
Lost Arte

When Emilia, a 20-year-old architecture student, wakes up in a world completely different from hers, she embarks on an extraordinary adventure that echoes the tales she once read in novels. She is unsure how she ended up in this unfamiliar realm but soon discovers that the world around her reflects the fantastical stories she cherished during her precious breaks. Guided by forgotten tales and the pages of her own diary, Emilia encounters magical creatures, ancient ruins, and hidden dangers at every turn. Along the way, she learns to use her innate creativity and imagination, combined with her architectural skills, to shape the world around her and overcome the challenges in her path. As Emilia delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, she realizes that her presence may have far-reaching consequences beyond her imagination. She must confront her fears and doubts and embrace the power of storytelling to forge a new future for herself and those she holds dear.

Ahreu · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

New Reality

The morning sun filtered through the heavy curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Emilia woke slowly, her mind still groggy from the previous day's events. She lay still momentarily, trying to piece together everything that had happened. This world, the people calling her Juliana, the sudden authority figures—it all felt like a surreal dream.

A soft knock on the door broke her reveries. "Miss Juliana, may I come in?" It was Mariel, her voice gentle and familiar now.

"Yes, come in," Emilia replied, sitting up and smoothing down the intricate gown she had fallen asleep in.

Mariel entered, carrying a tray with a simple breakfast. "I thought you might be hungry. How are you feeling?"

Emilia sighed, taking a moment to choose her words. "Confused, mostly."

Mariel set the tray down on a small table by the window and sat beside her. "I can only imagine. Yesterday was... overwhelming, to say the least. But you are safe now, and we will help you recover from this."

'If only I could directly tell you guys the whole truth.'

Emilia's eyes drift to the window. The view outside was breathtaking—rolling hills, lush forests, and a distant castle tower. Everything seemed something out of a storybook.

'I need to understand more about this place and who I'm supposed to be.'

Mariel smiled gently as their eyes met. After meeting the Duke, Juliana's father, Emilia pretended that she lost her memories and asked Mariel, Juliana's personal maid, for help.

'We will take it one step at a time, Emilia. For now, breakfast, and then we can explore the estate. Remember what Mom and Dad have always told you. See and learn.'

As Emilia ate, she asked Mariel to explain more about her supposed life as Juliana. She learned she was a noblewoman, engaged to a powerful seventh prince, known to be the next King. Her father, the intimidating duke from the day before, was a well-respected lord in the kingdom. Her siblings were all men and knights serving in the kingdom's borders. The estate they were in was her family home, a sprawling mansion filled with history and secrets.

After breakfast, Mariel helped Emilia dress in more comfortable attire—a simpler dress that allowed for easier movement—and planned to adjust slowly. They stepped out into the hallway, and Emilia marveled at the intricate designs and craftsmanship of the architecture around her. Each corridor and room seemed to tell a story of its own.

Mariel pointed out various estate features as they walked and secretly named each staff they met. Everyone greeted her warmly, though she could see the curiosity and concern in their eyes. She tried to remember their names and roles, feeling responsible for those who now looked to her for guidance.

Their tour eventually led them outside, where the gardens were blooming. The air was fragrant with flowers, and Emilia felt peace as she took it all in. It starkly contrasted to the previous day's chaos, and she welcomed the tranquility.

"Juliana," Mariel said softly, breaking the silence. "I know this is a lot to take in, and you may not remember it. But you used to look like a drained flower about to die. As your cousin and personal maid who is supposed to help you, I apologize for my weakness and lack of wisdom. But whether you remember everything soon or not, don't feel pressured and take your time. I know you still have that strength within you that I have always admired since young. You will find it and your true place in this world soon. I'm sure of it."

'Although that was meant for the real Juliana, it's weird that it somehow worked for me.'

As they continued their walk, Emilia's mind began to clear. She still had many questions and uncertainties, but for now, she would focus on adapting to this new reality. She was determined to make the best of her situation, to learn and grow, and perhaps, in time, to uncover the mysteries of her part and place in this world.


Later that afternoon, Emilia returned to the estate's grand library. The room was vast, with shelves stretching from floor to ceiling, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls. She was eager to dive into these books, hoping they might offer some answers about this world and her place in it.

She browsed the shelves and pulled out a large, leather-bound book titled "The History of Aeloria." Settling into a plush armchair, she began to read, immersing herself in the kingdom's rich history. The more she read, the more she understood about the world she was now a part of. Aeloria was a land of magic and tradition, with a complex political structure and a deep reverence for knowledge and craftsmanship.

Emilia's architectural background came alive as she studied the detailed descriptions of the kingdom's grand structures—castles, cathedrals, and bridges that spanned great rivers. She marveled at the ingenuity and artistry of the builders, feeling a connection to them through their shared passion for creating something beautiful and enduring.

As the hours passed, the library grew dim with the setting sun. Emilia closed the book and leaned back, her mind racing with new ideas and questions. She felt a renewed sense of purpose. Perhaps her architectural skills could be of use here. She could contribute to this world just as she had dreamed on her own.

A soft knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Mariel entered with a warm smile on her face. "Juliana, dinner is ready. Would you like to join the family in the dining hall?"

Emilia nodded, standing up and stretching. "Yes, thank you. I could use a break."

As they walked to the dining hall, Mariel chatted about the estate's upcoming events and the guests visiting. Emilia listened intently, trying to absorb as much information as possible.

The dining hall was just as grand as the rest of the estate, with a long table set where you could find china and silverware. Emilia took her seat, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. Her father, the stern nobleman, sat at the head of the table, his expression unreadable. She glanced around, taking in the faces of her supposed family and trying to memorize their names and roles.

Dinner was a formal affair with courses of exotic dishes and polite conversation. Emilia tried to participate, though she mostly listened, absorbing the nuances of their speech and behavior. Her father occasionally glanced her way, his eyes sharp and assessing. She knew she needed to earn his trust and prove herself worthy of the role she was expected to play.

After dinner, Emilia excused herself and returned to her room, exhausted but determined. She sat by the window, gazing at the moonlit landscape and reflecting on the day's events. This world was strange and challenging, but it also held immense potential. She was ready to embrace it, to learn and grow, and to find her place in this new reality.

Emilia closed her eyes deeply, letting the day's experiences wash over her. Tomorrow would bring new challenges and opportunities, and she was ready to face them.

"I might be far from home, but I am not alone. Juliana had allies and resources at her disposal, and I would use them to build a future in this world... One brick... at a time...."