
Lost Arte

When Emilia, a 20-year-old architecture student, wakes up in a world completely different from hers, she embarks on an extraordinary adventure that echoes the tales she once read in novels. She is unsure how she ended up in this unfamiliar realm but soon discovers that the world around her reflects the fantastical stories she cherished during her precious breaks. Guided by forgotten tales and the pages of her own diary, Emilia encounters magical creatures, ancient ruins, and hidden dangers at every turn. Along the way, she learns to use her innate creativity and imagination, combined with her architectural skills, to shape the world around her and overcome the challenges in her path. As Emilia delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, she realizes that her presence may have far-reaching consequences beyond her imagination. She must confront her fears and doubts and embrace the power of storytelling to forge a new future for herself and those she holds dear.

Ahreu · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Dear Diary

Today, I woke up to a reality that's not my own. It's disorienting, to say the least. One moment, I was in my cozy dorm room, thumbing through my notes for tomorrow's exam, and the next, I found myself in a world that felt strangely familiar yet utterly foreign. It's like being dropped into the pages of an isekai story I read ages ago but never thought would come to life.

Everything around me seems both breathtakingly beautiful and unnervingly strange. The air carries scents I can't quite place, and the sky is a canvas of colors I've only ever seen in dreams. As I ventured further into this unfamiliar landscape, memories stirred within me. It's as if I've been here before, not physically, but perhaps in another lifetime or within the realms of imagination.

I can't shake off the feeling that this world is somehow connected to the stories I used to immerse myself in. The magic, the creatures, the very essence of it all—it's too reminiscent of those fantastical tales that captured my imagination as a child. But how did I end up here? Was it a dream gone too far or a glitch in the fabric of reality?

Despite the initial shock and confusion, a part of me feels strangely exhilarated. It's like embarking on the adventure of a lifetime that I never thought possible. But with excitement comes apprehension. What dangers lurk in the shadows of this world? And, more importantly, how do I find my way back home?

I'll document my experiences, gather my courage, and tread carefully. Who knows what secrets this world holds or what mysteries lie beyond the horizon? As uncertain as the future may be, I'll face it head-on, armed with nothing but my wits and the faint whispers of forgotten stories. Perhaps, in this unknown world, I'll find the answers I seek and discover a side of myself I never knew existed. Until then, this diary shall be my faithful companion, recording every twist and turn of this extraordinary journey.