
day 1

It was a nice beautiful Sunday morning.the sky was clear the sun was out and the sea was calm. my friend shihim and I decided to go fishing up the islands. we packed all the necessary items such as water, food, and clothes we then got to the boat and set out on our to the islands.

when we arrived at lslronde we began fishing however we didn't catch any fish, so we moved to the other islands. the islands was also known as diamond rock. my friend shihim then threw the anchor to hold the boat. we were catching fish they so we spent about three hours on that spot .

then shihim told me 'kadeem' it's time to move to another spot. so shihim got in the back of the boat to start the engine. but the boat engine was not starting. so I went to help him. but the engine still did not start . I reached out in my bag to grab my phone to call for help but I wasn't getting any signal on the phone. the boat was drifting very fast because the wind was pressing violently. my friend shihim and I started rowing the boat but that was useless because the current was very strong and we weren't getting anywhere.

my friend shihim started panicking and crying. them I said to him don't worry we going to get help. Night was close by and the little food and water we had was almost finished. we weren't seeing any signs of rescue. days passed and still no signs of help. to make it worst the little food and water we had was finished. we were dizzy dehydrated and sad because of lack of water and food. I was starting to lose hope on rescue so my friend shihim and I started reminiscing about our friends and family and things we didn't get to tell them I open a necklace with my wife picture inside of it and started crying. then I kneel down on the boat praying asking God for help. and to please send rescue to save our lives my friend shihim couldn't take the pressure anymore so he took the pocket knife and stabbed himself in the chest killing him instantly.

I couldn't stop him from killing himself cause I was very wick. I think about killing myself to but then I remember I had a family so this keep me going strong. then the next morning I heard a loud sound I thought it was a whale so I didn't bother but the sound was getting louder and louder. then my mind just tell me watch out. when I watch out it was some local fisherman from trinidad approaching the boat. they then bring us ashow. and they deported my friend body back to his country. I was taken to the hospital way I spent about to weeks to recover after I get better. they then send me back to my country.