
Chapter 2. Reincarnation into another world

Jin could feel that he could open his eyes and could move his fingers.He tried to open his eyes and it worked.As soon as he opened his eyes he came across a very beautiful lady who was handling some herbs of sone sort. He did not talk yet and checked his surroundings.

The room looked better than the house that he lived in when he was on earth.The architecture was looking really old and it was not like that of Earth's. The room had very little furniture, with only a bed, a table and a book shelf with countable books. He then tried to sit up and discovered that he had very little power to move. Then he remembered that he had gained a system. If it was no a scam it should still be with him right. Better look for it after i am alone and there was no one in the room to prevent unexpected events. Just then the lady dressed in a maid costume looked at the bed only to scream and run out of the room.

A look of shock could be seen on his face. He was confused at why she ran out of the room. But then a moment later, the door was opened and a woman in her thirties came through the door and looking at the him on the bed. Then she came to the side of the bed. Jin looked at her as tears welled in her eyes and she had not said a word since she came in the room. Just then the system made used a monotone voice of a lady to say something in his mind.

[Memory fragments detected...Would you like to merge with the memory fragments..]

'I am sure that this memory fragment is the life of the boy that is me'

'Hey are you the system' he asked in his mind and hoping for an answer.

[Yes i am the system designed to fulfill all of the desires and wishes of the host] the system said.

[ yes, I am the system designed to fulfill all of the desires and wishes that the host had in his previous life and make sure you succeed] the system said.

[so now do you want to mere with the memory fragments now or later] the system said in a monotone voice.

'Yes, I would like to know how this person or me was before I was bed ridden' he said as he looked at the woman who was holding his hand and crying.

[Memory started merging with host and this may take some time]



<<9%...>> Then a sudden pain assaulted his brain at the 10% threshold.

'Hey what…what is this pain and where is it coming from' he asked the system while trying his best not to show it on his face.

[Host is assimilating with the memory so it's bound to give some pain. Would host like to buy the pain reduction function from the system?] the system asked.

'Of course, I will not like it if she sees me shriek with pain and add to her worries' he said and the system gave a notification.

[Host has bought the pain reduction function and host has a gift pack as a starter, as host is extremely poor] the system said emotionlessly.

'You don't have to remind me that I am poor okay just fuse me with the fragment' he said.




By this point he had already seen and from his memories that he was a prince of another country and he was bed ridden because of a disease that 'suddenly' happened when he attended a function.

The woman was his mother in this life and she was a former princess of a conquered nation. She gave birth to him and he was not as buffed up and talented as his brothers so he was ignored by his father.

This world was a cultivation world and it featured martial artists of different types and race. This was the kingdom of Roman and there were many other kingdoms on the continent. The flowing white continents was big and Jin had never travelled so the information ended here. They also had bloodlines that awakened when they reached the age of 15.

Unfortunately, he never awakened the bloodline hence he was forgotten to practice anything or introduce himself to other people. This was why he was in a crappy room despite being a prince. All the memories that he had fused with detailed his life and the hardships he had when he was at the palace.

<<100%....>> the memories have been merged and the host can access them.

Then he decided to talk with his mother of this life.

"Mother, how are you?" he said it in a 'sickly' manner to avoid awkwardness.

"You are finally awake son…you had me worried and stressed. Let's leave this place after this moment it is not worth it for you to die like this." She said as she got the point that her son was in danger.

"Okay mother we will do what you want till the time I am fine. So where are we going now?" he asked as he was not sure that they had no other place to go.

"I have a territory away on the edge of the kingdom we could aske the king for some time there and never come back here.

As it is the king has long forgotten that I am alive so yeah, we might as well go there".He spoke.

She was Lana, Lana Woods and she was the princess of the woods kingdom till the time that the Roman kingdom decided to invade and kill her whole family.

"I am going now to talk to his majesty and we can leave tomorrow."

She got up from her seat and looking at him for the last time rubbing his hair and then she let the maid take care of Jin.

"Young master, do you need anything?" she asked in a timid but cute way.

"I need nothing for the time being Lucy you can do whatever you were doing". He said and then went back to his sleeping posture.

'System can you show me the cultivation levels of this world' he said in his mind and the system responded.

>Body refinement stage< it has 5 stages

>Blood refining stage<also 5 stages

>Qi condensation stage<3 stages

>Earth spirit realm<3 stages

>Sky spirit realm<3 stages

>Profound spirit realm<3 stages

>Sovereign spirit realm<3 stages

>Heavenly realm<3 stages

>Divine realm<3 stages

>Immortal realm<3 stages

>God realm<4 stages.

>Unknown<stages unknown.

Just as he was about to ask the system about the unknown stages, the door was flung open and his mother came through the door and she was smiling.

"Jin we can leave tomorrow. Your father has agreed for us to go to my territory and we can stay as much as we want.

It was already evening and they had their food while his mother prepared for their journey. In his mind he swore that he was going to make his father pay for whatever hardship that his mother has faced in this life.

Mainly because in his previous life he had never done anything for his mother so he vowed to make the current mother happy and always protected. He had reincarnated,or more like transmigrated into this world and he was going to make sure not to mess it up and die again.

This is my first novel so it may be bumpy, so be patient and stay with me for a while.

Black_Flame_5481creators' thoughts