-skipping exam.]

[Age 10: You entered a local junior high school with Kiana Kaslana.]

[One day, after school, you and Kiana were walking home, and during the process of returning home, the void gem lurking in Kiana's body suddenly manifested, and she snatched Kiana's body, and the perceptive you realized something was wrong with Kiana at the very first moment, what are you going to do?]

[Strike out to subdue Kiana: Blowfish, you're bloated again!

[Slipping away at the first opportunity: Siegfried, your daughter's about to blow up!


Ten years old and beating up the herrscher of the Void?

But anyone with no brain problems Lu Yu wouldn't pick the option of subduing Kiana by hand.

People don't die unless they're killed, but if they're killed by the Queen then they're really dead ah!

Now their own strength is insufficient, or do not think to get involved in this kind of big event, here honestly run to inform Siegfried is the right.

You realized that the Kiana in front of you is not something you can solve, you escaped from Kiana's speed with great speed, and you found Siegfried at the first time," he said.

[After learning of the situation, Siegfried traveled with you to Kiana's location at the first opportunity.]

[Siegfried sensed the awakening of the herrscher of the Void in Kiana's body, and Siegfried used his left arm as the cost to drive the Sheath of Celestial Fire and the herrscher of the Void in a battle.] [Siegfried defeated the herrscher of the Void. 

[Siegfried defeated the herrscherr of the Void, and the Lawgiver of the Void fell into a deep sleep.]

[Siegfried realized that he would be the opportunity for the herrscher of the void to awaken. After the battle, Siegfried found you, and he entrusted Kiana to you. Siegfried hoped that you could guard Kiana, and in return, he promised that he would teach you everything he had learned in his life. Do you accept Siegfried's entrustment?

[Accept: I'm begging for it.]

[Rejected: Dagbah, Dagbah gotta die!]


[You accept Siegfried's commission, and not long afterward, Siegfried finds a reason to pretend to leave Eastern Siberia, while Chiara is fostered in your home.]

"Lu Yu, where do you think, Pops has gotten to now?"

After dinner, after Chiara helped Lu Yu's mother clean up the dishes, she sat down on the couch, then picked up an orange from the coffee table and tossed it to Lu Yu.

"I don't know."

Lu Yu took the orange that Kiana threw to him, and after skillfully peeling the skin off the orange, Lu Yu ate half of it, then he stood up and placed the rest of the orange in front of Kiana.

"Hee hee, thanks,~ I knew you were the best, Lu Yu."

Shoving the remaining half of the orange into her mouth, Kiana finished it with a smile.

Kiana's old man told her that he had a big event that required him to go out for a while, so he would be fostering Kiana in Lu Yu's house for the time being.

At first, upon hearing this news, Kiana was a bit unhappy.

However, as she lived in Lu Yu's house for a while, Kiana slowly adapted to living in Lu Yu's house.

"Kiana, I'm going to go back to my room to read, so you should also go to bed early."

Glancing at Kiana, Lu Yu went up to the second floor to his room.

A few hours later in the middle of the night.

After everyone had fallen asleep, Lu Yu opened his eyes from the bed.

Putting on his clothes, Lu Yu opened the window and jumped down from the second floor, and after a ten-minute walk, Lu Yu arrived at the outskirts of the countryside.

"Uncle Siegfried, I'm here."

[Siegfried hasn't left Siberia, he's been hiding in the shadows guarding Kiana while he trains you in combat].

[Age 12: Kiana has gotten used to living in your home, and you are as close as siblings, although you are really not happy with this not-so-established sister, but given that Siegfried has been mentoring you seriously, you have decided to guard this sister as best as you can."]

[At the same time, your strength soared under Siegfried's tutelage.]]

[While guiding you in battle, Siegfried also discovered a problem with you.]

[Your fighting style is too ruthless, during the actual battle simulation with Siegfried, each of your attack targets were obviously chosen deliberately, but in reality you attacked all the vital parts.]

[Siegfried suddenly realized that you are indeed a born warrior, and still the purest kind of warrior, and your mental character has become more and more determined as you have grown older].

[For people like you, unless they are your recognized family members, all other people may be no different from grass and weeds in your eyes.]]

[Siegfried is suddenly a bit thankful that at least when you were a child you recognized him and Kiana's status.]]

[Age 13: It's been three years since Siegfried pretended to leave, and Kiana finally sat down, your less accomplished sister in the eyes of the world making a scene about going to her father, and after a lot of fussing from her, your parents agreed to Kiana's request.]

[After some deliberation, you decided that it would be good for you to leave East Siberia together as siblings next year when both you and Kiana graduate from junior high school].

[Your parents didn't feel comfortable with Kiana leaving on her own, and since you've been a good boy since you were a child, your parents felt comfortable with you.]

In the same year, you and Kiana both graduated from junior high school, and not surprisingly, you did well on your exams; you graduated with the highest grades in the city.

[The principals of your local colleges shed tears of remorse when it was worth your while to decide to go abroad and enroll in another school.]]

[Age 14: You and Kiana graduated from junior high school, and at Kiana's choice, your siblings traveled to a college in Asia called Chihayafuru Academy, which your siblings attended together.]