
LOST IN BLUE by Melissa Shalimma

Crystal Bloom, an introverted nerd in her teens gets her world rocked to the core after an expected encounter with Ethan Grants. Accustomed to dealing solely with;her mother's unpredictable nature, her absentee father and her enslavement to her own pleasures, Ethan seems to be the only thing she wasn't prepared for. She keeps finding herself in the most traumatic predicaments that she has to shake off on her own and instead of him keeping her grounded, he is more of a ticking time bomb. Will it be too much for her? Or is she stronger than her vices?

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" Hey, nerd", Kimberly said slamming my locker shut," I've got some work for you". She reached into her bag and pulled out all her assignments, " I need these tomorrow Morning". Then she turned around and walked away. She was the meanest girl in school. A total bully and even a bigger braggart. Despite her flaws, I admired her. She was -; beautiful, confident, popular, rich and she didn't mind what people thought of her. I wish I had all she had more often than not. I watched her walking down the hall, an act that influenced a lot of head-turning and I felt bile rising in my stomach.

I turned back to my locker and opened it up again. I stood there, arranging and rearranging my books as more students stopped by to give me their assignments and paying for them. Once the hallway started clearing, I made my way towards the school's exit in lazy strides thinking of how this assignment thing started as Kim's way of pushing me around before it turned into a business. I changed my pace as I made my way to my car with my head low, trying to get as little attention as possible.

I got in and started the car and I started backing out of the parking lot. Out of instinct, I gave the school's entrance one last glance but when I watched Ethan Grants push through the doors my glance grew into a full-on stare. I was entirely convinced that everything he did will always find a way of coming off as extremely attractive. Just as I was swooning, Kimberly rushed up to him and I could tell she was flirting with him because of how she twirled her golden strands between her fingers as she laughed and stroked his arm. A loud honk from the car behind me brought me out of my trance and I turned back to the road and sped off.

When I got home, I found my mother in the kitchen already prepping for dinner. A wine glass in hand. "Hi, Mom. I'll be in my room", I said already halfway up the stairs. " Crystal! You are home. I'm making dinner", she said walking out of the kitchen and towards the staircase. "I need to go wash up and I have a lot of homework, I'll eat later," I said as I got into my bedroom and locked the door behind me.

Truth is, I felt miserable. I felt like I was the shadow of the girl I so desperately needed to be. A hollow space that people would walk in and out of whenever it suited them and I abhor it. Mother would never admit to it but I am conscious that she keeps meddling in my business because she has no one to shift that focus to.