

Katie Kent is a 16year old with a troubled childhood, growing up not knowing her father, loosing her sister at a tender age due to suicide and then left with a mother who doesn't care for her only surviving child. She grows up to become a girl with a constant bullier in high school, camille. The daughter of the most wealthiest man in Texas. Little did she know that her life would forever change coming across camille and being shipped off to another high school in no where land called GREY high. There, she makes friends and finally has a crush on one of the hottest guys in Grey high, Liam. If they would end up together? No one knows... together with her friends, they encounter many activities, teachers and other students. The strenght of their friendship help them to have each others back, Katie also learns about many secrets hidden in the school walls, secrets that were never to excape the four corners of the school, she becomes lost in every secret she unviels not knowing who or what she is anymore. Keep on reading if you want to find out every secret she unviels, all the troubles she and her friends encounter in school and finally if she will ever have a chance with Liam. Big thank you to light_ray for this new great cover Please Support my first work by buying privs(priveledge) to read ahead, also vote and leave a comment You can reach me on discord : lizbeth1214#1303 Thank you for reading...

Lizbeth1214 · Adolescent
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141 Chs

"Trying to Blend in"

September 30, 2015

Sometime around noon

I woke up from someone shaking me violently

"Yes... What?" I said scrubbing my eyes

"Wake up we are at the gate" my my mum said.

I opened my eyes fully and BEHOLD

Its a big gate!

And when I say big I mean hulk size big if you know what I mean, its black in color. We waited for the gate to be opened so we could enter, I couldn't seat in my seat for a second more cause I wanted to see what lies inside the big bad gate. Someone spoke and requested our number for entrance.

The driver said "1214" and then the big gate opened allowing us to enter. We passed through many trees as we advanced into the school, but if you ask me this school is a semi forest, we continued and honestly I was getting tired of the trees.

"Spruce, spruce, spruce, birch, spruce, spruce, pine, pine, pine..... " I said in my head, finally it seemed like we were going up a heel and behold!!!

There it was, sitting in a well cleared environment... GREY HIGH. We drove through a round about and came to a hault in front of the school doors. The school looks like a cathedral, like its white in color and its got old walls but the windows still reflect the sun set.

We stepped out of the car and someone came through the doors, we turned back and saw a woman probably in her late 30's and then a young girl dressed in a white pleated skirt knee length with a red knitted sweater and a GH badge. I immediately knew she was a student and the school uniform looks kinda cool.

"Hello everyone, may I have your attention" the woman spoke, she looked like one who could command attention wherever she went and she sure had ours. She had light brown hair and dark brown eyes, she was wearing stilettos pink in color, a white button down shirt tucked in a long straight black skirt, she was in a pink unbuttoned sweater too. I'll say we have a fashionista teacher in the building, this school just got a little bit interesting...

"My name is miss Magarette and I am the head mistress of greatly revamping eccentric features of young minds high school also known as Grey High, thank you for allowing your daughter to attend our school and we know by the end of the school term she would be the best wherever she goes educationally and morally. So Ma'am kindly follow me to my office so we could finish up on some papers and Katie please follow Lily here so she could show you to your dorm" ok how does she know my name? Maybe its in my files, so I get to go with Lily to my dorm huh.

"Ok miss Magarette, Katie be a good girl, I probably won't see you again after this so just so you know, I love you okay?" mum said

"Yeah I know"

"Please Ma'am call me Magarette and Katie hurry up so you won't be late for dinner, Lily will show you the way" the head mistress said. Then Lily walked up to me smiling, she sure was a fine brunette which made me wonder if the head mistress was her mother.

"Hello, my name is Lily Madrigal, I'm phillipine and I'm going to show you to your dorm"


"First of all let's go through places in the school that is of importance, major rules and restrictions. Whatever you need is already in your room, there you will find your personal schedule for the term, your clothes and your books and we are hoping you settle down really good, you can ask me questions concerning the school and you can always come to me if you need any help, I have been assigned to you to help you get settled in school. Finally, welcome to grey high"

"Sure thing, thanks"

"If there are no questions then I'll get right into it. The big building there is where classes hold we normally call it the home building, it has up to 10 floors and then the dinning room is on the first floor you can get yummy snacks there just make sure you don't offend the cook. The library is on the third floor and we also have the ball room where homecoming and prom holds, the principal's office is also on the first floor and then the teacher's staff room is on the 10th floor. East ward of the home building you will find the chapel. The basketball, football and volleyball area is located westward of the home building, its just a big plot of land but it can be used to perform many activities. The equipment house is not too far from the field. The boys dorm is also located westward and the girls dorm actually we have two, is located southwest of the home building and we get a beautiful garden beside it, lastly the teachers dorm is north, they don't want any disturbance I guess" she said as we started walking down a footpath towards the girl's dorm I guess.

"You on the other hand will have to take that off because we are having dinner in the next 45minutes, you are permitted to come late this once because you are new but never again, lateness will be punished severely and trust me on that one you won't be pitied even if you are the new kid, you'll have fresh ironed uniforms waiting for you in your room they have name tags on them so you'll know when and where to wear them"

"Ok so I have a question" atleast I had to say something because she's taking this more seriously than I am. Yeah so I need to reward her with a question ya know?

"Oh go on Katie" she smiled like she'd been waiting patiently for this moment

"Yeah right... So which cloth are you putting on right now?" I mean, I just had to ask. Although I'm not a big fan of skirts, that thing sure did look good on her.

"Ohh this... Its my check. Its practically like a cloth you wear after school, each student is assigned a sports house, green, gold, red, black, silver and blue. Each sports house has its own check given to a student, then you have your regular track suit and other materials for sports day. As you can see I'm in red house usually your check comes with a buttoned down short sleeve and a sweater for when it gets chilly outside, I just felt like wearing mine today and then a cute white pleated skirt" okay, okay, I feel like I'm getting a hang of this, I just hope I'm in black though. We came out of the footpath and standing right there was a 3 storey building made with brick walls and the outside lights were already on revealing its magnificent beauty

"This is block 1, block 2 is not that far from here your room is C4 don't forget its on the third floor, the bathroom is on the first floor, my room is A12 so I'm on the first floor"

"Nice" I mean it is cool. We walk into the dorm and go up the stairs to the third floor, there is practically like 12-15 rooms up here and I think its pretty much so in every other floor. We walk down the hallway and girls are out side their rooms chatting, doors are open and most of all they aren't even paying attention to the new girl. I smile internally, that was one thing I was not ready to face. We walked up to my room C4 and then she opened it. I think eyes just focused on me right there and then but I didn't mind em, I was two footsteps away from going into my room and locking my self up.

The room looked alot like my room but cleaner and it had a little shelf where books were already arranged in it, okay so my room didn't have that. Anyway it was painted white and it smelled like freshly grown flowers from a garden, it had one window, a bed and a reading table and chair made from wood it looks nice, well not like my room back in Texas but I can manage.

"I'll be going now" Lily said

"Oh ok... Thanks for showing me to my room"

"No problem. Please make sure you come for dinner, Margarette would be upset if you didnt show and if you need a tour of the place you can just knock on my door" she beamed

"Right... And no thanks, I think I'm good" she left my room and I was alone. just the way I like it. I unpacked into the mini closet, there I found my uniform and check, 2 dresses and other things too, turns out I'm in green house, its fine because it sorta fits my hair. There's a map of the school on the table, my schedule for tomorrow and a student guidance book and my notes for my classes.

Today has been one hell of a stress and I cannot wait to sleep. Some fresh towels were on my bed so I put them on and I rushed down to take a shower, everywhere seems deserted, I guess they've gone out for dinner. I hurry up and put on my check and it fits me perfectly, I combed my hair and then I hanged my mini mirror on the wall. I checked my self out

"Looking good katie" I did look good but my eyes were dull from the journey, I didn't feel like putting on some lip gloss so I just walked out and locked the door. 

I practically ran to the home building remembering the footpath we took, I didn't want all eyes on me and I was just a few minutes late. I entered the building and indeed it was a very big building that was painted white, it didn't look so old inside, Infact it felt warm and welcoming inside, luxurious and fancy for rich kids but I didn't have time to look at the pictures hanging on the wall or examine the wood floors, I was here for dinner and my tummy is practically rumbling here. Thank God I brought the map and the dinning room is just a right turn from here, I walk past the stairs and turn right to see that the doors are closed.

"No, but this is the dining room right? I didn't mess things up I'm sure" I'm practically arguing with my self, if I should turn back or I should knock on the door. But the talking and the laughing tells me this is the dining room.

"What the hell, I'll just go right into it" then I knock and then... silence, no response from the other end. I knock repeatedly and then the door opened revealing the students and the teachers. I turned to see who opened the door for me

"Umm... Good evening sir, I'm Katie the new student" I need to be on my best behavior because the way he's looking at me if eyes could kill I would have died 10 seconds ago

"Go get a seat, yes you are a new student but you are now a student of Grey High. lateness will not be condoned!" he said it in a high tone that the front role turned and looked at me. I was so embarrassed, he didn't have to tell like that!

"Thank you sir" I immediately walked off to the counter and collected my food for the day. Vegetarian meat loaf plus garlic marshed potatoes then I went to find a seat, I couldn't find Lily because she was my only hope, so I just kept walking down. Each Table I passed the students turned to look at me some with interest, some with envy, some with disgust... I guess I've already made alot of enemies on my first day. I saw a Table with an empty seat so I sat down and paid no attention to the students already staring at me.

"Wow I love your hair, are you an original red head?" A girl with blonde hair asked me. I don't want to be rude on my first day so I had to reply her, All of them. What a drag.... 

"Yes I am"

"Nice! I've always wanted to meet a real red head. Pardon my manners, my name is Nora Halland and these boring guys here are Maja Anders, Christian Eirik, Liam Jackson and Sophia Mason we're in grade 10 but Maja is in grade 9" she said pointing to the girl in a blonde chunky Bob haircut and blue eyes, the boy at my right had blonde hair and blue eyes, the girl at the corner had dark hair and dark eyes and what was her name again... Nora she was a pure blonde with blue eyes. It just looked like everyone in this school was blessed with beauty. I slowly turned my head to the guy opposite me and godd... My mouth literally fell open.

He had brown curly hair and green eyes with the face of a Greek god, I'm like damnnn.

"Hello, helllooooo" Nora waved a hand at my face

"Oh... Sorry my name is Katie Kent and I'm new here, oh and I'm also in grade 10" I said still not taking my eyes off him

"Nice to meet you Katie and welcome to grey high, don't mind Mr George he can be mean sometimes but you'll get used to it" The blonde boy spoke

"Yeah I know right, he's so mean giving us too many assignments thank God I finished mine in time" Then all of them got into a conversation about the teachers, who was nice and who was mean meanwhile mr curly hair here didn't say a word, he just ate his food... he doesn't know I'm spying on him though, I'm side glancing.

"Don't you think so Liam?" Sophia asked

"Think what" he just spoke and his voice commands a whole nation

"That miss Elena is the nicest teacher here"

"Hmm, well she's not bad though" he said rubbing his chin, I donno what else he could do with those hands, raize a dumbell maybe Not that I'm imagining anything... 

"So what room are you in Katie"

Nora asked

"Block 1, room C4 "I said

"Wow OMG I'm in the same block but my room is B12, Sophia here is in block 1 too but B11, we're neighbors"she said beaming at Sophia "But Maja is in block 2" she finished 

"Okay so can you show me around tomorrow? I still don't know my way around" I had to ask someone for help.

"Sure thing we'll be happy to show you around, right guys?"

"Right" they all said

"You're part of us now and we take care of our own, I'm so glad I have a new friend!" Nora squealed. New friend well that was not in my agenda but who cares, I think I can have some fun with this guys and mr handsome here.

We finished dinner and went to our various dorms, I said my good byes to Nora and Sophia and I went up to my room. I need to hit the sack right now I'm so tired I could sleep in my check, I changed into my pj's and I just let sleep take over. Tomorrow is another day in Grey high, I can't say I like it here but I've got to atleast be prepared for my first day in class.

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