
Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator (continuation)

Traversing into the world of Honkai Impact 3rd, Lu Yu activated his own simulator. [Simulator Activated] [As a host, please act as a gentleman and guide the heroines towards a healthy path in the simulation!] "Miss Kiana Kaslana, I am enchanted by your beauty." "Bishop Theresa, I'll be waiting for you at the church tonight." "Mei Raiden, you don't want your father to go to jail, do you?" "Queen Cecilia, tonight I am your dog!" Lu Yu: "The dog system took a bite out of me, where's the gentleman you promised?" (Note: This book is fanfiction with numerous alternative character developments. If you dislike it, please avoid reading.) This is a Chinese Translated Fanfic Author: 一只鸽子(A Pigeon) Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/7875.html (so I decided to continue where the last translator left off, if you want to read this from the start check out: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lost-in-honkai-starting-the-gentleman-simulator_26981270505945205) also my knowledge of chinese and Honkai impact is abysmal so point out any errors and just me being a dumbass about the lore

ashenlight · Anime et bandes dessinées
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191 Chs

Chapter 252 Altered Reality 4K

In the dead of night.

[Detected that this simulation has been completed.]

[Detected that the Imaginary tree's control over this world has been reduced.]

[Starting to synchronize the simulator's last simulation content.]

[Simulation Scene - Shenzhou.]

[Extracting simulator content.]

[Extracting character Qin Suyi.]

[Extraction of character Qin Suyi has been completed.]

[Extracting character Cheng Ningshuang.]

[Extraction of character Cheng Ningshuang has been completed.]

[Extracted character - Li Sushang ...]

[Detected character Li Sushang already exists.]

[Due to the fact that the character Li Sushang already exists, and subject to the shelter of the Imaginary tree as well as the basic logic system of the world's operation, it cannot be erased, and is now replaced by memory overwriting and underlying genetic reorganization.]


[Progress of the erosion of the Imaginary tree has been increased ...]


Early morning of the next day.

When Lu Yu woke up again, Lu Yu felt a very obvious sense of dissonance.

"What is this situation ..."

After waking up from his sleep, Lu Yu always felt that something was wrong.

"Dog system, did you do something?"

Habitually, Lu Yu thought of this not-so-reliable system.

[Host, this system has not done anything bad for the host, please don't slander the system].

"That's strange, why do I always feel like something happened last night?"


[It could be because the host is restless inside, after all, soon the fifth Honkai eruption on Coral Island will be activated, and the host will be needed to travel to Coral Island to stop the Herrchers at that time].

"Coral Island?"

"Also, but it shouldn't be."

Lu Yu looked at his current state, he had the Six Star Divine Sword Thunder art technique in his hand, and with enough attributes currently, it should be easy to fight a freshly fledgling Star Herrcher and Ice Herrcher.


With some strange thoughts in his mind, Lu Yu put on his clothes and walked out of his room.

And just as soon as he walked out of his room, Lu Yu encountered Gong Ming who was also frowning in the academy.

"Master, Master."

Shaking the feather fan in his hand, Gong Ming walked up to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu and Gong Ming glanced at each other, and both of them also noticed the odd look revealed between the other's brows at the same time.

"Master, did something happen last night?"

"I also happen to want to ask this question."

"Master you don't know?"

"I definitely don't know, if I did I wouldn't be looking like this."

Hearing that Lu Yu was not sure what had happened, Gong Ming also frowned and began to ponder.

Gong Ming is very clear, she is now a heart all heart in Lu Yu's body, if you want to say that they can be because of what is the matter and worry, then necessarily and her beloved person has a relationship.

And this early in the morning woke up, Gong Ming is to come to Lu Yu dormitory downstairs to ask their master is not what happened.

However, the strange thing is that Lu Yu himself doesn't know what happened, which is a bit strange.

"Master, are you also feeling uncomfortable and then always feel that something bad has happened somewhere?"

"Yes, I've had this feeling since I woke up from sleep, and it's becoming more and more obvious now ..."

Lu Yu nodded.

"Master, I suggest that we you want to ask a few other people in the academy?"

Since there was nothing wrong with Lu Yu himself, the probability was that it was related to the people who followed Lu Yu around.

Gong Ming was aware of the fact that Lu Yu had a deep karma on him, and this karma also linked Lu Yu firmly to the people around him, so if something happened to the people around Lu Yu, it would also lead to some feedback from Lu Yu.

"Okay, you follow me, let's go and ask."

Some strange feeling lingered for a long time, even persisted, Lu Yu felt that he had to inquire about it all.

To inquire about all this, the first thing Lu Yu did was to come in front of Rita who lived with Gong Ming.

"Your Majesty, are you saying that you and your senior sister have been feeling that something is wrong today, but neither you nor your senior sister have been able to notice what it is right?"

"Yes, Rita, do you have any clue?"

After listening to Lu Yu and Gong Ming's seconds, Rita also thought about it, then she shook her head, she did not sense that something was wrong.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I don't feel anything out of the ordinary anywhere."

"Not even a tiny bit?"


Hearing that Rita didn't have this feeling at all, Lu Yu and Gong Ming looked at each other.

"Master, next."


Lu Yu looked at Rita, "Rita, do me a favor."

"Your Majesty, I know what you mean, there are too many amazing things about you, I want to believe that your feelings are not empty, I will help you investigate."

Rita who was already a lover with Lu Yu naturally knew that there were many magical things in her lover, and Lu Yu and Gong Ming sensed something wrong at the same time, it was bound to be impossible for it to be an empty rumor, even if it was an empty rumor, Rita would want to investigate it.

After asking Rita, Lu Yu pulled Gong Ming to find Kiana and Meiko who were eating breakfast in the cafeteria.

The same question was asked, and this time Lu Yu received an answer similar to Rita's.

"Lu Yu, you said you're feeling in a bad mood? I'm fine on the contrary~"

Not long ago, she had just finalized her relationship with Lu Yu, and now Kiana had a heart that had been thrown on her lover's body, so today's Kiana's heart was blossoming with joy, where was she not happy?

"Well ... Something wrong, no yet."

Raiden Meiko also shook her head, the most unusual thing today was probably Kiana yelling at her to get up early in the morning, but that was normal when combined with what was going on between Kiana and Lu Yu.

"Got it, thanks guys."

Kiana and Meiko's side also had no clues at all, so all that was left was ...

All that was left were the few ladies inside the Shenzhou-related simulation.

"Gong Ming, you go look elsewhere, I'm going to look for those few ladies of mine."


Lin Zhaoyu, Su Mei, Jiang Wanru, and Jiang Wanxi.

Thinking like this, Lu Yu was planning to go to the office to look for these few people, however, before he even entered the office, Lu Yu saw Lin Zhaoyu who was looking for him.

After seeing Lu Yu, Lin Zhaoyu smiled and gave a greeting to Lu Yu.

"Senior brother, senior brother."

"Senior sister, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just that tomorrow is that child Sushang's birthday, we senior sisters discussed it and decided to go meet the reclusive senior sister Qin and senior sister Cheng and Sushang, and wanted to ask senior brother if he has to go with us."

"Oh, Li Sushang's birthday ah, that really should go ... But tomorrow? Tomorrow isn't a bit."

"Is senior brother having something tomorrow?"

What business does one have?

There are still two days before the Honkai of Coral Island is coming, where would one have any time to go to give Li Sushang a birthday well ...

Of course, Honkai to come this matter, Lu Yu has not thought about how to say it.

"Well, there is indeed something ... Soushou's side of the matter should I not go ... Wait!"

Suddenly, Lu Yu realized what the problem was!

Closing his eyes, Lu Yu began to carefully recall certain things.

And after the recollection was completed, Lu Yu's face turned a little worse in an instant: "Zhaoyu, wait!"

Lin Zhaoyu: "?"

Seeing his senior brother's face instantly turn a little worse, even calling himself Zhaoyu, Lin Zhaoyu also suddenly became a little nervous.

"You now, give me the situation of everyone in our Taixu lineage, just about everyone you know, everyone!"

"Alas? Good!"

Although he wasn't sure why Eldest Senior Brother wanted to ask this, Lin Zhaoyu still started to talk about it one by one.

"In our Taixu lineage, there are a total of eight disciples under Master Fu Hua."

"You're the eldest senior brother, and I've been following my senior brother since I was young, so I'm in second place."

"Then there's Third Senior Sister Su Mei."

"And then after that are the two senior sisters, Wanru and Wanxi."

"Senior Sister Su as well as Wanru and Wanxi are currently employed in this St. Freya's Academy, this is something that Senior Brother is aware of."

Lu Yu nodded, "Right, you continue."

"Then there is Master Ma, Master Ma left early, hundreds of years ago Master Ma's heart in no obsession, he voluntarily dispersed the Divine Sword Thunder art technique that was left behind by his senior brother's supreme technique, and in the end, he feathered his way to immortality and went away."

Lu Yu: "?!!!"

"This is it!"

Ma Fei Ma was wrong here!

"Chaoyu, you're saying that Ma Feima he voluntarily dispersed the Divine Sword Thunder art technique's power then feathered his way to immortality right?"


Regarding this point, Lin Zhaoyu was one hundred percent able to confirm, after all, after everyone dispersed the banquet that night, she was the one who saw with her own eyes Master Ma's contented appearance in the early morning of the next day.

"No, it's not right here!"

Yes, it was completely wrong here!

Lu Yu really didn't know exactly how Ma Fei Ma died under normal circumstances, but Ma Fei Ma Treading Horse definitely wouldn't have died from this!

Divine Sword Thunder art technique?

That thing was given to him by the system, and it was something that only appeared inside the simulator, how could it affect reality?

"Senior brother, what's wrong?"

"Well, Chaoyu, you continue first."

"Hmm. Then I'll continue."

"Then it is Cheng Sister, hundreds of years ago the divine state catastrophe, Chi Yu demonic beast reappeared, Cheng Sister and Qin Sister and Su Shang that child three people teamed up to kill Chi Yu, but unfortunately, in the face of Chi Yu, their power is insufficient, and finally in the land of the Nine Specters defeated nearly lost their lives in the Yellow Springs, the result is still a senior brother you once again out of the hand Chi Yu to kill it!"


"Yes, senior brother, have you forgotten, you have reincarnation techniques?"

Lu Yu: "..."

"Elder brother, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Yu shook his head, "Nothing, go on."

"Senior brother after you died with Chi You in that life, the heart of your senior sister Cheng as well as senior sister Qin is to bring Sushang to live in seclusion in the Divine State."

Lu Yu: "..."

"Chaoyu, are you the only one who knows about these things?"

"No, this is something that everyone knows, right?"

"Everyone knows?"

"Yeah, so does senior sister Su, and so do the two senior sisters Wanru and Wanxi."

Seeing Lin Zhaoyu with an expression that was supposed to be like this, Lu Yu who sensed the problem picked up his cell phone and searched.

And with this search, Lu Yu's entire being was confused.

In the history of the Divine Kingdom on the cell phone, there were two great catastrophes in the Divine Kingdom, one was the scourge of the beasts of yin and yang, and the other was the resurrection of the evil demon Chi You once again.

"Chaoyu, you come with me!"

Seeing this, Lu Yu grabbed Lin Zhaoyu's hand without saying a word then rushed towards the location of the St. Freya's Academy Library.

"Elder brother, you ..."

Suddenly all of a sudden being grabbed by Lu Yu's hand, Lin Zhaoyu's face also turned red with a swish.

"What's wrong?"

Thinking that it was Lin Zhaoyu who thought of something big, Lu Yu stopped and looked at Lin Zhaoyu.

"Nothing ... Nothing ..."

This Lu Yu naturally had no time to care about Lin Zhaoyu's little girl mind, he was more concerned about what was going on with this tampered history.

Coming to the library, Lu Yu immediately searched for records about the history of Divine State.

In that thick book of history, Lu Yu found the content he wanted, and that content, was almost exactly the same as what Lin Zhaoyu had said.

It was recorded in the book that there were two great catastrophes in the Divine State, the first time the Scourge Doo appeared in the world was by the Chief Great Disciple of the Taixu Sword Sect in the Divine State, Duke Lu Yu of Xiu Ming, as well as the Taixu Sect Sect Master Fu Hua, who had killed him, and the second time was by the Mysterious Warrior, who had sealed the Chi You.

"This ..."

Is this history being completely falsified?


Instead of history being codified, it would be better to say that the results of his simulation had directly reacted to reality?

Thinking about this, Lu Yu discovered a very crucial point.

"Zhaoyu, you answer me a question now."

"Senior brother, you ask."

"Well, Zhaoyu, I want to ask you, when Qin Suyi as well as Cheng Ningshuang and also Li Sushang teamed up to go to the Nine Specters to ambush the devil, the four of you, the senior sisters, where were you?"

Lin Zhaoyu: "!!!!"

Being asked this question by Lu Yu, Lin Zhaoyu's beautiful face froze in an instant.

This question had never occurred to her, or rather, her subconscious mind had been deliberately avoiding this question.

Right, where was herself? And where were the several senior sisters?

Divine martial arts Chi reappeared, whether it was her or Su Mei or Jiang Wanru and Jiang Wanxi could not possibly sit idly by, and master Fu Hua is also still there, why is everyone missing?

Non to say do not know, is also impossible, Chi reappearance is the entire state of God's big event, they can not not know.

"I ..."

"I ..."

"We, where in the end?"

At this instant, Lin Zhaoyu was suddenly confused.

Where exactly did they go when Chi Yu appeared?

This point, Lin Zhaoyu really do not know, this feeling as if that time they simply do not exist in this world.

But not right ah, obviously himself and the other three senior sister is always relying on the senior brother's obsession to live until today, they know the wind and grass of the divine state like a finger in the eye, and how is it possible that they do not exist in this world?

Seeing this reaction of Lin Zhaoyu, Lu Yu knew that he thought right ...

This system, this simulator, there really is a problem!