
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

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As we kept watching, time passed. While knowing that soon the time to prepare food had come, I smiled.

While looking at Paula, I said what I want, to prepare.

When she nodded after hearing me. She smiled, and we moved to the kitchen. When we got there, preparations had begun. Paula helped with it and helped me so much.

When we had done this all the time to make it, all became. While doing it, time passed. When we had done this all, I smiled. While looking at Paula, she smiled and said, "So now the time had come to end all."

"Yes," I said. When Paula smiled and looked at me, we all continued. While doing it, all the time passed.

After ending it, all as only leaving in the oven to bake food, I smiled, and when Paula hugged me, she said, "So as we have time."

"Oh," I only said, and while she started kissing me, I smiled and looked at her. When she had done this, I moved my hands on her back.

While doing it, ringing doors came.

Hearing it, I looked at Paula and said, "So we will need to pass this on the side.

Hearing me, she nodded, and when I smiled we came to the doors. When Paula opened them, she said, "Godmother."

"Oh, you are living here," Paula's godmother's voice came.

When she looked at us, she said, "Can I come in?"

"Oh, please," I said. When Paula's godmother came in, I walked to the kitchen and started preparing everything. When I moved everything to the table, I smiled. Paula and her godmother kept talking. Hearing it, I asked, "Tea or coffee."


Hearing her words, I nodded, and when I started waiting for the kettle to end. While doing it, Paula gave her godmother a gift.

Seeing it, I smiled, and while looking at it, all I could see was her giving Paula something. Seeing it, I looked back at the kettle. As it is ending.

Hearing it, I smiled, and when I prepared tea, I walked to the table. When I left it there, I sat and kept listening to their talk. A few times, I added a few words.

At one point, ringing doors came. Hearing it, Paula's godmother said, "Oh, someone else."

"Mine godmother. Godfather can't come," I said. When she nodded, I smiled and walked to the doors.

When I smiled and opened the doors, my godmother had come in. Seeing her, she hugged me and said, "Oh, Jack, you shouldn't grow a beard."

"Oh, I forgot to shave."

Hearing me, she smiled and said, "You look like Josh when he started growing one."

When I nodded, she smiled, and while seeing that someone else was there, she asked, "Oh, we meet once again."

"Yes, Linda. We meet once again."

"Oh, you know each other?" Paula asked.

"We were in the same class in high school," Paula's godmother's voice came. Hearing her, I nodded, and when I smiled, I walked to the gift for the godmother.

While having it, I gave it to her, and when she nodded and checked, I made tea for her. As she said about it before I could ask.

While seeing that everything in the oven is being made, I smiled, and when I came with it, I smiled, and the talks continued.

Hearing that the food was ready, I smiled and came with it to the table. After seeing what we have here, Paula's godmother asked, "Some wine?"

"I don't drink. Maybe Paula has some here."

"Oh, really?" she asked. Hearing her words, I nodded and said, "Just prefer not to. It is easier to live without something like that."

"At high school, we drank. During university too. Right, Linda."

"Oh, let's not come back to this dark time. Jack, maybe with high school friends you should catch up and have a beer. Oh, better idea. With one from university," the godmother said. Hearing her words, I looked at her.

"Sorry, I forgot."

Hearing her, I nodded, and as Paula's godmother looked at us, she said, "What?"

"Outcast," I said shortly. When she nodded while looking at me, she said, "You should catch up with some people from the university."

"I am on two studies at the same time. After coming back home, I have time to eat and spend around an hour with Paula. After this sleep. As of eight, once again studies start," I said. Hearing me, Paula's godmother nodded.

Seeing it, I smiled, and we moved on from this topic. We started eating as we do not have any wine there. Paula, probably with Emily, and Lucy had done it.

Knowing it, I smiled, and after eating, we talked for some time. With time, passing all came to an end.

As they walked out to catch up. I smiled and looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she said, "Good one."

"I know," I said. When Paula smiled, I looked at her, and we moved to clean. After ending it, I looked at her and asked, "Oh, what you had received?"

"Oh, jewellery," Paula said while smiling. When I nodded, she said, "You."

"Oh, look yourself."

Hearing me, she nodded and checked what the godmother had given me. Seeing it, she said, "Oh, nice pen."

"I know. I will leave it there. As I can see that it has gold."

Hearing me, she nodded and as I smiled moved it to the side. When I put it on the shelf, I smiled and came to Paula. When she looked at me, she hugged me.

After doing it, I smiled, and while looking at her, she sat on my lap and said, "So now. Time to spend time together."

"Oh, this we can move for later. Now we can spend some together."

When Paula nodded, I smiled, and we sat and started watching. While doing it, all the time passed.

After having some fun after we had a shower, and not long after, we fell asleep. Tomorrow we will pack, and we will fly out of the country.